The Officer's Club Bar

"I can't do that, Mr. Security Officer." But Durandal's best quote is definitely "If nothing is working around here, it's because I'm laughing so hard.".

-Traek Cicion of the Taeskor
"Never tell me the odds!"
-Han Solo
"Then we'll do it real quiet-like."

looks around as a thought strikes his mind
"Hey, if slug is dead, how come when the dimensional fold came in, the spot where he was from says The Hatares Sector? does this mean that somehow, somewhere, slug is still alive? was the being that died on his ship just a construct? is he hiding himself for selfish reasons? oh well..."
takes a long pull of the root beer (which someone spiked earlier, making it true beer)
*passes out... :redface: *

(congrats, nearly 800, lets make it over 1000!!! :D)

"Those the gods wish to destroy, they first make mad! bwahahahaha (maniacal laughter)" Xanthos from Baldur's Gate

(This message has been edited by Piemur1 (edited 11-24-2000).)


Originally posted by Taeskor Cicion:
**"I can't do that, Mr. Security Officer." But Durandal's best quote is definitely "If nothing is working around here, it's because I'm laughing so hard.".

How could I have forgotten those. Those are too funny.

Error: target is violating the laws of physics
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Error: unable to determine if target exists or not
Error: target cannot be hit


Originally posted by Piemur1:
**looks around as a thought strikes his mind
"Hey, if slug is dead, how come when the dimensional fold came in, the spot where he was from says The Hatares Sector? does this mean that somehow, somewhere, slug is still alive? was the being that died on his ship just a construct? is he hiding himself for selfish reasons? oh well..."

The Hatares sector is where the battle took place. It's generally assumed I'm in the Hatares sector, in billions of pieces.

pulls out jigsaw puzzle
Okay, wanna have some fun?

Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.
-Alduran Outlaw Rick Blazer

Ahh...Slug, that would explain what this is. I found it floating around. holds up a Salrillian organ

With war there is great amounts of death. Men and women make themselves known, doing dangerous feats in their attempt to become heroes.
Some succeed, some don't...

Have some respect for the dead! j/k

That organ wouldn't be mine. I was in an explosion that would have most likely atomized me. If I wasn't blown into atoms, then I was very lucky and I have a whole dead body, but even if the body, erm, survived it would have been caught in the dimensional folds and pulled into the StarLance universe.

Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.
-Alduran Outlaw Rick Blazer

Then you're in the StarLance universe, and should update.

Error: target is violating the laws of physics
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Error: unable to determine if target exists or not
Error: target cannot be hit

I said I might be in the StarLance universe.

Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.
-Alduran Outlaw Rick Blazer

Calm down, everybody. We could always have Sargatanus could always find some way to CLONE him, and enlighten him, and then we could un-enlighten him and bring him back. If we have to.

Didn't the Aftermath say that those three Slug Battle Group ships disappeared near the Hatares Sector? Is that something to do with it as well?

It must be me; I come back, the Barbarossa blows up, Slug dies, Axis Minor and Obain are nuked, and...



"Anything that can be achieved using magic can be achieved using technology." -Salrillian Illegal Publicist ekt-Herna in his last message to the Salrillian public.


Originally posted by 8 Lightnings:
It must be me; I come back, the Barbarossa blows up, Slug dies, Axis Minor and Obain are nuked...

Hey, when I came back the whole Nijayias Empire had just been crushed, and a good many of its planets nuked. It's coming back in general. Should Cicion go away, poor, poor Phylydions 😉

Error: target is violating the laws of physics
Error: target is locally exceeding c
Error: unable to determine if target exists or not
Error: target cannot be hit

Nothing bad would happen to the Imperium since I don't generally command any ships. The reason the Nijayias Empire fell was because you left along with over half of the Nijayias military force.

-Traek Cicion of the Taeskor
"Never tell me the odds!"
-Han Solo
"Then we'll do it real quiet-like."


Originally posted by Taeskor Cicion:
**Nothing bad would happen to the Imperium since I don't generally command any ships. The reason the Nijayias Empire fell was because you left along with over half of the Nijayias military force.

