Your game functionality wishlist

@darthkev, on 14 February 2012 - 09:46 PM, said in Your game functionality wishlist:

I still don't know why that was in CTC.

It's a reference to one of the worst video games in existence. The fact that the victory screen omits the important word "the" is proof enough that the game was poorly made.

This post has been edited by king_of_manticores : 15 February 2012 - 07:24 PM

@king_of_manticores, on 15 February 2012 - 07:22 PM, said in Your game functionality wishlist:

... one of the worst video games in existence...

That explains why I still don't know what you're talking about.

Back on topic, how about a new damage type? Specifically, crew damage. When a ship is under fire, it's not just the outer hull that's hit. Power surges and failures cause explosions inside the vessel, as well. Those explosions will inevitably injure crew members. This way, even if a ship has nearly impenetrable armour, it can still be disabled if one kills off enough of the crew. You could even make weapons with radioactive warheads that may not necessarily do much shield our armour damage, but instead irradiate the crew in an attempt to kill them off while leaving the ship itself intact. You could even extend crew damage to ship capture odds; the more crew damage a ship has taken, the easier it would be to capture.

Interesting idea, but we might be venturing into the realm of complexity for complexity's sake. I would, however, be in favor of weapons or outfits that are disabled at certain armor damages.

@darthkev, on 15 February 2012 - 09:55 PM, said in Your game functionality wishlist:

Back on topic, how about a new damage type? Specifically, crew damage....

That might be solved by allowing multiple types of ionization, and allowing the dev to choose what the ionization does (disable at 100%, slow down X%/%, stop weapons firing...). That would allow us to cause overheating, crew death, ionization, a plague of rats...

It'd probably just be flexibility for developers though, not a main feature.

Complexity is overwhelming when it's all injected in one go, but you'd be surprised how much complexity people can happily deal with if their introduction to it is staggered well enough.

Reductions in overall performance--speed, acceleration, weapons not working, etc.--shouldn't be that complicated to implement. Heck, even Ambrosia's first game, Maelstrom, could do that. I've always thought it was kind of odd that battle damage was so easy to fix: just wait for your shields to regenerate and your fuel tanks to refill, and you're back in business. At the very least, there should be an extra repair fee when you land.

Off-topic: The picture comes from Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing, which is, indeed, a truly horrid game, though the trophy and the text is a bit of a minor meme. If you want to see how bad it is, here's a hilarious review of it: http://www.gamespot....directElement=1

On topic: Crew damage can be interesting, but how would it affect the player? Getting sent to a game over screen without your ship exploding in an extraordinary fashion would be annoying, especially on strict play. Making the player immune would also be pretty lame. It might be better just to expand on ionization and allow for developer-made status effects. Acid Missiles could slowly eat at armor after they hit for a little bit, a Gyro Destabilizer could cause the ship to spin out of control briefly, the Ion Cannon can do it's good old trick, and so forth, whatever the developer decided to make.

I wonder if it could be like Tom Spreen’s Rescue! , where enemy damage could knock out individual systems — a weapon, one of the engines, the transporter, the long range scanner, and so on.

If we're thinking about internal damage, I'd rather see the ability to damage (or target and damage) ship systems first. That was something I enjoyed about the X-Wing/TIE Fighter series, even if it was way too easy to neuter a Nebulon in your TIE Interceptor.

This may be getting past the realm of what you can reasonably put in the game and throw at a player, but I've also entertained the notion of some ships having better protection for their systems. Like turrets that can retract having +100% durability on their turrets, or a shielded sensor array having an extra X amount of strength before it gets taken offline.

@joshtigerheart, on 16 February 2012 - 11:47 AM, said in Your game functionality wishlist:

Crew damage can be interesting, but how would it affect the player?

Well what if you couldn't kill ALL of the crew? Just enough to make it impossible/improbable for the remaining crewmen to operate the ship alone. This way the player would still be susceptible but also wouldn't die from it. Basically, a ship would never die from crew damage. It would just be a way to disable ships without the risk of blowing them up before you can loot them.

Edit: Ooo, another idea. What if, instead of the auto-destruct system to prevent ships from being boarded, it was an issue of hull stability? In short, the less hull/armour damage a ship had taken before being disabled, the lower the chance the ship would destabilize and blow up while being boarded. That would add extra usefulness to crew damage since one could potentially disable a ship without hitting the hull much at all, considerably lowering the chance of the ship blowing up on you.

