The Blue Mushroom Pub

SuperNova comes back from the future, having been sent there by the spoon attack. He tells tales of a franchise called McBlueMushroom that will have its headquarters built over the original bar. The mascot is Lifey the clown, an annoying jester that gets pelted with garbage frequently.

(edit)w00t! #1400 and first on new page!

(url="http://"")Blog? What blog?(/url)
<(url="http://"")E(/url)(url="http://"")V(/url)(url="http://"")ula link(/url)>

(This message has been edited by SuperNova (edited 05-07-2004).)

(I'm just the owner. Sidatious the Drink Mage Demon is the barkeep now. His power is second only to the spoon Posted Image . It's over three feet long, and is the only magic allowed in the bar. Don't worry, I rarely use it.)

Rawzer holds the Spoon of Awesome high above his head, and, with a mighty bang, his coffee is warm and delicious.

Nobody's perfect. Well... there was this one (url="http://"")guy(/url), but we killed him. -Unknown, or unsure.
He's in his (url="http://"")twelfth grade(/url)
A (url="http://"")cartoonist(/url) and he (url="http://"")writes(/url)
(url="http://"")Rawzer(/url) from (url="http://"")New York(/url) -mrxak

Sidatious dissipates into murky black smoke that leaves a foul odour lingering in the air.

Arianne regards her relatives with surprise. Minute lines of tension mar her brow, but she greets them with remarkable forbearance and points them in the direction of the pool. The flock sheds their black cloaks as they move; the robes they wear beneath are a bewildering array of colours that reveal a severe lack of taste. Either that, or an almost universal colour-blindness. Arianne winces and quickly turns back to her drink, muttering various uncomplimentary phrases about family.

When the vampires leave the pool, the water is completely clear. No trace of Lifeknight can be seen. They start to pester Arianne again, but she points them towards SuperNova.

Spazz feels a tap on his shoulder. When he turns around, he is confronted by a very large and pointy mouthful of teeth, all belonging to a grinning Sidatious.


Should LifeKnight pop up again, kdc delegates responsibility to Yellow to devour him. The massive animal - reminiscent of a cat, yet not quite like one - drools in anticipation.

I'm too sexy for your pants.

Upon noticing the vampires, SuperNova transforms into his armor. They shy away at the brightness of his bioengineered light element powers.

(url="http://"")Blog? What blog?(/url)
<(url="http://"")E(/url)(url="http://"")V(/url)(url="http://"")ula link(/url)>

Raistlin builds an effigy of the Archfiend known only as 'Bill Gates' and sets it on (nonmagical) fire, growling about billionaires and the short end of a stick. He proceeds to order another beer.

All hail Hikari, Golden Goddess of Light!
Rock: Hi Forte, nice to see you again! Forte: SUFFER!


Originally posted by kraftdinnerclone:
**Should LifeKnight pop up again, kdc delegates responsibility to Yellow to devour him. The massive animal - reminiscent of a cat, yet not quite like one - drools in anticipation.


LifeKnight pops up again and dives into the pool, which has a tunnel to the Escape Velocity demension.

KDC is extinguished.

"Monkey buisness is booming" -SecretChîmp | "The lawsuit is stupid. Stupid things should die." -Me | "We do not put EVula links in our sigs" -Mantaray | "I heard beta is closed hehe" -hector
(url="http://"")My Profile(/url) | (url="http://"")ColdstoneRC(/url) | (url="http://"")He's EVula!(/url) | (url="http://"")AMT(/url) | (url="http://";=12&SUBMIT;=Go")Our insane community(/url) | (url="http://"")zigs(/url) | (url="http://"")All Your Base(/url)
Official member of WORRPBOITAMPSH, founding member of FOSTI and SNUB, and official nemesis of Divals the Conquerer

Is this thread killing the web board?

"Then Jesus got into his white van, with Dave, and Wayne, and they travelled through Galilee hitting those who sinned with sticks and clubs."


KDC is extinguished.

She was on fire?
I hardly think that the Pub is killing the board. If anything, it seems to be the only thing keeping it alive.

All hail Hikari, Golden Goddess of Light!
Rock: Hi Forte, nice to see you again! Forte: SUFFER!


Originally posted by Raistlin Majere:
She was on fire?

Only if she was in your effigy.
Arianne watches the water in the pool drain out through the tunnel.



Originally posted by Rawzer:
**Is this thread killing the web board?


It died long ago.

Hurry up Rubber Ducky, finish that plugin!

