The Officer's Club Bar

Page #10!

(This message has been edited by Sargatanus (edited 06-14-2000).)

Suddenly, the lighting fails for a moment. A loud, deafening clap startles everyone. The floor shakes and the walls flex painfully. The quake dies down, leaving everyone dazed and confused

A few hours later, the chief engineers arrive back to Cicion after a thorough inspection of the station for any damage

" We've checked all the systems and even the outer hull, and there's no damage. As a matter of fact, there's no record of anything unusual in the station's computer! "

With the wave of his arm, the Taeskor dismisses the Engineers and everyone returns to their normal routines in the bar, if a bit shaken

(This message has been edited by Commodore Williams (edited 06-14-2000).)

Whoa! What was that?

picks up his congealed beer and resumes chewing

Oh well, munch I guess it was nothing. Pass me some of 'dem Pickled Gaitori eggs, plz!

**Cotton Mouse prefers plain pickled cucumbers

"That was very odd, why did the sensors show nothing? I can't belive michael jackson could walk into a bar without being cought by the scanners! Get Him!!!"

"...Cotton Mouse... to say that the plug is royally messed up is an understatement. I'm taking a look at it with Plug Checker, and some of these errors I have just never seen before..."-Obormot, debugger

ERA for EV:

(still in alpha stages)

Hey everybody!

Any children under 10 on these boards?

**Licks his lips

Wonders what happened. Then a message flashes on his wrist pad. Angel was right. The rebels who helped the Nijayias crime syndicates take over most of their empire has attacked the border of the Phylydion Imperium. Several colonies have been slagged with Phylydion and Nijayias ships. Our navy isn't strong enough to protect our empire and the outskirts of Nijayia at the same time.

-Traek Cicion of the Taeskor

"Never tell me the odds!"
-Han Solo

I could send a decent-sized fleet if you wish, my shipyards have been quite busy lately. It's the least I can do for a friend.

Cicion almost nods, but remembers the words of the dead man in the store room and hesitates

Throughout their history these "unenlightened" beings have continually opposed and fought abuses of power wrought by their own bretheren. We, as the prophets would do well to learn from these Humans.
-Final statement of the Salrilian reformist Sirthis shortly before his execution.

(This message has been edited by Sargatanus (edited 06-16-2000).)

Perhaps. Oh, and also, the High Octicon has given me command of a fleet. Never been done to a Taeskor before, but we need all the fleet commanders we can get. I am once again in command of the Phylydia, although not of the Primary Armada. Let me see the specs for this fleet you could send.

-Traek Cicion of the Taeskor

"Never tell me the odds!"
-Han Solo

The bar suddenly begins to tremble again (but a bit softer than before) and everyone goes silent. A few drinks that Cicion is holding splash over their rims. There is a slight rattle as the furniture shakes.

"What the hell's up with all these 'quakes all of a sudden?" Someone in the back of the bar asks after the tremors die down.

After the shaking stops, everyone (who are now used to these now common tremors) returns to their normal activities

A pair of Obiard Technicions with confused expressions inform Cicion : "We're stumped. There's no damage or anything anywhere on the station. It's as if these tremors never happened."

With a slicing action, Cicion dismisses the Obiards and goes off to refill the drinks he was holding

Someone mumbles : "Why does a Taeskor have to work in a bar...?"

World War 1 was fought with Machine Guns and Cannons.
World War 2 was fought with bombs and missiles.
I don't know what World War 3 will be fought with, but it will be so terrible that
World War 4 will be fought with stone clubs.

Steven Hawkings,
-A Brief History of Time

A man wanders into the bar totally oblivious to what's going on and sits down in a secluded corner. He looks around uneasily.

"Pan-galactic gargle blaster, please" he says.

All of a suden he starts yelling about how unfair it is that a multitude of space flamingos raided his star cruser.

"All I know is that all of a sudden there's a big pink blob on my view screen. I try the wind sheld wipers and it says. "Okay, I'll go away. But I'll be back with friends!" And the next thing I know-"

He becomes aware of the strange lookes every one is giving him. He rams his head into the bar counter and goes unconcious.

The space ships hung in the air much in the same way bricks don't.

Why is it that the more civilized the civilization, the more people they kill?

(This message has been edited by Wikatatakatawata (edited 06-17-2000).)