Also, I actually wouldn't mind if the player's own ship could also blow up while being boarded by the AI or even be captured by the AI. In the latter case, the player would either be killed or jettisoned in an escape pod.

This post has been edited by DarthKev : 16 February 2012 - 08:58 PM

Another one: ally support weapons and outfits. Including stuff like ECM Jammers that affect allies, missiles that restore shields to the ally they hit, a pulse that increases the rate of fire of allied ships within range, and other such stuff. While it might be hard to explain for a setting with a more realistic focus, it'd still open up lots of gameplay potential and could force a player to do more than decide between destructive capabilities and cargo capabilities of escorts.

@joshtigerheart, on 23 February 2012 - 08:44 PM, said in Your game functionality wishlist:

While it might be hard to explain for a setting with a more realistic focus, it'd still open up lots of gameplay potential and could force a player to do more than decide between destructive capabilities and cargo capabilities of escorts.

Actually, there are easy ways to explain it. Such as large, space-borne creatures such as my space squid that release pheromones or other chemicals into the surrounding vacuum to communicate and possibly enrage, heal, or otherwise benefit their fellows. My space squid don't do this, but it would be a way of explaining the function in-game.

In fact, I don't really see a problem explaining any of your examples for mechanical ships, either, with the exception of the rate-of-fire boost field. Unless there's a way for one ship to act as a heat sink for surrounding ships. Then the heat sink ship could absorb the heat from its allies' weapons, allowing them to fire faster.

I took this list from my post from the old topic-locked "EV4 Wish list" and revised it:


