The Blue Mushroom Pub

Spazz decides to form a search party for Labrat and the others, but walking around the room, he forgets to put the safety on his magnum and promptly shoots himself on the foot. (wait, didn't he REMOVE the safety?...)

the bullet richochets off bone/floor/beer and flys off into the crowd...

Life would be easier if I had the source code; He who knows nothing, doubts nothing -Confucious : check it out (url="http://"") and the other toons on this page (url="http://"") ; ah yes, How much wood would a woodchuck chuck, if I pulled out all it's teeth?


Originally posted by Spazzybob:
**Spazz decides to form a search party for Labrat and the others, but walking around the room, he forgets to put the safety on his magnum and promptly shoots himself on the foot. (wait, didn't he REMOVE the safety?...)

the bullet richochets off bone/floor/beer and flys off into the crowd...


...And shoots through the stake keeping the Head up, promptly falling over. The bullet imbeds itself in the nearby wall. "Bloody hell!!!" The Head screams as he falls and knocks over his beer making a puddle that spills into the nearby fire. A small explosion soon follows.

some who did not know would ask "what is this way that gives him so much power?" and they were told "It is the way of Mrs. Marietta Cosmopilite, 3 quirm street, Ankh-Morpork, rooms to rent, very reasonable. No, we don't understand it, either. Some subsendential rubbish, apparently." - Terry Pratchett, Thief of Time
For all your Nova needs!
(url="http://"") For all your Nova Walkthroughy Needs!(/url) I (url="http://"")For all your Nova Add-ony needs!(/url) I (url="http://";=26&SUBMIT;=Go")For All you Nova Web-Boardy Needs!(/url)

Arianne throws darts at LifeKnight.


Rawzer and kdc join Arianne.

Nobody's perfect. Well... there was this one (url="http://"")guy(/url), but we killed him. -Unknown, or unsure.
He's in his (url="http://"")twelfth grade(/url)
A (url="http://"")cartoonist(/url) and he (url="http://"")writes(/url)
(url="http://"")Rawzer(/url) from (url="http://"")New York(/url) -mrxak


Originally posted by Rawzer:
**Rawzer and kdc join Arianne.


As do I.

(url="http://"")Blog? What blog?(/url)
<(url="http://"")E(/url)(url="http://"")V(/url)(url="http://"")ula link(/url)>

LifeKnight runs through the portal to the Boozerama Bar, and destroys the time portal behind him. MWA HA HA HA! All your base are belong to us! You're TRAPPED! 😛

(url="http://"")Ambrosia Members Tonight!(/url) | (url="http://"")The Moderator Song(/url) / (url="http://"")SchnellTalk(/url) / (url="http://"")OctoberFost, being an idiot...(/url)
(url="http://"")My New Profile(/url) | (url="http://"")ColdstoneRC(/url) | (url="http://"")He's EVula!(/url) | (url="http://";=12&SUBMIT;=Go")Our insane community(/url)
(url="http://"")The Commonwealth of Zigs(/url). All your base are belong to (url="http://"")us(/url)!
Official member of WORRPOITATMPSH and founding member of FOSTi

Unbeknonst tohim, the portal cannot be closed by anyone except Rawzer. Instead, Lifeknight activated a security spell that trapped him in a very small, hollow sphere of marble.

Spazz picks up the sphere and drops it in the scalding hot tub. Then passes out more darts.

ooc: does anyone know where labrat and the rest of thos guys went?

Life would be easier if I had the source code; He who knows nothing, doubts nothing -Confucious : check it out (url="http://"") and the other toons on this page (url="http://"") ; ah yes, How much wood would a woodchuck chuck, if I pulled out all it's teeth?

KrayzKid enters the bar with a grin on his face. He sits down and asks for a drink.
"What are you so happy for?" The man next to him asks.
"I made a invention." KrayzKid responds
" a PV."
"Which stands for?"
KrayzKid pulls out what looks like a folded piece of cardboard.
"What is that?"
"A portable volcano." KrayzKid says a he unfolds it and shoves the man into the PV, then closes it. "PV for short."
Every head in the bar is turned to KrayzKid. Suddenly KrayzKid is being offered loads of money for his PV, but he declines all the offers(it could and will come in use later in this bar's history).
After ten mintues the bar has settled down to it's normal state(which isn't very normal :))

Hey from now on everyone should know that my PortableVolcano(now i will call it my PV) Has a auto lock, a steal proof spell on it , And i am the only one who can use it or they will turn into a vat of cow dung mixed in with ZombieBlood(hard to find. only very little is on Zombies if there is any.) So they will be Very disgusting and won't be able to move/talk/see... . back to the story

Whe it is too cold outside to play,your friends can't come over, and there are no cool computer games to play come over to the (url="http://"")BlueMushroomPub(/url) for loads of laughs in 35+ pages.
Go homeschoolers. Homeschooling is really fun, cause you get to get out of school earlier, but learn more.

Labrat posted recently in the EVN bar. He's had a broken wrist, I believe.


At some point in time, kdc jumps into a hot tub to soothe her aching muscles.

I'm too sexy for your pants.


