Battle Transponder Frequency

How can they have their Gateships in the area and charged weapons.
This doesn't make any sense, unless--
Horrified Expression πŸ˜•
15 Carriers, fully escorted jump in from the rear flank,
cutting off all possibility of escape

WHA-BOOM! :eek:

Commodore Ambrose's command ship, wreaked in explosive convulsions, implodes
The shockwaves released knock an asteroid off course and sends it tumbling.
asteroid plows into Sargantanus' rear flank, demolishing several ships

"Clubs, bills, and partisans! Strike!
Beat them down! Down with the Capulets; down with the Montagues!"
-Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet
Act I, scene I

Damn! All units engage the carriers. Fire at will. Helm, bring us in range for the focused singularity.

The two fleets run headlong towards each other, orange, red, and yellow beams lighting the sky like a nova

OK. Now on my mark All units break away from the bulk of those ships. Hold cannon Hold FIRE!

Nine of the fifteen carriers fall into each other and seem to crumple like paper into nothing just before a violent flash of raw energy.

" Throught their history, these 'unenlightened' beings have continually organized to opposed the injustices and attrocities committed by their bretheran in power. We, as the prophets, would do well to learn from these humans."
-Final statement of Salrilian reformist Sirthis before his execution.

Bares teeth and growls. All right, I'm through fooling around with these Sals! ALL ships, come around and bring main batteries to bear! The entire armada aims at the remaining 4 carriers and Trisar's fleet. All ships, FULL BROADSIDE! Waves and waves of energy burst forth from the Phylydion ships, engulfing the carriers and a third of Trisar's armada. What, sensor officer? MORE incoming? explosions rock the ship. The armada still has 87% fighting ability. Regroup into shell formation! The armada goes into a spherical formation, all main guns facing outwards. Aim us towards Trisar's flagship! The Phylydia comes about. Omni spray! The Phylydia's main weapon warms up. The two forward-facing parts of the ship's "wings" fire static blue lighting bolts which join at the nose of the massive carrier, which fires an enourmous cylyndrical blue beam at Trisar's flagship. The beam's tip opens, and a tear in space is formed which causes Trisar's ship and its escorts, plus several others, to explode dramatically. Good! Lieutenant, order the Peacekeeper to join up with us as escort. "She was destroyed, sir. A Salrilian HVD rammed her bridge." What about the Pride of Jaltir? "She was destroyed by intense fire from the entire right flank of Trisar's fleet." Do we still have the Steel Sentinel? BOOOM!! "Not anymore, sir." KADT!!(Phylydion swear word.) "Sir, although some of our best ships have been lost, the Armada has only lost 16% of its total fighting power." Good. Open a channel to Sargatanus's flagship. "Yes, sir." Sargatanus's image flickers onto Cicion's screen.

Commander Cicion, commander of Phylydion Primary Armada

"Never tell me the odds!"
-Han Solo

Explosions and a loud klaxon in the background
This isn't working! They outnumber us a hundred to one, and outgun us by a factor of two.

All fighters, sweep in front of Slug's ships. If we can get them to follow you, that'll leave a hole in Slug's formation, letting us escape.

Damn :frown:
I have some good pilots in those ships. It'll be a pity to lose them! :frown:

gei's fleet of Gaitori ships shoots past the Salrilian Armada, and warps out of the system
Uh, guys, fading transmission I recommend we retreat back to the HQ and regroup.
We've failed our mission here :frown:
If you live to escape, tell me.


Don't play stupid with me.
I'm better at it.

Guys, I'm at the spot where the HQ should be, but it's not here. πŸ˜•
Slug's probably destroyed it, as there isa cloud of debri.
Turns out that only fifteen of Commodore Ambrose's ships survived the retreat.
My fleet is badly damaged too, and is in desperate need of repairs.