  • Escort ships can be ordered to disable a target
  • Escort ships can use gun-based weapons to fire targets in "escort mode"
  • Disabled ships can still communicate
  • Players can offer space-side assistance to disabled ships which earns government brownie points
  • Hostile ships can renege on a deal to back off its attack
  • Players can be hailed and bribed (by AI ships or spobs) to back of his or her attack
  • Players can bribe spobs to back off attack
  • When asking assistance from AI ships, both "refuel/repair" and "defend from assailant" should be separate functions.
  • Escort ships can repair a player's disabled ship or other escort ships
  • Star streak option when players hyperjump
  • The ability to fold space (ideal if you wanna make a BSG TC)
  • Charlie Foxtrot will hijack a player's ship when severely damaged
  • Alternate profile pics when hailing ships
  • Players can organize fleet and squadron formations
  • Add an escort management button in main starport window (such as selling what specific ships)
  • Add a repair button in main starport window as well. Prices and time can vary
  • Resale value of escort ships or deployable fighters can vary given its last current condition
  • Multiple ammo for one weapon
  • Multiple weapon for one ammo
  • Max ammo share limit amongst multiple ammo used by the same weapon. (i.e. a weapon that can shoot rockets and missile with a max capacity of 20, could have 16 rockets and 4 missiles, or a combination of 12 missiles and 8 rocekts)
  • Option to prevent max ammo from increasing a weapon's firing rate
  • Outfits to repair ships may require physical materials
  • Secondary energy bar for weapons and outfits
  • Auxililary dudes should have as much settings as the main dude
  • More anomalies added such as streaking comets and solar flares which could potentially damage ships and possibly spobs
  • Players can call for fleet backup where and when available
  • Active spobs do not always require mission computers
  • Government and custom (pers-like) spob hails
  • Alpha-mask support in interfaces
  • Players can organize available missions based on categories and other attributes
  • Missions available can be grayed out if player does not meet conditions
  • Support for more than one hyperjump sound effects
  • Escort ships can jump before or after a player, an Override feature
  • Players can dock with AI ships and possibly provide as much services as spobs do
  • Derelict vessels should have up to disabling percentage armor instead of starting out with 100% shielding and armor
  • Derelict vessels can be restored for use as escort ships
  • Escort ships can be sold not only on spobs with shipyard facilities, but in places that don't have them either. They can also be sold while in space, or to AI ships
  • Players can also offload mission-related cargos on AI ships
  • Trade directly to other ships or even sell outfits and weapons
  • Anomalies can be affected by gravity
  • Fired shots and projectiles can be affected by gravity
  • The ability to increase tractor-beam power
  • Players can re-name their ships at any given time
  • Color code texts in interfaces
  • "Extra Outfit" to be reorganized in the same way as outfitting dialog boxes are
  • Players can disable their own outfits and weapons
  • Weapons to optionally fire only when target is within firing arc range and distance.
  • Outfits that enhances other outfits
  • Support for styles in desc resource such as bold italics and even color
  • Spobs can be invisible to radar and map registry
  • Escorts rigged for mining can assist players to mine minerals
  • Non-trader AI ships should contribute cargo space as well
  • Star systems can have background scenes
  • An interface to organize mass tonnage and cargo hold information
  • Support for branching escort upgrades
  • Auto-mapping routes which also includes tweaking them
  • Color code hyperoute trails to indicate the player's limited traveling distance based on various attributes
  • A search engine for specific spobs
  • A log to replay mission descs at any given time
  • Visual mission timer which can deactivate or activated if players complete objectives
  • Gross mass and cargo tonnage info in shipyards
  • Negative attack points (ideal for making healing beams)
  • AI ships know how to use healing beams
  • Designation to indicate a ship is alive or organic (i.e. if it gets disabled it would read "unconscious" instead of "ship disabled")
  • Spobs can cloak themselves the same way AI ships do
  • Spobs can face targets
  • Background scenes can change color when flying in star systems
  • Background ambient sound or music when flying in star systems
  • Players can make offers to AI ships in distress
  • Implement radar dots, shapes, and sizes from the Ares game engine, can even be customized
  • Wormhole spobs can trigger animation when players' ships are in vicinity without manually landing on it
  • Add "Sell All" and "Buy All" buttons in outfitters
  • Ships are not always disabled when missions require players to repair them
  • Bring back Override's feature for AI ships to retrieve disabled fighters and allow players to plunder fighters as well.
  • Expand more features in plunder dialog box.
  • Players can disengage hyperjumping or folding when initiated
  • Overheating bar which can cause various effects, even fatal ones
  • Outfits that can attract or repulse ships or anomalies (not the same as repulsor weapons)
  • Interface arrows pointing to targets out of range of radar view or in-game screens
  • Government radar mode. Displays government icons to corresponding ships
  • Pulsating radar blips to indicate ships' conditions, an Ares feature
  • Strafing
  • Retro thrusters
  • Ares ship maneuverability
  • Fired shots and projectiles can shoot right through targets
  • Fired projectiles will seek other targets of opportunity if initial target is destroyed
  • Shield and armor graphic bar and percentage indicator included in target reticle in main in-game screen
