The Blue Mushroom Pub

LifeKnight wonders why this topic isn't locked yet.

(url="http://"")Ambrosia Members Tonight!(/url) | (url="http://"")The Moderator Song(/url) / (url="http://"")SchnellTalk(/url) / (url="http://"")OctoberFost, being an idiot...(/url)
(url="http://"")This site changed my life. It can change yours too. Link now.(/url)
How are you gentlemen!! (url="http://"")All your base are belong to us!(/url) You are on ze way to destruction. You will have no chance to survive make your time...Mwa ha ha ha...
-ZeroWing CATS, (url="http://"")All your Base(/url)

Spazz, seeing lifeknight's error, uses ducktape to close knight's mouth before he atracks the atention of the moderators...

ooc:fixed stuff in previous post...

Life would be easier if I had the source code; He who knows nothing, doubts nothing -Confucious : check it out (url="http://"") and the other toons on this page (url="http://"")

SlaVitiCkus comes back in the bar after a night at the fair. After being on 10 different upside-down, twisting, twirling, flinging rides, he is surprised nothing has left his stomache...

Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordian.
"You're dumb." -Rawzer to whitedevil, whitedevil2, Ory 'hara, and poger825.
What doesn't kill you just leaves you writhing in pain and agony.

pp wakes up from his deep slumber, social studies project finished, only to hurl a giant, ankle-biting shrew at Rawzer. Back to sleep...

( (url="http://"")com(/url) | (url="http://"")org(/url) | (url="http://"")net(/url) | (url="http://"")ev-nova(/url) )

Rawzer dodges the shrew, which bites his ankle anyway. Rawzer whacks it with the spoon, giving it a minor concussion.

Rawzer declares "Honestly, if you were a mod, would you lock this topic? I think not."

Nobody's perfect. Well... there was this one (url="http://"")guy(/url), but we killed him. -Unknown, or unsure.
He's in his (url="http://"")twelfth grade(/url)
A (url="http://"")cartoonist(/url) and he (url="http://"")writes(/url)
(url="http://"")Rawzer(/url) from (url="http://"")New York(/url) -mrxak

I wouldn't lock it, where would I get my drinks? And who would shut down a place with such good service?

Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordian.
"You're dumb." -Rawzer to whitedevil, whitedevil2, Ory 'hara, and poger825.
What doesn't kill you just leaves you writhing in pain and agony.


Originally posted by SlaVitiCkus:
**I wouldn't lock it, where would I get my drinks? And who would shut down a place with such good service?


And with such good ankle-biting shrews?

( (url="http://"")com(/url) | (url="http://"")org(/url) | (url="http://"")net(/url) | (url="http://"")ev-nova(/url) )

The ankle-biting shrew does what it does best to Rawzer again.

"Yep," Rawzer says through clenched teeth, "this'n's a keeper."

Nobody's perfect. Well... there was this one (url="http://"")guy(/url), but we killed him. -Unknown, or unsure.
He's in his (url="http://"")twelfth grade(/url)
A (url="http://"")cartoonist(/url) and he (url="http://"")writes(/url)
(url="http://"")Rawzer(/url) from (url="http://"")New York(/url) -mrxak

The remains of evil SuperNova react to the soybean planted inside them and crawl out of the bar to transform into a tofu monster.

It leaves in search of a bar that allows magic.

Meanwhile, the real SuperNova starts selling Bowie Spoons in an attempt to revive spoon dueling.

Yet another meaningless post
<(url="http://"")E(/url)(url="http://"")V(/url)(url="http://"")ula link(/url)>

ooc: If i didn't know them better (in general terms) I would say they might lock us own jus to spite us. But seeing as how there here to make sure that this stays a fun enviroment, I dont see how pissing people off by closing this topic would accomplish that.

Spazz begins works on a Linear accelerator Raiulgun that works with wood instead of metal...

Life would be easier if I had the source code; He who knows nothing, doubts nothing -Confucious : check it out (url="http://"") and the other toons on this page (url="http://"")


Originally posted by SlaVitiCkus:
**SlaVitiCkus is confused. He was in a white coat yesterday, but he wasn't a scientist...and the sleeves were rather uncomfortable.


Hahaha... I just got the joke here. 😛


Originally posted by Spazzybob:
ooc: If i didn't know them better (in general terms) I would say they might lock us own jus to spite us.

Good point. That's exactly why I never really publicly discussed the issue. Just... shhh... okay? 😉

Rawzer makes this post relevant by feeding the shrew to Yellow, the large cat-like creature.