I'll be out of commision for at least a few months. :frown:

sound of ships warping into the system in the background
(officer's voice : TOO LATE!!)
gei'Buht's ragtag fleet is annhialated


-last words of gei'Buht

With gei's command ship destroyed and the rest of the fleet under heavy fire, gor'Ash, gei's 2nd-in-command takes command

gei'Buht was the best darn captain the fleet ever had!
His death will be avenged.


It's working! πŸ™‚
All ships: Lay down some decoy flares and retreat to the nearest friendly outpost.
We may have lost this battle for the ring, but we haven't lost the war.


Sorry about your fleet, Captain KrΓΌg,
but as we say on Earth : c'est la vie

-James T. Kirk

watches as the asteroid punches right through Sargantanus' flank (demolishing several ships in the process), and grins a masochistic grin πŸ†’
Sends 3 Salrilian astro-miners towards the asteroid field
the astro-miners start hurling large asteroids towards Sargantanus' and Cicon's fleets at hypersonic speeds

Ion Batteries 1-17 : open fire on their left flank. We'll force them to either retreat from this system or move into the path of those asteroids. πŸ˜„

clears throat
Sargantanus, Cicon : you have 3 options :

  1. Stay where you are and be disabled by the ion cannons.
  2. Move away from the ion blasts, but be forced into the path of those rocks.
    or 3) Retreat out of the system.

You have beep beep 15 seconds to decide, lest you be destroyed. πŸ˜„

Oh, and for Ambrose and gei'Buht (pronounced gay-butt?), I wish I could have personally killed them, not from a distance.

Slug eyes the 4 remaining Angel fighters demolishing a carrier
(mumbling) Tricky little devils....

In accepting the inevitable, one finds peace.
In denying it, one finds hope.

-Last words of Admiral Williams before the fall of Earth.

amidst the vicious fighting of the raging capital ships, little attention has been given to the small squadron of fighters slipping between titanic bursts of energy towards the ring. Three of them peel off to circle above another fighter which drops a small bomb opening a hole in the side of the ring

crakle This is El Spamo. We've taken heavey losses but managed to open up the ring. Hold off the enemy for a moment longer... We may have not lost the battle yet!

A lone fighter streaks towards the gaping hole dodging flak and energy beams lancing across the void of space. Target locked, I have a firing solution.

A small pod detaches from the bottom of the fighter and falls towards the ring. It's tiny internal guidance systems sending it soaring into the tiny smoking gap in the skin of the ring
IT'S AWAY!! Hit!! We have a hit!! All ships, retreat we have accomplished our task. Just make sure one of the carriers stops by to pick us up! Let's go home...

A fiery burst of energy fountains from the hole in the side of the ring. All around the massive orbital ring small jets of flame and debris fly outwards from the massive interal destruction. Radiation slays nearly the entire population of the ring, and overloading systems cause shorts and explosions wreacking havoc with repair and escape systems. All the cannons of the ring fall silent leaving a gap in the firing line of the Salrillians

Phylydian Flagship, prepare to accept Angel flight. We're coming home.

The tattered remains of the assault upon the ring begin to withdraw from the fray

-Semper ubi sub ubi-

The fighters streak away from the ring, but find themselves trapped. The roaring intensity of the field battle has reached a desperate level, and an entire wing of Salrillian cruisers has split from the force to wreck revenge on the marauding fightercraft. The situation looks bleak for El Spamo and his brave pilots. Suddenly a tiny, dark grey ship comes flitting out of nowhere, dodging up to the leading cruiser. A sharp stattaco of fire comes, and the cruiser becomes a drifting, bridgeless casualty.

Hello boys, did you miss me?

Bleeting alarms just about cover Sundered Angel's words.

All ships, retreat as you can. The blast from this is gonna be big. El Spamo and friends, follow me. There's a stable hyperspace anomaly right this way...

Sundered Angel's fighter streaks away, followed by Angel Flight. Soon the anomaly appears on all screens.

This one leads to a spot about a light-year away. Just make sure you hit it dead centre...