  • AI ships do not drift waiting for its target to explode
  • Captured escort fighters can be stored in corresponding fighter bay once players buy one
  • Weapons that fire visual decoys, like in Ares
  • Fighter bays that can launch infinite number of fighters
  • Factory outfits to produce fighters and ammos
  • Disguising outfits
  • Leech weapon, to extract shield power, fuel, or other traits from targets
  • Ships and spobs can 'bleed'. That is lose hit points overtime when severely damaged
  • Add "put in kart" when players buy weapons and outfits
  • Pers ships will retain all of its settings when captured as an escort or as a players' ship
  • Players' original ship reassigned as an escort ship won't have to revert to its original default settings
  • Weapons that do not invoke targeted ships
  • Escorts can be ordered to protect mission-related ships
  • Electronic warfare like in Battlestar Galactica Online
  • Disabling weapons can affect targeted ships' other performance like weapon fire for example or disrupt a ship's internal interface targeting system.
  • Include support for ricochet and splash damage
  • AI ships can jettison cargo as well, even at random.
  • Ships can spread contagious disease
  • AI ships should no longer jump in or out of star systems in directions where hyperlinks do not exist
  • Ability to land on environmentally hazardous or unstable spobs
  • Spobs can be dominated by AI ships and be challenged by players and vice versa
  • AI ships can plunder players' mission-related cargos
  • Making landfall or docking no longer repairs a player's ship instantly.
  • The amount of punishment or reward can vary based upon how much a player fails or achieves an objective
  • Random inflation and deflation of all purchasable items in the game
  • Players can jettison outfits and weapons in space
  • Outfits and weapons themselves can be upgraded and resale value will change accordingly
  • Add an empty trigger sound effect when players' weapons run out of ammo
  • Escort ships can be commanded to go suicidal
  • Players can rename captured escort ships
  • Escort ships can be given individual commands
  • A buy-out option if players want to release one of their escort ships
  • Transfer of cargo hold amongst escort ships possible at any given time
  • Released escort ships can retain their original settings prior to being hired or captured
  • Jettisoned cargo can be salvaged
  • Escort ships can retrieve players' escape pod
  • Missions can force players to fly other ships for the duration and later regain their original ship
  • Missions can detain any or all players' escort ships for the duration
  • Mining anomalies can add fuel or energy to the players' ships
  • Commodities can trigger bits
  • Projectiles fired in-game can trigger bits
  • Hypergates can be captured and dominated (ideal if you want to profit off from the toll fee when you see ships actually using your hypergates)
  • Dominated spobs will continue to fire weapon against its enemies
  • Dominated spobs can be ordered to fire on specific target, including other spobs, or other targets of specific governments.
  • Players can have the ability to fire weapons of same kind simultaneously or in succession
  • Released spobs won't have to become hostile to players
  • Pers resc should have as much settings as ship resc do
  • Bring back the ability to manually fire decoy-flare type weapons
  • Escort ships will not be required to fire weapons that requires ammo
  • Add cinematic modes in-game
  • Afterburners no longer have to burn forever
  • AI ships know how to use tractor beams
  • AI ships that stand-off for attacks will switch different tactics if weapons they use for stand-off attacks is no longer useful
  • Outfits that can add bonus strength to shield and armor instead of additional hitpoints
  • Add more animated elements throughout the game
  • An outfit or weapon that can paint targets as "high priority target" for allies and escorts
  • Addendum to painting a target as a high priority target, add a "high priority target" toggle command in escort orders so that all other commands will respond accordingly.
  • Ships can literally landfall or take off in the way that transports do in Ares or in NAEV
  • Ships' masses do not always affect hyperjump travel time
  • Pulsating blips on maps and radar to indicate which systems, ships, and spobs correspond to active missions
  • More than one landing place on spobs
  • Asteroid debris should be sectionalized in star systems rather than scattered throughout
  • Spobs can be immune to domination
  • Players' ships can also be destroyed if triggering AI ships' self-destruction traps
  • Boarding outfits that reduces the chance of a players' ship from blowing up if triggering an AI ships' self-destructing trap
  • Boarding outfit that reduces degrees of parallel alignment when boarding ships (imagine boarding a ship perpendicular)
  • Players have personal mission computers they can access in-flight instead of having to land on spobs
  • Mission-related cargo can be salvaged for profit elsewhere if player fails to deliver them on time
  • Govt can mark fire-free zones in controlled star-systems
  • Manage game resources efficiently to eliminate redundancies throughout the entire game ( i.e In solo mission-related ship, misc resc should draw a ship from the ship resc, not from the dude )
  • Galactic maps can be expanded and adjust for size
  • Various features that can be toggled in the galactic map interface to show or hide certain attributes of star systems
  • Players can assign deployable fighters as escape ships
  • Add a credit card system in which players can buy an item and later be charged or have their income garnished
  • Mission-related ships can have ships speak out in hover texts
  • More sound attachments including in hover texts as well
  • Neighboring spobs can attack one another
  • When lead ship is destroyed, the rest will scatter
  • Ship transformation animations
  • Ship snaking animations