Uhh, all I that got destroyed by the wormhole was 1 of our gateships. That is something like .3% of our forces.
The something bad happening to the Imperium is pure conjecture 😉 (aka a joke).

Error: target is violating the laws of physics
Error: target is locally exceeding c
Error: unable to determine if target exists or not
Error: target cannot be hit

Ick, now the formats all messed up. Well Slug, an organ being found is more believeable than a vial of atoms.

an idea pops into his head

With war there is great amounts of death. Men and women make themselves known, doing dangerous feats in their attempt to become heroes.
Some succeed, some don't...

Do you have any Gaitor ade? 😄

Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.
-Alduran Outlaw Rick Blazer

Well, the fleet may not have gone with you, but it did leave at about the same time, trust me. That's the only way that a few major crime syndicates and an anciet Phylydion rebellion's remains could have taken it over and still have enough firepower to be a threat to the Imperium.

And Slug, I do just happen to have some of that new drink made on Gaitor. (Pours a glass.) Hope you don't mind a high sugar content. Well, I took that droid of mine back through the wormhole to Shug Ninx's.(If you remember, Phylydions originally came to the Ares universe through a wormhole connecting it to the Star Wars universe, but it shortly collapsed into a tiny rift that few know the location of and only tiny ships can go through.)

-Traek Cicion of the Taeskor
"Never tell me the odds!"
-Han Solo
"Then we'll do it real quiet-like."

Actually, there's a very easy (compaired to straight-up military conquest) way to do take us over. Like the Empire in Star Wars, we need our emporer to provide unity. Unlike them, we not only don't fight very well, but become less able in general, and also depressed and/or violent.

Killing the Emporer wasn't too hard for a sufficiently motivated group of pure Taeskors lead by Verad (I've got security camera footage). They then used the Nijayias of the crime syndicates who weren't affected by the collapse of the links to take control. We're conditioned to need mental links, and weren't able to resist effectively. Military numbers were irrelevant, we just couldn't fight back.

Error: target is violating the laws of physics
Error: target is locally exceeding c
Error: unable to determine if target exists or not
Error: target cannot be hit

wakes up
"hey! who spiked my root oh, i heard that theres pirates running around with a lost fleet...anyone need any help? i've come from another universe when that starlance thingy came in and after it got blewed up, my ship got hurt i fixed it up, but need some form of income...dont-cha-know? my ship is very adaptable, it can be outfitted in almost any a minelayer, cruiser, cloaked scoutship, armed fuel/goods transport, anything, just tell me what you need...i think i will be sleeping here for a while, just wake me up..."
slumps forward as if he never talked and starts snoring 5 seconds later...

(4 more posts until 800!!!)

"Those the gods wish to destroy, they first make mad! bwahahahaha (maniacal laughter)" Xanthos from Baldur's Gate

Enters the bar (officially)
Anyone here need jobs?
I've got a combat operation going down soon, and anyone who could be there will be payed as well as I can afford.
Oh, Cicion, Nerec said he might help with some medium vessles if someone voluteered to lead the force. We're old friends, so if you could back me up, I'd appreciate it.

Error: target is violating the laws of physics
Error: target is locally exceeding c
Error: unable to determine if target exists or not
Error: target cannot be hit

wakes up upon hearing "need jobs?"
"What? Do i need jobs?! Yes! Where can I sign up?"
gets up so excitedly he trips over the chair, getting up and brushing off dust from his uniform, he goes up to Darkk and shakes his hand
"Here's your man!"
hands Darkk a holographic projector disk that shows his ship seemingly to rotate in midair
"The specifications of her are inside...what do you need her to do? What outfits will you need? What kind of operations will be done? Scouting? Combat? Minelaying? Just tell me what you need and my men will get working on it right away!"

"Those the gods wish to destroy, they first make mad! bwahahahaha (maniacal laughter)" Xanthos from Baldur's Gate

(This message has been edited by Piemur1 (edited 12-01-2000).)

Oh! Yes! I get to...


"Anything that can be achieved using magic can be achieved using technology." -Salrillian Illegal Publicist ekt-Herna in his last message to the Salrillian public.