As the fighters streak the final kilometres to safety, one of Slug's gunships appears from nowhere, shimmering cloak disengaged. A plasma ball hits Sundered Angel's fighter, sending it spinning into the side of the anomaly.



Sundered Angel ,
The One and Only

Angel One! Come in Angel One! Punch out Sundered Angel, punch out!

The broken shape of Angel One spins out of control towards the side of the Anomaly. As one of the twists points the cockpit back towards the speeding fighters, and a small puff of explosive bolts fires as an ejection sequence initiates

krsskk This is Angel 4. I have sighted an EV pilot. Moving to intercept.
crakkk Negative Angel 4. I'll take the pickup.

El Spamo's Angel fighter slides off towards the floating pilot and scoops him into the tiny bay of the fighter. The fighter then resumes course back into the rogue spatial anomaly. Meanwhile, the shattered Angel One spins into the sides of the anomaly and is ripped apart by the tidal forces.

Moments later, nearly a light-year distant a halo of ships blossoms out of the silent void. War torn and leaking various gases, they slowly begin to align themselves for the jump home, their stressed systems finally free of the enemy barrage

Phylydian Carrier 'Iron Star'. I have an EV pilot in my bay. Requesting emergency landing clearance.

-Semper ubi sub ubi-

Modified Cruiser and a few random ships jump in.

Sorry I'm late. Looks like you're in some trouble. I'll tie them up while you get out.

An Audemedon Jumpstream Inhibitor, a large Audemedon fleet, and an odd-looking Salrillian Fleet arrive. The Audemedon ship superlight towards the anomaly, and the odd Salrillian ships tear up half of Commander Cicion's fleet.

Looks like the Sals DO have more tech, after all. Angel Squadron, you'd better get out now.

Jumpstream Inhibitor activates.

****! Angel Squadron, form up with my battlegroup. We may be able to hold out for a while before we become a cloud of debris.

Audemedon fleet comes out of superlight next to Mag's battlegroup and digs into it.


stares at the ring, which is now erupting in fireballs
You..... savages
eyes glazed over, a tear runs down Slug's cheek
You murderers. Trillion of innocents are dying because of your complete inability to reason. You genocidal lunatics. This was a habitat for our civilians; a sanctuary to get away from the wars our government fought in.

There was enough room on that ring to house the entire galactic community thrice over.
THIS is your contribution towards the galaxy. When you can't find the words to solve your problem, you always fight. You are worms compared to us, and savage worms you are too.

boiling over in rage
I have tried to reason with you, and you wouldn't listen.

I can't stand species' that won't listen.
You think you have seen us wage wars against you : you have seen nothing yet.
You kill trillions of our people. Well : two can play at that game.


Cicon's entire fleet of ships bursts into flames, as the hulls are dissolved
Wiping your fleets will be a service to this galaxy.


The tattered remnants of the Ring Attack Armada warps out of the system, with gei'Buht, Ambrose, Sundered Angel, and Cicon dead, the 5 Salrilian Fleets decimated, and the ring disabled, the battle has cost many lives.

The Attack force breaks up soon after, each faction going back to his or her homeworld to spread the tale of the glory of the Battle for the Ring. But in the back of each of the Commanders' minds, lay the knowledge that they had made a bad enemy that day.

Meanwhile, back on the homeworld of Salril, Commodore Slug I knew that the time for his ascent was at hand....

Those savages will pay
-Commodore Slug I on the eve of the Great Invasion.

(This message has been edited by Slug (edited 03-24-2000).)


(come on , you guys it's the end. Stop reading)

"Clubs, bills, and partisans! Strike!
Beat them down! Down with the Capulets; down with the Montagues!"
-Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet
Act I, scene I

Shut up, Slug. I don't recall including you in this in the first place.

Anyway, thanks to everyone else for the input, it looks like I've got the mission set for my plug pretty much set.