  • Additional layers of ship animation types other than the ones we have such as running lights, maneuvering banking, rotating modules, and pre-jumping
  • Ship status readout not exclusive to players' own ships
  • Include more gender types and sexual orientations in char resc
  • More areas to visit on spobs as seen in Vega Strike and Naev
  • Add loop-start and loop-end for weapon sound effects along with adjusting when changing game speed
  • Weapons that can damage and kill ships can also kill and damage spobs as well
  • Improve weapon hit impact to prevent ships from stuttering when flying faster than the weapon's impact speed
  • Add a bank system, even have interest rate
  • Add more games in the gambling part of the spaceport bar
  • Time calendar can be altered in various ways which can also have subsequent effects
  • Turret weapons can fire at limited arc range based on a ship's shape and size
  • Projectiles can be targeted and attacked manually
  • Players can choose which transponder title to wear on their ship on the fly
  • Increased reputation can prevent friendly government from firing on a enemy ship flied by players
  • Murky fog can fluctuate
  • Cloaking mode can literally bend light slightly as seen in Starcraft
  • Jettisoned items can be very explosive if fired upon
  • Deployable escort fighters can be upgradable
  • Players can reassign transponder titles for escort ships
  • FTL intra-star system travel
  • Secondary light animation for ships and spobs
  • Outfits that can literally change the mass of ships
  • When players possess a launch bay, they can have the option to retrieve a disabled fighter to be as part of their fighter compliment or as an escort
  • Exploding spobs can shoot out escape ships and pods just like exploding ships do
  • Dynamic custom ship target pics based on govt
  • Players can enable or disable shields
  • Players can transfer energy between shield, weapon, and engine power for different performance
  • AI ships jumping into systems do not always come with fully restored shield and armor points
  • Starports, not the entire spob, should have the right to deny or allow players to land
  • Players can invoke themselves as hostile red dots on radar to targeted ships or spobs
  • Internal sound effects such as afterburners
  • Internal alarm system for various status such as losing too much armor point, or incoming missiles, etc.
  • Cargo and space module outfits can be excluded from having its ration of cargo and space modified
  • Ships can be designated to lose the ability to landfall on stellar objects via ship resc. This results in changing hailing dialogs when players try to "land". Not only that, players may not land on stellar objects unless they have shuttles or flyers aboard to take them down to such places regardless of govt status
  • Random hit sounds and animation.
  • Spobs can literally FTL jump in and out of star systems. This can lead to subsequent effects throughout the game
  • Weapon flash option
  • Multiple-currency
  • Currencies no longer exclusive for acquisition. Players can use "merits" or something similar for purchases, or in conjunction with currencies
  • Create a räce resc
  • AI ships or those of players' escort ships can capture disabled fighters to either supplement their squadrons of fighters or as part of their fleet escort
  • Ships can be boarded more than once
  • Ships in formation will adjust accordingly based on the size of ship sprites
  • Greyscale masking
  • "Deadly" spobs don't have to kill ships instantaneously
  • Outfits that make ships immune to deadly spobs
  • Anti-gravity outfits
  • FTL jumping can create spacial wakes
  • Spobs can be impacted by weapon fire
  • Spobs can be affected by gravity
  • Govt spaceport interface
  • Severe damage can prevent players from making landfall
  • Ammo or volatile cargo can affect a ship's destruction blast
  • Include a star system map along with various mode settings
  • Weapon projectiles can have remote detonations
  • Flare weapons can revealed cloaked units
  • Players can cannibalize a disabled ship to repair their own
  • Jettisoned escape pods are no longer invincible
  • Ships can support more than one type of FTL drive
  • Multiple-target features
  • Projectiles can be disabled and retrieved
  • Distant arming for guidance weapon
  • Ships (and possibly spobs) can now leave particle or smoke trails
  • Missions dialog box that offers more than two choices for players to make
  • Main starport buttons can now be affected by mission-bits to make them appear or disappear
  • Auxiliary starport buttons can support wildcard labels
  • Camera shaking for dramatic effects
  • Players can now own more than one ships
  • Ship-to-ship energy or fuel transfer can occur incrementally, not instantaneously
  • Ship resc should include passenger count for static purposes so that it doesn't affect capture odds
  • When self-replicating commodities or cargo items can leak out from a ship when it reaches full capacity
  • Ammo can either decrease in number or self-replicate over time just like cargo and commodities can
  • Support for decimal placing when dealing with mass and cargo ton capacities. (i.e. a ship can have 20.25 tons of cargo space)
  • Stored warheads or unstable cargo items can potentially increase risk of explosion during battle
  • Unpaid penalty fines can increase overtime, or decrease
  • Add an auction system for commodities, excess cargo items, weapons, outfits, and even ships
  • Resale values for commodities, cargo items, outfits, weapons, and ships can vary overtime
  • Weapons and outfits can sustain damage and even be repaired, this can also affect its resale value and performance as well
  • A single weapon can be set to take up more than one gun or turret slot
  • Players are not exclusive to using onboard vessels as escape pods, other crewmembers and fighter pilots can also bail out in similar manners as well