Ferazel walks in wearing a flight-suit thats one or two sizes to Large, He pushes the unconsious man off his chair and dumps his pan-galacktic-gargel-blaster on his head and sits down

Could i have a XXXXXXXXXXXXXXL Sprite/Root Beer/your choice of fruit juice to go please.

Ferazel starts yaking about blowin up Aud carriers with a "slightly" hehehe upgraded Ishiman fighter

Ferazel the goblin frizzler 🆒

"What was that for?" sayes the man waking from unconciousness.
Not waiting for a reply he gets up and goes to sit in an even more secluded corner of the bar. He orders another Pan-galactic gargle blaster and drinks it in one gulp. He becomes quite cross eyed and goes unconcious again.

The space ships hung in the air much in the same way bricks don't.

Why is it that the more civilized the civilization, the more peole they kill?

(This message has been edited by Wikatatakatawata (edited 06-17-2000).)

Pulls out a rolled up object and rolls it out like a sheet of paper. Once unrolled, it flickers on like a monitor. He motions to Cicion.

Well, as it stands now I have two main fleets I could spare. Verad's 7th, and Calsev's (an enhanced Cantharan) 13th. Both have the newest generation of ships, Verad's being my former fleet, and Calsev's being the most advanced of the Cantharans'. Verad's fleet is headed by my former flagship the Absolution and contains four new assult carriers, each with a compliment of twelve new Archangel fighters, ten standard carriers, twenty HVD's, fourty-nine gunship/cruiser squads, and fifteen repair and support units.

Calsev's is a bit larger boasting fourteen enhanced carriers, ninteen HVD's, fifty-three gunship/cruiser squand, and seventeen repair and support units. All Cantharan, of course.

In adition, I could also provide an Audemedon battalion for defense and close military support across all fronts. A few Audemedons can do quite a bit when used properly.

Now, if it get's to the point where planets are being raided, I can provide three legions of my new shock troops for seizing planets, and two battalions of ground support, including tetrashield generators capable of Death Blossom for key strategical targets.

Verad would station along the Nijayia/Phylydion border, since he is closest and that is where the most fighting is likely to occur, and Calsev would station along the Nijayia/Salril border for blitzkriging.

But this does leave the matter of reimbursement. If it is limited to space combat then my fee is strictly monetary, and to be negotiated with the High Octicon. If it resorts to ground combat (which is most likely) then I want in addition the Verasi system. You have only a small industrial colony there, and it carves into my space like an arrow. Again, all this is to be discussed with the High Octicon. All I ask of you is a clean bar tab. What do you say?

Throughout their history these "unenlightened" beings have continually opposed and fought abuses of power wrought by their own bretheren. We, as the prophets would do well to learn from these Humans.
-Final statement of the Salrilian reformist Sirthis shortly before his execution.

(This message has been edited by Sargatanus (edited 06-17-2000).)

Well, You could hire the SS Barbarossa, She's been patched back together after our last mission... Damn Escort carriers... But whatever, We3 have a willing crew, and if you look on the resume, you can see that we have captured countless ships of every shape and size, four battle stations, two starbases, and one Mining convoy worth Ninety Billion Credits... hehehe... Cash will be fine, also, We get salvage rights on any... Colatteral damage...

::finished making his presentation(which was complete with charts, graphs and diagrams with lots of good clipart) he puts a contract down on the table with a pen::

"Trust me"

-Captain Mark Pharris,
SS Barbarossa,
"No job is too big, No price is too big, when you want someone to do your dirty work for you, call the SS Barbarossa. The most feared Pirates in the known universe"


(This message has been edited by Captain Pharris (edited 06-17-2000).)

We don't need any army support, Sarg, but thanks for the offer. As for the fleets, their best use is to spread around the outskirts of Nijayia to defend against attacks from inside so that the Phylydion fleet can defent its territory. I'm going to the Imperium's capital world, Dominus, tomorrow. You can come if you wish to discuss the matter with the High Octicon.

-Traek Cicion of the Taeskor

"Never tell me the odds!"
-Han Solo

A Phylydion fleet flashes into existense next to the bar as it comes out of Omni space. It is a small fleet, not particularly impressive looking, but then its flagship comes into view. It is the famous Emperor-class Grand Carrier Phylydia, named after the small area that the Phylydions had conquered when it was first built and when it drove off the species which had taken them over. One of the mysteries of the Phylydia is how the Phylydion Resistance managed to muster the resources, manpower, and secrecy required to build it during such hard times. The carrier approaches the bar, six miles long, studded with turrets and missle ports. And here, Sargatanus, is our transport to Dominus. The docking bay doors open and Jackal Squadron lauches and lands at the bar. Twelve Phylydion pilots walk in and take seats at the bar. Welcome, boys. Have a drink, on the house. Hands out drinks.

