The Officer's Club Bar

Sundered Angel watches this silently... This could turn nasty... He then motions Jane over.

Sundered Angel ,
The One and Only

We don't want to use them in our military. We aren't going to actually use them for anything. They will still be officially and mainly under your control. We just will make sure that they will not be able to fight us in a war. He stops suddenly, turns around casually, then whips around and throws his knife. It thunks into the cloth wall dividing the bar from the docking area , and a muffled cry is heard. Cicion walks over and tears a hole in the wall. A Phylydion replica droid falls back, the knife in its chest. The droid is holding a sniper rifle. Droids come and take the "assassin" away, then repair the wall. Cicion walks back behind the bar and sheaths his knife. More Taeskor training. They make sure you have hightened senses, too. *The singer launches into "Route 66".

Commander Cicion, commander of Phylydion Primary Armada

"Never tell me the odds!"
-Han Solo

Suddenly, with no warning, Sundered Angel hurls a small object very fast at Cicion. His reflexes are superb, however, and he catches it with ease - It's an egg. And it's unbroken.

Not bad, Cicion, not bad. Could I have another Devil's Breath?

Sundered Angel ,
The One and Only

Another D's B, coming up.

Commander Cicion, commander of Phylydion Primary Armada

"Never tell me the odds!"
-Han Solo

I will not allow you to dominate what is solely the property of the prophets. Our government isn't currently at war with anyone, as all of our rescources have been requisitioned to repair one of the cough rings, so STOP PICKING ON US.

You think it's really cool to gang up on our supply routes and habitats, but when we send the big guns in, you just run. We find that most annoying.

But maybe I'm just paranoid. Anyways, I'll have another Pangalactic GB, please 😉


I do not suffer from insanity
I enjoy every minute of it

-Cantharan Admiral za'Grom
After the capture of Earth

We aren't going to dominate them, and we won't have much control over them. We will just ensure their peacefullness towards our species. Slug, as for your
"Not allowing" me to do it, you have no say in the matter. The High Octicon has made its decision.

By the way, what do you mean, we run away when the big guns are brought in? When we attacked the Ring, for example, we destroyed the big guns, which had been there the whole time. Perhaps you refer to the numerous hit-and-run attacks made by PhylSec before Sargatanus was made Haruspex? Those ships got out before the big guns were even notified. Perhaps you should beef up your defenses.

Commander Cicion, commander of Phylydion Primary Armada

"Never tell me the odds!"
-Han Solo

Im working on a new weapon desighn, it will be unamaginably hellish and apocyoliptic. See what youd do is fire it at an enemy's sun, then it will cause the star to collapse into a black hole, and if thats not enough it will also cause the singularitys event horizons to cancel each other out forming a naked singularity! The physically existing form of pure chaos! Then the beings of choas will rule all! The only race to see such an event was the Yanordeh, but as soon as the Shafyoruq (thats their name for the beings of choas) were released they were enveloped by it and were never seen again. The Shafyoruq were just about to take over the Universe (planning to then take over the Multiverse) but were trapped again by a multidimensional rift that formed a event horizon. The work of a extradimensional species no doubt. But when I personally free them they will reward me greatly, and noone will be able to stop me!

Unless, of course, you never finish the weapon designs, or you don't get a chance to use that weapon. *Four Taeskors come out of the shadows, and the slight folds in their sleeves show the positions of their daggers. One sits at the table in front of Nak'goek's, one behind, and the other two to both sides.

Commander Cicion, commander of Phylydion Primary Armada

"Never tell me the odds!"
-Han Solo

Information and History of Taeskors: When the High Octicon became the ruling body of the Phylydion Interstellar Imperium, they decided that they should have a military force completely under their control and answering only to them. These soldiers would be elite, the best of the troops trained far more rigorously than standard Phylydion troops. Thus the Taeskors were created. Tae (Tay-eh) is the Phylydion word for loyalty, dedication, and honor. Sko(skoh) is a word for excellence, outstandingness and proudness. These were combined to form the word Taeskor(Tay-eh-skore). The process of training per year is more or less this: The High Octicon first finds the 500,000 most naturally capable Phylydion soldiers(strongest, fastest, best senses, reflexes, etc.) Of those, it takes the 100,000 best trained and most experienced. Those 100,000 are taken to Jaltir IV, Phylydion navy H.Q. They are put through a training process similar to those of Saurdaukar in Dune, or Imperial Royal Guards in Star Wars. After an intese year of training in all areas, the top half of the trainees are taken. They are then put through a training which involves real combat situations which could happen at any time(This is the training that I am currently going through). Only about a third of the trainees usually survive this segment. After several months of this training, Those that did survive are sent on a real mission deep in enemy territory. If they complete the mission, they are granted Taeskorship. Types of Taeskor:

Pure Taeskor: These are the best OF the Taeskors. Completely independant. Loyal and extremely efficient. No armor. Their only weapons are daggers. Used as assassins, bodyguards to the Octicates, and infiltrators. Of the 5,000 in active service every year, one or two are killed per year.

Taeskor Commando: Wear light armor and full helmets. Carry flare bolt rifles and pistols. Used as front-line soldiers, boarding parties, and guards of maximum importance buildings and ships.