  • Players can establish or transfer a command flag to any ship in its escort fleet at any given time, maybe even mission-related ships if possible. (this is good if you lost a ship in battle.)
  • Ships of defense fleets can be just as vulnerable as any AI ships, meaning they can be disabled and even plundered or captured
  • A way to categorize ships, weapons, and outfits in outfitting shops, shipyards, and in player dialog boxes
  • When player hits the "buy ship" button, it expand features such as offering to choose any available variants or perhaps just buying the chassis itself before bringing up the text field which to type in the name of their new ship
  • Full autopilot for hyper route travel
  • Key button that cycles through only mission-related ships
  • Firing guidance weapon with no selected target will behave like rockets or can be released as bombs
  • Demanding tribute can invoke fleet reinforcements
  • Disabled or derelict ships can suddenly explode without warning at any given time if various conditions are met (i.e. such as a player merely approaching the ship, or attempting to hail the ship, etc.)
  • An ammo's damage power can either improve or deteriorate over time. This also affects resale value as well
  • Weapons brought offline can be transferred to cargo holds if possible
  • Weapons can also be rearranged in different compatible weapon slots if they are brought offline and uninstalled
  • Spobs can fire more than one weapon and at multiple targets at once
  • Dominated spobs will have a defense grid button available that allow players access to a spob's weapon system and defense fleet
  • A player can order a dominated spob to sick its fleet at a specific target
  • A mission can assign as spob under a player's command
  • Players can either rent or buy a personal hangar storage facility to offload anything they possess, including ships
  • Mission bits can trigger relationships between factions
  • Crew compliments can be transferred between ships
  • Landing shuttle, an outfit for players to fly when they cannot make landfall to a planet or dock directly onto a station. AI ships can also use landing shuttles as well
  • Guidance weapon can be manually piloted to attack a specific target
  • From now on, when AI ships board vessels adrift, they can no longer strafe and instead have to maneuver the way players do when they board vessels
  • Mission-related fighters can be docked inside players' ships as an option if they have corresponding docking bay outfits
  • Escorts will not waste any ammo when players order them to destroy a derelict or disabled ship
  • A new escort command "follow" to be added. "Follow" is exactly like "Formation" except that escorting ships will not fire weapons no matter what, nor will they go after random hostile target if they stray too far from a player's ship
  • Fired warheads can be affected by ionized weapons
  • An outfit to hack and hijack ships, and guided weapons, even for a short amount of time
  • Escape pods from players' ships or AI's can be launched at any given time using various means
  • AI ships that launch escape pods will affect kill count
  • Escape ships can carry more than one crew members
  • AI ships that explode do not always launch multiple escape pods, or if they do, the number can vary
  • Escort ships can be commanded to take point defense to shoot down guided warheads and fighters
  • Point defense can shoot down unguided warheads
  • Weapons can be assigned as point defense, including guns and cannons
  • Government inherent boarding strength. Strength power can be separated between military and civilians
  • Gravity-generating outfits
  • Right-click support on actual gaming field
  • Ships can feign, using various means by either bringing their systems offline altogether, or using an outfit that masks their energy signal to fool other AI ships and players
  • Ghost ships, ships that register as derelicts can literally fly about and attack any targets
  • Mission-related forged documents and identity
  • An outfit that allows an additional escort slot thus being able to command more than 6 ships.
  • An outfit that can changes pitch speeds of hyperjump entry
  • Support for skins theme interface designs
  • Add "Patrol" command in escort command menu list. Players can assign ships to patrol from point A to point B of any designation the player wishes to assign using the star system map
  • Add "Ignore" command in escort command menu list. Ships in escort fleet will literally do that, ignore a particular target while going after other targets. They may even make sure not to destroy disabled ships in the ignore command if need be
  • An option to enable hyperjump sound effects from other ships
  • Support for multiplying factor values when writing NCBs. For example, instead of writing "Gxxx Gxxx Gxxx" to give that player three of those outfits, you'd just write "(Gxxx x 3)"
  • AI ships will no longer be able to jump if they have no fuel whatsoever
  • Active escort ships (meaning ships that aren't 'holding position') will adjust escort formation accordingly instead of leaving strange gaps
  • Escort menu to include numbers next to the ship type to indicate how many of that kind of ship the player has under command
  • Message status in-game indicating when a player's escort ship or fighter has been crippled
  • An outfit which decodes and reads out hidden percentages of shield and/or armor points of targeted vessels.
  • Spobs may have shield and/or armor status, including in reticles
  • An option to allow a player's ship and escorts to turn without turning the entire escort formation
  • A Badge System (explained right here)
  • Reputation Status Bar (explained right here)
  • Hovertips (explained right here)
  • Adding interfaces in the top, bottom, as well as the left side of the in-game screen.
  • Landfall and hypergate toll fee can possibly vary based on ships' specs and players' reputation.
  • Penalty and/or bonus points for attacking, boarding, and destroying a faction's pérs ship.
  • Random set of sound effects. (i.e. random explosion sounds).

