Most intimidating ship

I was wondering, If there was any standard ship(i.e., not a Gateship) coming at you at attack speed, and you had no idea of its actual weapons and capabilities, which ship would look the most intimidating? My vote is for the Gaitori carrier.

Commander Cicion, commander of Audemedon 6th fleet

"Never tell me the odds!"
-Han Solo

I vote for the Salrilian carrier. 🙂

I will not salute to a Ares Admiral.

The Warps.

yes the one's on Mtrek.

It's definately one of the carriers, but not Ishiman (blue isn't too threatening,) or the Cantharan (It looks so weak compared to the others!) Aud is ok, but I'd go with Salrilian. When I saw that thing in the cutscene, I freaked. I freaked even more when I saw it in action, it's very menacing.

In the next world war,
In a jack-knifed Juggernaut,
I am born again.

I must agree with Xwarp and Newt that the Salrilian carrier looks very menacing. However, when i first saw the Gaitori carrier, I was quite frightened.

Long Live Apple! Long Live the Mac!

I was scared too when I saw the Gaitori carrier, but soon learned not to be. But when that Salrilian carrier warped right in front of me, man if you had said something to me then I would have jumped through the ceiling. And then it started shooting at me (that means 1 more for the Sal carrier).

I said "Before you knew anything about its actual weapons or capabilities." This is purely about what they look like.

Commander Cicion, commander of Audemedon 6th fleet

"Never tell me the odds!"
-Han Solo

I think the Audemedon carrier is most intimidating. I mean, assuming you know nothing about the abilities, Gaitori just wouldn't be menacing if you had seen any of their ships before (which you would have), and the Salrillian carrier is all nice and smooth-looking. With all of its rocky edges (and the fact that it's the second largest carrier in the came), the Audemedon carrier has to be the most menacing. But if you knew anything about its weapons, definately

I'm SAYING that you had NEVER seen ANY ships AT ALL before, and nothing that has ever happened in your entire life could affect your being intimideted EXCEPT what you see at THAT VERY MOMENT. This is why I vote for Gaitori carrier. It's huge, bulky, and that wide opening in the front gives it the appearance of a great beast about to swallow you.

Commander Cicion, commander of Audemedon 6th fleet

"Never tell me the odds!"
-Han Solo

salrilian looks scary...thats what i think


After do0wning a MTBIS no single ship will ever intimidate me. (Except that ghost ship.) If no weapons info, my vote is Aud carrier.

Commander-in-Chief of the Nijayias Interstellar Navy.

Mine would be Ishiman, even though I haven't seen one attacking me yet. (What can I say? It's usually the opposite when you fly an HVD 😄 ) Anyway, they look like some high tech dreadnaught or something. Although, Sal, Aud, and Gait carriers ARE pretty intimidating, but I'd still have to go with Ish. 😉