As for Slug's fake ending, it should have gone more like this. "Good guys" win, Ring disabled, Trisar dead, Sal fleet losses at 44%, Cantharan losses at 36%, Aud losses at 47%, Phylydion losses at 35%, Nijayias losses at 37%, Sargatanus' losses at 54%. Revolution engulfs Salril Prime. The GOC are overthrown, the ON put under systems analysis, and the entire social structure thrown in disarray.

Sargatanus, wanting to eliminate the ON Entity, and increase his influence and power, binds his consciousness with the Oracular Net. The Entity was more advanced than he thought, and instead of a simple elimination job, it turns into a struggle for assimilation. Sargatanus overcomes, but not without recieving serious psychiatric alterations. The combination between sensory overload from the information recieved from the Oracular Net, and the meld with the ON Entity, slowly begin to drive him towards insanity, becoming ever more paranoid and hostile. Insensed with victory, Sargatanus plans to make a bid for the Salrilian government when social order is restored.

(Sorry to drag this out more, but could everyone else please include a relatively short epilouge about thier characters?)

" Throught their history, these 'unenlightened' beings have continually organized to opposed the injustices and attrocities committed by their bretheran in power. We, as the prophets, would do well to learn from these humans."
-Final statement of Salrilian reformist Sirthis before his execution.

You know what, Sargantanus, maybe YOU should shut up.
I thought it was a cool ending, and if you don't like it, then you are a VERY boring person.
B.T.W, I don't remember you 'including' me in this either, or that gei'Buht wierdo.
Also, why would Salril be "engulfed in revolution" just over some ring being disabled? If the Salrilian race could last milleniae without a hitch, then a simple battle wouldn't kill their morale.

No offence or anything, but you have no sense for the dramatic. >:ΕΉP

"Clubs, bills, and partisans! Strike!
Beat them down! Down with the Capulets; down with the Montagues!"
-Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet
Act I, scene I

(This message has been edited by Commodore Ambrose (edited 03-24-2000).)



Commodore Slug, seething in anger over his defeat, retreats to Salril to fight in the civil war
Slug's losses: 29% (11 carriers, 54 gunships, 52 cruisers, 27 interceptors, 14 fighter squads)

When the council learns of this betrayal of gei'Buht's unenlightened Gaitori fleet, they shell be angry.
As for the rest of you savages, I will not seek you down or hunt you; but if ever we meet again, I will not be merciful. :mad:

(Ambrose: I agree that Sargantanus is a bit of an ass, but you need to calm down a little)

-Commodore Slug (soon to be demoted, I fear :frown: )

In accepting the inevitable, one finds peace.
In denying it, one finds hope.

-Last words of Admiral Williams before the fall of Earth.

does anyone here like my quote?

In accepting the inevitable, one finds peace.
In denying it, one finds hope.

-Last words of Admiral Williams before the fall of Earth.

When Angel Flight fled through the anomaly to safety and the main fleet, they found that Sundered Angel was no longer with them. Despite a swift and extensive search for the enigmatic benefactor, he was not found, and was presumed lost to the warp. Presumed . . .

((And Ambrose, Slug... Sargantanus was the progenitor of this threadline, and is the creator of the plug-in. Basically, when it comes to the ending, he is the one who has to deal with it, so let him have his way.))

((And Ambrose- Not dramatic? The heroic victor makes a terrible mistake and begins to go mad, sparking off a chain of events that lead directly to a sequel? If that's not dramatic, I'll eat my little toe, from my right foot too.))

Sundered Angel ,
The One and Only


(This message has been edited by Slug (edited 11-04-2000).)

Drop him off, Spamo. Good job, everyone. Lieutenant, begin mop-up procedures and regroup the fleet. "Aye, sir!" Drops down into his chair, relaxing for the first time in three days. The PPA regroups and eliminates all remain Sal forces in its area.

Commander Cicion, commander of Phylydion Primary Armada

"Never tell me the odds!"
-Han Solo