I will say I like most of Coraxus' ideas, but a few rubbed the wrong way.

@coraxus, on 12 March 2012 - 07:25 PM, said in Your game functionality wishlist:

62. Ships can collide and potentially cause damage to one another

Eh... this is EV, not Ares, I like having 20 ships on top of each other and not worrying about collisions

@coraxus, on 12 March 2012 - 07:25 PM, said in Your game functionality wishlist:

65. Add "Sell All" and "Buy All" buttons in outfitters
89. Add "put in kart" when players buy weapons and outfits

Not sure the point of this with alt click.

@coraxus, on 12 March 2012 - 07:25 PM, said in Your game functionality wishlist:

75. Strafing
76. Retro thrusters
77. Ares ship maneuverability

Strafing doesn't really work unless you add in mouse control, and that puts me off this sort of game, and I prefer the EV style approach to handling

@coraxus, on 12 March 2012 - 07:25 PM, said in Your game functionality wishlist:

87. Leech weapon, to extract shield power, fuel, or other traits

Not sure this fits EV as currently it's about getting outfits and such while landed, then using what you got to the max, not changing it in combat, besides, overall I think this doesn't really fit space games in general

@coraxus, on 12 March 2012 - 07:25 PM, said in Your game functionality wishlist:

94. Electronic warfare like in Battlestar Galactica

Sounds like it would be either op, or up and prolly would add little to combat, if not just make it more boring

@coraxus, on 12 March 2012 - 07:25 PM, said in Your game functionality wishlist:

98. Ships can spread contagious disease


@coraxus, on 12 March 2012 - 07:25 PM, said in Your game functionality wishlist:

92. Weapons that do not invoke targeted ships

That seems like it would only be useful for healing weapons

@evweb, on 12 March 2012 - 08:03 PM, said in Your game functionality wishlist:

Not sure the point of this with alt click.

Lets say you wanna ditch a couple of dozens of missiles, a few turrets, and other weapons and outfits, you can do it all in one stroke. This is ideal if you're trying to gut out the ship and fully customize it to your specification. The Add kart can be helpful when it measures out how much all of the outfits and weapons will cost.


Strafing doesn't really work unless you add in mouse control, and that puts me off this sort of game, and I prefer the EV style approach to handling

You can assign a button to hold down while you press either the left or the right button like shift for example.


Not sure this fits EV as currently it's about getting outfits and such while landed, then using what you got to the max, not changing it in combat, besides, overall I think this doesn't really fit space games in general

Not exactly understanding what you're talking about. The leech weapon is basically stealing a targeted ship's shield energy for example and using it to augment the players' own.


Sounds like it would be either op, or up and prolly would add little to combat, if not just make it more boring

Not if the AI does electronic warfare as well. Also, it isn't limited to offensive measures, you can have defensive measures as well too, even have outfits that momentarily enhances a ship's performance or those of your allies or escorts.



LOL why not? 😄


That seems like it would only be useful for healing weapons

I don't know. It's also useful for not pissing off governments, or to end up sicking an entire mob of fleet on you because you picked a wrong fight.

@coraxus, on 12 March 2012 - 08:24 PM, said in Your game functionality wishlist:

Lets say you wanna ditch a couple of dozens of missiles, a few turrets, and other weapons and outfits, you can do it all in one stroke. This is ideal if you're trying to gut out the ship and fully customize it to your specification. The Add kart can be helpful when it measures out how much all of the outfits and weapons will cost.

Hmm... maybe, but it still doesn't take that long.

@coraxus, on 12 March 2012 - 08:24 PM, said in Your game functionality wishlist:

You can assign a button to hold down while you press either the left or the right button like shift for example.

I tried this making SD, it doesn't work well, trust me, you're better off just turning and thrusting.

@coraxus, on 12 March 2012 - 08:24 PM, said in Your game functionality wishlist:

Not exactly understanding what you're talking about. The leech weapon is basically stealing a targeted ship's shield energy for example and using it to augment the players' own.