"Monkey buisness is booming" -SecretChîmp | "The lawsuit is stupid. Stupid things should die." -Me | "We do not put EVula links in our sigs" -Mantaray | "I heard beta is closed hehe" -hector
(url="http://"")My Profile(/url) | (url="http://"")ColdstoneRC(/url) | (url="http://"")He's EVula!(/url) | (url="http://"")AMT(/url) | (url="http://";=12&SUBMIT;=Go")Our insane community(/url) | (url="http://"")zigs(/url) | (url="http://"")All Your Base(/url)
Official member of WORRPBOITAMPSH, founding member of FOSTI and SNUB, and official nemesis of Divals the Conquerer

SlaVitiCkus wakes up from a very, very long nap, and wonders why the heck the doors to this place are not locked yet. He looks at the date, and almost faints. He, I was last on page 23, this is 36...13 pages at 40 posts per page.....dang, thats over 500 posts to catch up on....

SlaVitiCkus begins to read something that is longer than the novel assigned by his english teacher. (btw, I still may not be posting much, I found a shop with computer's up and running back in the corner, so I decided I'd use it to post :p. For those of you who do not know, my computer took its final plunge, and now I am desperatly saving up for a new one.

Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordian.
"You're dumb." -Rawzer to whitedevil, whitedevil2, Ory 'hara, and poger825.
What doesn't kill you just leaves you writhing in pain and agony.

If your computer isn't working, then how could you be posting here? 😛

"Monkey buisness is booming" -SecretChîmp | "The lawsuit is stupid. Stupid things should die." -Me | "We do not put EVula links in our sigs" -Mantaray | "I heard beta is closed hehe" -hector
(url="http://"")My Profile(/url) | (url="http://"")ColdstoneRC(/url) | (url="http://"")He's EVula!(/url) | (url="http://"")AMT(/url) | (url="http://";=12&SUBMIT;=Go")Our insane community(/url) | (url="http://"")zigs(/url) | (url="http://"")All Your Base(/url)
Official member of WORRPBOITAMPSH, founding member of FOSTI and SNUB, and official nemesis of Divals the Conquerer

A dragon with 50 heads and a high voice enters the bar with the intent of investing it. He is armed with the legendary Spoonmelter, a magic fork that can pwn any spoon. His offer is very reasonable despite the fact that he could negotiate a better deal by employing his tined bargaining tool.

(url="http://"")Blog? What blog?(/url)
<(url="http://"")E(/url)(url="http://"")V(/url)(url="http://"")ula link(/url)>


Originally posted by LifeKnight:
**If your computer isn't working, then how could you be posting here?:p


Originally posted by SlaVitiCkus:
**I found a shop with computer's up and running back in the corner, so I decided I'd use it to post:p.

Somewhat easily, it seems.

Rawzer does not entirely understand what the dragon wants. Stock?

Proud member of (url="http://"")CMSV-X(/url).

(This message has been edited by Rawzer (edited 05-20-2004).)


Originally posted by Rawzer:
**Rawzer does not entirely understand what the dragon wants. Stock?


I think so, but I can't be sure with its squeaky voice.

(url="http://"")Blog? What blog?(/url)
<(url="http://"")E(/url)(url="http://"")V(/url)(url="http://"")ula link(/url)>

Spazz shoots the dragon and gives the fork to seditious, who eats it.

Life would be easier if I had the source code; He who knows nothing, doubts nothing -Confucious : check it out (url="http://"") and the other toons on this page (url="http://"") ; ah yes, How much wood would a woodchuck chuck, if I pulled out all it's teeth?

Rawzer sits down and thinks, "if the fork is more powerful than the spoon, and Sidatious is more powerful than the fork, and the spoon is more powerful than Sidatious..."

Rawzer gives up and begins playing paper, rock, scissors with anyone in sight.

Proud member of (url="http://"")CMSV-X(/url).

Arianne challenges Rawzer to a dart contest.

I have now reached the stage where my sig is larger than my post. w00t!

From many a (url="http://"")wondrous grot(/url) and secret cell
Unnumbered and enormous (url="http://"")polypi(/url)
Winnow with giant fins the slumbering green.

mine's bigger :p, woah, this is like a strange version of a pissing contest . . . or is it, a pissing contest is a strange version of this?

Spazz shoots an Anthropomorphic personification of a pissing contest . . .

Life would be easier if I had the source code; He who knows nothing, doubts nothing -Confucious : check it out (url="http://"") and the other toons on this page (url="http://"") ; ah yes, How much wood would a woodchuck chuck, if I pulled out all it's teeth?