Nobody's perfect. Well... there was this one (url="http://"")guy(/url), but we killed him. -Unknown, or unsure.
He's in his (url="http://"")twelfth grade(/url)
A (url="http://"")cartoonist(/url) and he (url="http://"")writes(/url)
(url="http://"")Rawzer(/url) from (url="http://"")New York(/url) -mrxak

A bar of soap wearing a superhero outfit walks into the bar while muttering something about cleaning up the bar.

Yet another meaningless post
<(url="http://"")E(/url)(url="http://"")V(/url)(url="http://"")ula link(/url)>

ooc: riiiiiight...., Hey Rawzer, you should re-post that pic of your spoon that you originally posted during that big spoon war, i looked but couldn't find it

Life would be easier if I had the source code; He who knows nothing, doubts nothing -Confucious : check it out (url="http://"") and the other toons on this page (url="http://"")

It's not being hosted anymore. I should probably get another picture of it taken, preferably while I hold it with a menacing look on my face.

Nobody's perfect. Well... there was this one (url="http://"")guy(/url), but we killed him. -Unknown, or unsure.
He's in his (url="http://"")twelfth grade(/url)
A (url="http://"")cartoonist(/url) and he (url="http://"")writes(/url)
(url="http://"")Rawzer(/url) from (url="http://"")New York(/url) -mrxak

OOC: Man, I really have to keep tabs on this thing more often...

LK "wakes up" and asks if his room-for-a-year has expired and if he needs to pay again.

(url="http://"")Ambrosia Members Tonight!(/url) | (url="http://"")The Moderator Song(/url) / (url="http://"")SchnellTalk(/url) / (url="http://"")OctoberFost, being an idiot...(/url)
(url="http://"")This site changed my life. It can change yours too. Link now.(/url)
How are you gentlemen!! (url="http://"")All your base are belong to us!(/url) You are on ze way to destruction. You will have no chance to survive make your time...Mwa ha ha ha...
-ZeroWing CATS, (url="http://"")All your Base(/url)

ooc: yes do that, not only to see the spoon, but now we can all see a pic of he whp weilds the spoon, actually, mayebe we should all post pics of ourselves, just for maybe

Spazz goes for a soak in the medium hot jacuzzi and orders a rootbeer daquiri. Using boomer (his mini-catapault) he shoots a fragment of the improbablity drive at the ankle-biting shrew, turing it into a small linux penguin.

Life would be easier if I had the source code; He who knows nothing, doubts nothing -Confucious : check it out (url="http://"") and the other toons on this page (url="http://"")

ooc: are we organized enough as a webstory to require ooc messages? I hope not.

Yet another meaningless post
<(url="http://"")E(/url)(url="http://"")V(/url)(url="http://"")ula link(/url)>

Rawzer doesn't really care, about LifeKnight's room, or the ooc messages.

(I don't even use "ooc." I'm not sure what it precisely means.)

Edit: A preview: Posted Image

Just fooling around with an iSight.

Nobody's perfect. Well... there was this one (url="http://"")guy(/url), but we killed him. -Unknown, or unsure.
He's in his (url="http://"")twelfth grade(/url)
A (url="http://"")cartoonist(/url) and he (url="http://"")writes(/url)
(url="http://"")Rawzer(/url) from (url="http://"")New York(/url) -mrxak

(This message has been edited by Rawzer (edited 02-26-2004).)

Then I guess I'll just use my room without paying. 😛

OOC means "Out of character". Use it when you are saying something that isn't directly part of the bar story.

(url="http://"")Ambrosia Members Tonight!(/url) | (url="http://"")The Moderator Song(/url) / (url="http://"")SchnellTalk(/url) / (url="http://"")OctoberFost, being an idiot...(/url)
(url="http://"")My New Profile(/url) | (url="http://"")ColdstoneRC(/url) | (url="http://"")He's EVula!(/url) | [Our insane community
How are you gentlemen!! All your base are belong to us! You are on ze way to destruction. You will have no chance to survive make your time...Mwa ha ha ha...
-ZeroWing CATS, (url=http://" your Base](

heh, my mom is paranoid, she won't even consider the idea of me posting a pic o myself on any webboard, even this one, because there might be "bad people.... I understand the sentiment, but come one, this a game board.

spazz finshed his railgun and starts taking pot shots at peoples muggs right as they're about to take a drink...

Life would be easier if I had the source code; He who knows nothing, doubts nothing -Confucious : check it out (url="http://"") and the other toons on this page (url="http://"") ; ah yes, How much wood would a woodchuck chuck, if I pulled out all it's teeth?