Taeskor Pathfiner: These soldiers are trained to operate on planets with hostile environments. They are dropped down to planets to establish beachheads and bases for the standard troops.

So, if I become a Pure Taeskor, which I have been selected for if I complete this upcoming mission, the drawback is that I lose command of all of my ships. It is worth it. Pure Taeskorship is the highest honor a Phylydion soldier can recieve.

Commander Cicion, commander of Phylydion Primary Armada

"Never tell me the odds!"
-Han Solo

Angel, Cicion, Jane, Darkk (if he ever shows up again) send me detailed descriptions of your characters so I can use sketches in the intro file for my plug. I also might make an online comic if I can find a decent illustrator.

Throughout their history these "unenlightened" beings have continually opposed and fought abuses of power wrought by their own bretheren. We, as the prophets would do well to learn from these Humans.
-Final statement of the Salrilian reformist Sirthis shortly before his execution.

I think the posts on the character dossier post are detailed enough to make sketches.

Commander Cicion, commander of Phylydion Primary Armada

"Never tell me the odds!"
-Han Solo

Well, Sargatanus, if that admiral you were talking about gets here before I return, tell him to make himself at home. This is a very important mission for me. Flare, take me aboard. Cicion disappears from the room and reappears on the bridge of the Radiant Flare. All right, let's get this mission started. The Flare disappears into Omni-space, heading for Audemedon space.

Commander Cicion, commander of Phylydion Primary Armada

"Never tell me the odds!"
-Han Solo

Walks in, takes off warm fuzzy jacket, which in turn explodes, walks to table, leaves.
Hops into happy Emaghlion fighter. Is cold. Starts a fire. Learns ship made of wood.
Jumps into outer space holding breath and amazingly is saved by heart of gold in improbablitiy drive.

"Your attack has been rendered harmless.
It is, however, quite pretty"

The Phylydion infiltrator walks in. Cicion arrived yesterday and relieved me of my post. He will remain in Aud space for another day or two at most. Takes a seat at a table near the bar. Angel, you should be honored. He has decided that you can tend the bar until he returns.

(By the way, he wants to know if you can change your username without starting a new registration. He already knows how to change his signature.)

I'm afraid not. I just created a new user using another of my 4,000+ email accounts.

Throughout their history these "unenlightened" beings have continually opposed and fought abuses of power wrought by their own bretheren. We, as the prophets would do well to learn from these Humans.
-Final statement of the Salrilian reformist Sirthis shortly before his execution.

I have 7 accounts... how do you remember em all?

"Your attack has been rendered harmless.
It is, however, quite pretty"

Sargatanus: What plug-in? Anyway, here’s the description.

Jane: An extremely attractive 20 year old duploi/human half breed. A firm thin body, brunette hair which drops a bit past the shoulders (prefered in a pony tail), blue eyes, contoured lips that hail seductive perfection, and rapidly curved legs with plenty of strength to even beat a Terminal Fray match. Pretty much soft features with a hint of stealth. Wearing a blue/black (or some other variation) jumpsuit/flightsuit. Has a slight craze over baseball caps, and usually wears brown or black, high endurance boots. When in battle, wears a non-bulky, highly flexible, mechanicaly enhanced body suit. Likes to smile, be friendly, and make new friends. On the other hand, loves getting that testosterone thrill out of blowing the tar out of enemies hated by a her cause. And is incredibly annoyed by anyone when frustrated with an engineering problem. Even so, usually tries to keep a calm appearance.

(if you’re wondering what a Duploi looks like: they are generally a lot like humans, except for the fact that the duploi are somewhat taller and have strongly etched skelital features. Check out the Dossier for a bit more info).

No Guts, No Glory.

Grins to himself, and moves behind the bar.

Allright. Anyone for a drink?

Without prompting, he pulls out a Duploi beer from under the counter and pours it into a glass, sliding it over to Jane. He then leans close to her and whispers something in her ear, walking back, he mixes himself a quick drink and looks around.

Sundered Angel ,
The One and Only

Cicion walks in wearing the uniform of a Pure Taeskor: Simple grey jumpsuit, black softboots, short blue cape. His dagger is concealed under his left sleeve. Well, I completed the mission, and the High Octicon granted me Taeskorship. I am now a Pure Taeskor. I no longer have control of any capital ships, and am completely independant. For transportation, I have a one-man patrol and attack craft. Moves his gaze slowly across and around the room. Hello, Angel. Hello, Sargatanus. Walks behind the bar and dismisses Angel.

-Traek Cicion of the Taeskor

"Never tell me the odds!"
-Han Solo

Uhhh,ah, sorry... Im a little drunk, ya know just a bunch of rambling, just kidding, right? I, I think Im snapping out of it. Sorry, you see, when Qzan manage to get drunk all they can do is ramble about death, destruction, or doomsday and the like. As for the plan of unleasing chaos, it is unfortunatly feasible, I was once head of technology and battle, and I know alot about this stuff. My Ideas are dangerous. eerrgghh! ow! How much did I drink? oh. Looks at counter and sees that he has dranken 2 gallons of Vodka, 1 gallon of Obish rum, and about 13 bowls of some Earth food called "pretzels". Uh oh. How much is that going to cost?