-Traek Cicion of the Taeskor

"Never tell me the odds!"
-Han Solo

(This message has been edited by Taeskor Cicion (edited 06-19-2000).)

(This message has been edited by Taeskor Cicion (edited 06-23-2000).)

Thanks for the offer, but I will find my own wat there. My temporary flagship the Vindictive can be here within hours. It is the prototype (as usual) for the new G'sahl (translation: Vindictive) class Battle cruiser. I say temporary because my soon-to-be flagship won't be finished for about 18 months. It's a huge undertaking, but with the primary structure of the Ring finished, we have some impressive construction equipment available.

But thanks again for the hospitality. It's been some time since the Salrilians have had diplomatic contact with eachother, I think this will be only the second time as a matter of fact. This should be interesting.

Verad, get in contact with Calsev. Have him randevous withy you 36 hours before the conference, then meet me at the location of the conference.

Verad gives a slow nod and walks out briskly.

Throughout their history these "unenlightened" beings have continually opposed and fought abuses of power wrought by their own bretheren. We, as the prophets would do well to learn from these Humans.
-Final statement of the Salrilian reformist Sirthis shortly before his execution.

(This message has been edited by Sargatanus (edited 06-19-2000).)

Nobody notices as the bar begins to rumble again. A few plaques on the wall rattle, and Cicion subconsciously holds them in place.

"What was that?" the newcomer pilots ask as the tremors die down.

"Oh, ya mean the rumblings?" Cicion replies, "They're a common occurence now. We're not quite sure what they are, but they don't seem to be affecting anything so we don't care."

"Actually," Sargantanus comments, "They're kind'a relaxing. I don't really notice them any more."

The mood in the bar doesn't even change as the bar begins to rumble again, and the new pilots look about uneasily....

World War 1 was fought with Machine Guns and Cannons.
World War 2 was fought with bombs and missiles.
I don't know what World War 3 will be fought with, but it will be so terrible that
World War 4 will be fought with stone clubs.

Steven Hawkings,
-A Brief History of Time

::The captain enters the bar and looks around, sober for the first time in weeks. The bar is empty, as it is early in the afternoon. seeing that his crew is all cleared out, he goes up to Cicion, who is quietly wiping down the counter::

I'd like to settle the bar tab for my crew this week. I know we've been a little rowdy, but I hope you'll forgive them, we have spent the last three months tracking down and destroying a colony supply convoy, and then when we went to get payed, the bastard tried to cheat me, naturally, I boarded and took his flagship and made him pay(our boarding parties can be very... persuasive) Of course once we took off with the cash, the fleet took out their anger on us... but we'd layed explosives in the flagship's antimatter drive... hehe... that's a five trillion credit flagship yaknow, took em six years to build! but... enough, I must be boring you, how much is the tab?

::Cicion turns around and looks at the computer... it spends a few minutes churning heavily, finally it beeps and cicion looks at it. he turns around slowly::

"maybe you should sit down and have a drink first..."

::the captain pulls up a chair and sits at the bar::

Make it a saliian brandy, double tall...

-Captain Pharris


With a crackle of static, one of the bar screens lights up, and Sundered Angel's potrait appears. The reception is terrible.

Cicion, I've got bad news. You know that strip of planets in the Galactic East of your race's control? I've just arrived in the thick of the fighting and-

Static crackles, covering the next few sentences.

Look, they're all over me right now. About a dozen of those bloody
crackle fighters are swarming me, and they're everything they're cracked up to be. Is Sargantanus there?

There's a loud BOOM and Sundered's features glow orange for a few seconds. He starts swearing.

Damnit! Those things are too bloody fast! Anyway, tell screen distorts, and Sundered Angel dissapears for a moment that I'd recognise those carriers anywhere, and those fighters, and that urgent action is going to be taken. Got that? Good. I-

His eyes widen, and a red glow shows, an instant before static resumes again. But this time, it lasts...

Sundered Angel ,
The One and Only

Ares Webboard Moderator, and all-around Nice Guy