Yeah, and I'm not sure that it would feel right in an EV style game with ships, where it's more about dodging and firing accurately, not about the pure numbers like WoW.

@coraxus, on 12 March 2012 - 08:24 PM, said in Your game functionality wishlist:

Not if the AI does electronic warfare as well. Also, it isn't limited to offensive measures, you can have defensive measures as well too, even have outfits that momentarily enhances a ship's performance or those of your allies or escorts.

Why would it enhance performance? Basically, it already exists in EV as jamming, maybe extend that to turrets and such and maybe hologram ships, but anymore than that and I think it would be odd.

@coraxus, on 12 March 2012 - 08:24 PM, said in Your game functionality wishlist:

LOL why not? 😄

Because it would add little to nothing, but take time to implement?

@coraxus, on 12 March 2012 - 08:24 PM, said in Your game functionality wishlist:

I don't know. It's also useful for not pissing off governments, or to end up sicking an entire mob of fleet on you because you picked a wrong fight.

Yeah, but I like that you have to pay for being a moron.

This post has been edited by EVWeb : 12 March 2012 - 08:41 PM

@evweb, on 12 March 2012 - 08:39 PM, said in Your game functionality wishlist:

Why would it enhance performance? Basically, it already exists in EV as jamming, maybe extend that to turrets and such and maybe hologram ships, but anymore than that and I think it would be odd.

In an electronic warfare, jamming missiles aren't the only thing you can do. You can also affect a ship's targeting and navigational system. Though some of the aspects is likely to happen to the player and not the AI ships. But electronic warfare can also attack a ship's maneuverability as well, and the ability to fire weapons. Even affect static outfits like jammers or cloaking devices themselves.

On the flipside, there can be outfits that act as firewalls to protect the ship from such dangerous hacking. But on the other hand, it can also improve a ship's performance, like maybe make missiles fire more accurately, accelerate a ship faster, or increase the energy output of energy-based weapons for more damage.


Yeah, but I like that you have to pay for being a moron.

I'm pretty sure others will have other ideas to make use of this feature. It's not a necessary one, it was just thought out randomly when I did the EV4 wishlist a long time ago.

I'm on board with ECM features to a point. Jamming is good. But, if it gets too advanced, you're throwing a lot of obstacles at a player all at once. I don't mind added complexity, but only if it serves to advance the gameplay. For example, my idea to have orbiting planets. It should be an option, but not necessary, because if it's not done well, it only serves to annoy and not enhance. Really, most of these ideas are that way. I like the idea of having that option , even if it never gets used (and in many cases, probably shouldn't.) This happened a lot with EVN, such as planet-type ships and weapons.

Drain-type weapons I'm iffy on. Like EVWeb said, EV is more about piloting than simple numbers. I do want the ability to in-flight augment shields/armor regen, though. I'm also iffy on the cart idea, but perhaps a good compromise could be reached with something like a control-select feature so you can select multiple outfits, or a little "how many" box in each outfit box, then a tally at the bottom of mass, price, and number.

I don't get the point of strafing. You can already do that (so long as you're not in an inertialess ship,) by accelerating and turning towards the target. Needless complexity.

I'm definitely on board with being able to have different locations per spob (perhaps up to three spaceports, with a quick dialogue on landing for which one to head to.) I'd also like the ability to have maybe 2-3 different bars per location, and to label them in the bar dialogue. Maybe it's just because I'm from Wisconsin, where you can't officially be considered a town unless you have two or more taverns. I'd also like for the player to have to go to the Fluffy Duckling or the Golden Pony and not just "the bar."

@krugeruwsp, on 15 March 2012 - 07:59 PM, said in Your game functionality wishlist:

I'd also like for the player to have to go to the Fluffy Duckling or the Golden Pony and not just "the bar."

Easily fixed by naming the bar in the bar dësc.

But then how to you decide you needed to be in the Fluffy Duckling and not the Golden Pony, and then go to the Golden Pony after visiting the Fluffy Duckling?

Edit: You could just have the mission change the bar desc to the appropriate bar. Durr. Disregard this post, but I still think it would be fun to introduce that little bit of "oops" factor.

This post has been edited by JacaByte : 15 March 2012 - 10:32 PM