Originally posted by kraftdinnerclone:
**At some point in time, kdc jumps into a hot tub to soothe her aching muscles.


LifeKnight works on the piping system for the hot tubs.

"Monkey buisness is booming" -SecretChîmp | "The lawsuit is stupid. Stupid things should die." -Me | "We do not put EVula links in our sigs" -Mantaray | "I heard beta is closed hehe" -hector
(url="http://"")My Profile(/url) | (url="http://"")ColdstoneRC(/url) | (url="http://"")He's EVula!(/url) | (url="http://"")AMT(/url) | (url="http://";=12&SUBMIT;=Go")Our insane community(/url) | (url="http://"")zigs(/url)
Official member of WORRPOITATMPSH and founding member of FOSTi

SuperNova tries to get a free lunch by having Rawzer say his name backwards minus the "R". SuperNova is subsequently hit by a flying anti-Homestar Runner security spoon.

(url="http://"")Blog? What blog?(/url)
<(url="http://"")E(/url)(url="http://"")V(/url)(url="http://"")ula link(/url)>

"Which R? What are you talking about?"

Nobody's perfect. Well... there was this one (url="http://"")guy(/url), but we killed him. -Unknown, or unsure.
He's in his (url="http://"")twelfth grade(/url)
A (url="http://"")cartoonist(/url) and he (url="http://"")writes(/url)
(url="http://"")Rawzer(/url) from (url="http://"")New York(/url) -mrxak


Originally posted by Rawzer:
**What are you talking about?"


The new StrongBad E-mail. KrayzKid attemts to do the same as SuperNova by Writing a sign that says "Sbu".
"Hey what! The cheat, oh ya, The LifeKnight, I thought i told you to make this sign say Rezwa!"
Everyone in the bar starts calling Rawzer, Rezwa. KrayzKid sits at the bar and asks for a years worth of rooms. Rezwa then gives KrayzKid the room with a sign saying "explosives, Warning". As Rezwa closes the door, angry shouts come from the room KrayzKid just entered.

Whe it is too cold outside to play,your friends can't come over, and there are no cool computer games to play come over to the (url="http://"")BlueMushroomPub(/url) for loads of laughs in 35+ pages.
Go homeschoolers. Homeschooling is really fun, cause you get to get out of school earlier, but learn more.

Arianne orders a drink from Sidatious. It comes in an opaque stoppered flask, and smells quite strongly of iron and salt.


Eh, hi guys, there's a major battle brewing on BnB and JC so I can't talk for long.

LifeKnight gets a drink and jumps into the pool, throwing a dart at the drink daemon as he does so.

"Monkey buisness is booming" -SecretChîmp | "The lawsuit is stupid. Stupid things should die." -Me | "We do not put EVula links in our sigs" -Mantaray | "I heard beta is closed hehe" -hector
(url="http://"")My Profile(/url) | (url="http://"")ColdstoneRC(/url) | (url="http://"")He's EVula!(/url) | (url="http://"")AMT(/url) | (url="http://";=12&SUBMIT;=Go")Our insane community(/url) | (url="http://"")zigs(/url) | (url="http://"")All Your Base(/url)
Official member of WORRPBOITAMPSH, founding member of FOSTI and SNUB, and official nemisis of Divals the Conquerer

Sidatious jumps into the pool, and quickly jumps back out, leaving the water unusually murky and red. Sidatious scratches a tally on the wall behind the bar, and Arianne glances at the pool, licking her lips.

Nobody's perfect. Well... there was this one (url="http://"")guy(/url), but we killed him. -Unknown, or unsure.
He's in his (url="http://"")twelfth grade(/url)
A (url="http://"")cartoonist(/url) and he (url="http://"")writes(/url)
(url="http://"")Rawzer(/url) from (url="http://"")New York(/url) -mrxak


right, for lack of a better idea, Spazz shoots Sidatious and his/her blood spills all over the floor. Just then, Arianne's relatives drop in for a surprise family reunion...

Life would be easier if I had the source code; He who knows nothing, doubts nothing -Confucious : check it out (url="http://"") and the other toons on this page (url="http://"") ; ah yes, How much wood would a woodchuck chuck, if I pulled out all it's teeth?


Originally posted by Spazzybob:

right, for lack of a better idea, Spazz shoots Sidatious and his/her blood spills all over the floor. Just then, Arianne's relatives drop in for a surprise family reunion...


pitty the poor insomniac dyslexic agnostic. he stays up all night wondering if there really is a dog.

Spazz spazzes in glee at the arrival of midget2 (shes MY midget none of you can have her!!!!)

tour, theres a whole lot of stuff and a freezing hot tub, a medium hot tub and a scalding hot tub, oh and Arrianne is a vampire.

oh yes, points at Rawzer Thats the barkeep, no magic or he will enforce the no magic rule with his f***ing huge wooden spoon of doom (its like three feet long)

right yeah.... thats about it..... shoots the lotto machine.....

Life would be easier if I had the source code; He who knows nothing, doubts nothing -Confucious : check it out (url="http://"") and the other toons on this page (url="http://"") ; ah yes, How much wood would a woodchuck chuck, if I pulled out all it's teeth?