The Blue Mushroom Pub

well then, ChaOs, how may I serve you? SlaVitiCkus just looks over at mithrandir and his empty threats, thinking how easily he could overcome anyone here if he hadnt lost his spoon.

Going to war without
France is like going
deer hunting without an
accordion. All you do is

Ok, here is a spoon. Now find out if that guy really is Gandalf... :evil grin:

(url="http://"")The Homepage of Cha0s(/url)

SlaVitiCkus starts beating mithrandir. After he wins, he rejoices at his victory. Then he realizes that mithrandir's alchohol level was 5x the legal limit, and that he couldnt of even lifted a finger in a strait path. SlaVitiCkus walks away, defeated in some ways....

Going to war without
France is like going
deer hunting without an
accordion. All you do is

Rawzer doubles the prices of everything, because he is losing money on this bar at a rapid rate.

Social correctness has traditionally had nothing whatever to do with reason, logic, or physics.
-Douglas Adams, Salmon of Doubt
The Aftermath will soon be upon you. Be warned.

SlaVitiCkus now apparently owes Rawzer twice the amount of money before ChaOs will free him

Going to war without
France is like going
deer hunting without an
accordion. All you do is


Originally posted by mithrandir:
**I seam to be lost.

Hahaha, that's what you think. pp, for no apparent reason, suddenly becomes Dirk Gently and sets up a detective agency. I hunger for food.

"I love deadlines, I love the 'whooshing' sound they make as they go by." - Douglas Adams.

You would, if you were Dirk. Unless you were Dirk in the Salmon of Doubt.

Social correctness has traditionally had nothing whatever to do with reason, logic, or physics.
-Douglas Adams, Salmon of Doubt
The Aftermath will soon be upon you. Be warned.

After waking up, Gandalf looks around. He thought he passed out, but then he noticed that there are spoon marks all over him. "WHO DARE STRIKE ME?" he Boomed. He set his staff on the ground and then muttered something quietly. Suddenly, the staff spins and points towards SlaVitiCkus.

"YOU!" He shouted. "You are respnsible! But, because you are the slave of ChaOs, you are his responsibility. Gandalf points his staff towards ChaOs and says, "Cana tele su ko nei, hav to la zo, zelo cove ta, KAI!!!" A bright flash light up the room. When everyone regained there sight they looked around. Seemingly, nothing had changed. Gandalf smiled and went back to his seat. He sipped his ale. Razwer opened a drawer and then said, "Hey, what happened to the spoons?"

"That is what I did!" Gandalf exclamed. "I have destroyed all the spoons in the bar! Even the battle spoons! Now there will be no more of your cursed spoon wars!"

I am now Gandalf the White, back from death- J.R.R. Tolkien

SlaVitiCkus leaves the bar via the time portal, goes to Utian, gets more spoons, returns, hands one to everyone. Suddenly everyone turns to mithrandir giving him the evil eye.

Going to war without
France is like going
deer hunting without an
accordion. All you do is


Originally posted by mithrandir:
**After waking up, Gandalf looks ( BLAH BLAH BLAH).


"... Alright, no more of your god." pp burns all of mithrandir's staffs before feeding him to the tigers... What tigers? Oh, forget I mentioned them. :).

"I love deadlines, I love the 'whooshing' sound they make as they go by." - Douglas Adams.

aw shucks I was about to unleash my spoon powers on him. Wait a minute, how did I get these spoons if I dont have any money?

Just then, 4 Utians come in with DriviTan Long Swords (yes, DriviTan, dont ask why), and start beating SlaVitiCkus for taking their power spoons. Just as they declare him their eternal slave, SlaVitiCkus points out that he is already ChaOs's slave. With a mumble, the 4 leave, and SlaVitiCkus is huddled in the corner, beaten and bruised.

Soon, the "Treat your Slaves fairly" inspectors come in, see SlaVitiCkus beaten with spoon marks, look over to witness ChaOs holding his spoon, declare him "unworthy of a slave", and declare SlaVitiCkus free.

Going to war without
France is like going
deer hunting without an
accordion. All you do is

mithrandir must've had the SoL or something... 🙂

Going to war without
France is like going
deer hunting without an
accordion. All you do is

pp immidiately gets SlaVitiCkus drunk and than tricks him into signing a contract to be pp's slave. :), free slave.

"I love deadlines, I love the 'whooshing' sound they make as they go by." - Douglas Adams.

luckily, whilst drunk, SlaVitiCkus didn't know his own name, so now ChaOs is pp' s slave. 😄

Going to war without
France is like going
deer hunting without an
accordion. All you do is

I immediately explain that that isn't MY signature and SlaVitiCkus is fined, but not having enough money is made pp's slave ( I don't want one anymore. Too much of a hassle).

(url="http://"")The Homepage of Cha0s(/url)

SlaVitiCkus ends up getting money from pp because he was caught forcing him to down some alchohol purposely for signing papers, enough money to buy his freedom, and the whole slave ordeal is over...finnaly...

Going to war without
France is like going
deer hunting without an
accordion. All you do is


Originally posted by SlaVitiCkus:
**SlaVitiCkus ends up getting money from pp because he was caught forcing him to down some alchohol purposely for signing papers, enough money to buy his freedom, and the whole slave ordeal is over...finnaly...


evil grin Or is it?... It's at that point pp realizes there are really only four patrons in the pub, including himself. pp than invests enormous amounts of money in an advertising campaign to get more unlucky citizens to come visit the pub.

"I love deadlines, I love the 'whooshing' sound they make as they go by." - Douglas Adams.

Advertising Campaign---If you come to the Blue Mushroom Pub now, you'll receive free of charge a complete set of the Virgin Islands. The Virgin Islands, located in the beautiful blue Carribbean makes for extremely large drink holders or door-stops. Be the talk of your hum-drum town today, all thanks to the Blue Mushroom Pub.

While supplies last

Going to war without
France is like going
deer hunting without an
accordion. All you do is


Originally posted by SlaVitiCkus:
**While supplies last


Behind the scenes, at the back of the pub, pp and SlaVitiCkus continue to argue. "Why the hell did you create a campaign like that? We don't have any supplies, and we can't give away The Virgin Islands!"
"sniff... Stop... stop yelling!"

Meanwhile, in the main room of the pub, a riot is begginning to form. The people want their... erm... Virgin Islands.

"I love deadlines, I love the 'whooshing' sound they make as they go by." - Douglas Adams.

Actually, we do have the one set. And I guess that's our supply. Ah well.

Social correctness has traditionally had nothing whatever to do with reason, logic, or physics.
-Douglas Adams, Salmon of Doubt
The Aftermath will soon be upon you. Be warned.