shan request

I need a Nova rendition of the EV Classic 'Rebel Cruiser' and 'Confed Cruiser' complete with 'Manta Light Fighter' and 'Confed Patrol Ship' carried fighters. Can anyone do that for me? I'll include you in my plug as a 'dude' and 'pers' complete with your own ship (You can design every aspect, including weapons loadout). All I ask is that your 'pers' is not hostile toward the player by default. Thanks!

Just to clarify, it sounds to me like you're asking for new graphics for the four ships done in a way to match EVN's quality, not the original graphics from EVC, correct? If that is what you're asking for, you could try contacting the creator of rEVisited and ask permission to use his. However, I don't believe anyone has heard from him in quite some time, so you may not get a response. Still, it's something to try.

I myself could try and come up with some models, but I can't texture and render them in any way close to what EVN has.

Any graphical quality will do, but yes, I would prefer a more 'Nova-like' quality. The Rebel Cruiser was my favorite ship (After the Kestrel) in EVC, and I loooooved the Mantas. I just want them in my plug, if at all possible.

And while I'm on the subject of my plug, DK, do you know if it would be possible to create an outfit/weapon of a 'Boarding Party' that you could send over to another ship (Disabled or not) to attempt a capture? I doubt the Nova engine supports it, but it's worth asking, yes?

The best you can do is an outfit that boosts your chances of capturing a ship. (Like the marine platoon in the stock game)

@darthkev, on 19 August 2011 - 10:13 PM, said in shan request:

Just to clarify, it sounds to me like you're asking for new graphics for the four ships done in a way to match EVN's quality, not the original graphics from EVC, correct? If that is what you're asking for, you could try contacting the creator of rEVisited and ask permission to use his. However, I don't believe anyone has heard from him in quite some time, so you may not get a response. Still, it's something to try.

I myself could try and come up with some models, but I can't texture and render them in any way close to what EVN has.

I am going to send the guy who made rEV an email, but the rEV files aren't recognized by my Stuffit. I can't extract either the windows, or the mac versions. I tried both. They both say 'Unknown Format.'

Another question. How long would it take someone to make 15 - 20 missions on an editor, if they had all relevant information?

I ask because no matter how hard I have tried, I can't get any missions to work by my creation. I can (and will) make all the misn details/desc(s), provide the rewards/consequences, but I need someone else to actually put it all together in a plug, to add to my own. The problem is, if it's going to take forever, I wouldn't want to ask someone to do it without some kind of compensation.

What happened to that can-do attitude before? You asked us not to fix things for you. 😛

What about the missions isn't working? Are they not showing up? Are they showing up but not running properly?

@darthkev, on 20 August 2011 - 08:50 PM, said in shan request:

What happened to that can-do attitude before? You asked us not to fix things for you. 😛

What about the missions isn't working? Are they not showing up? Are they showing up but not running properly?

Okay, so I tore out a few more hairs, and I got a mission start. everything works. The only problem is that this mission is recurring (and not spawning the repeating mission in the BBS like I want it to). The bible confuses the hell out of me about the bits thing. How do I get the 'Intro' mission to not repeat, and upon completion, set the repeating BBS mission? I tried b444 in the 'On success' for the intro, with b444 in the 'available bits' spot in the BBS mission, and no worky. Is there a specific bit number where the Stock game ends, and I can start, much like the outfits end at 443, and my outfits start at 444?

Unfortunately, the stock game has bits spread everywhere from b0 to b9999. You have to find a section which doesn't have anything and work there. I personally use b2000 on, because there is enough room to put quite a few missions without conflict.

To get a mission to end and let another begin, you should have the into set a bit on completion and need that bit to not be set to be offered, and the next mission to need that bit to be offered.

Intro: Available: !2000
On Complete: b2000

Repeating: Available: b2000

@jalisurr, on 21 August 2011 - 12:57 AM, said in shan request:

Unfortunately, the stock game has bits spread everywhere from b0 to b9999. You have to find a section which doesn't have anything and work there. I personally use b2000 on, because there is enough room to put quite a few missions without conflict.

To get a mission to end and let another begin, you should have the into set a bit on completion and need that bit to not be set to be offered, and the next mission to need that bit to be offered.

Intro: Available: !2000
On Complete: b2000

Repeating: Available: b2000

Okay, so I set the 'Available' to !2000 and the 'On Success' to b2000 (both on the intro mission in the bar). Then I set the 'available' on the repeater mission to b2000. The intro mission is no longer offered, and when I took out the !2000 altogether, the intro was offered, but again repeating, and the repeating BBS mission is not offered.

Try !b2000 instead of just !2000.

Ah, yes. Sorry about that.

Okay, with !b2000 in the 'available' for the intro mission, it is offered in the bar, and does not repeat. However, it still doesn't make my BBS mission available at all.

For the BBS mission, you have b2000 in the 'Available' slot? The offer percentage is 100% (or at least not 0%)? It's set to be offered from the correct planet? It's set to be offered from the Mission BBS? Is there any cargo involved? If so, do you have the 'not offered if player has insufficient cargo' flag checked? If so, does your ship have enough cargo space? Do you have any requirements on the type of ship the player must have? If so, does your ship meet those requirements?

@darthkev, on 21 August 2011 - 02:58 PM, said in shan request:

For the BBS mission, you have b2000 in the 'Available' slot? The offer percentage is 100% (or at least not 0%)? It's set to be offered from the correct planet? It's set to be offered from the Mission BBS? Is there any cargo involved? If so, do you have the 'not offered if player has insufficient cargo' flag checked? If so, does your ship have enough cargo space? Do you have any requirements on the type of ship the player must have? If so, does your ship meet those requirements?

Yes. The 'Available bits' field has b2000 in it (for the repeater, set to be available at the mission computer). Available random is 100. Travel stellar is set to 15196 (for random ally of my gov't). Return stellar is -4 (same spob where accepted). Nothing under 'require' and the only boxes checked are 'can abort' and 'show green arrow on map during briefing.' I also have my gov't in the reward section. The req fields for combat rating and record are both set to 0.

Any other ideas?

Travel Stellar and Return Stellar are both destinations after the mission is accepted. What do you have set for the Offer Stellar?

@darthkev, on 21 August 2011 - 10:12 PM, said in shan request:

Travel Stellar and Return Stellar are both destinations after the mission is accepted. What do you have set for the Offer Stellar?

The 'Available Stellar' on both missions is 168. The first mission works. The second does not (still).

Can you post screenshots of your mïsn resources? (This is the intro mission) (This is the repeater mission)

The only thing that pops out at me is that the mission is set to go to a planet of a random ally of your government. Your government does have allies, right?

@jalisurr, on 22 August 2011 - 08:23 AM, said in shan request:

The only thing that pops out at me is that the mission is set to go to a planet of a random ally of your government. Your government does have allies, right?

I do have '128'(Feds) and '144' (WGeese) as allies of my gov't, yes. There was another Feds gov't, but I am fairly certain that 128 is the main one.

If it helps, here's my Gov't screen.

This post has been edited by Avi Kerensky : 22 August 2011 - 12:27 PM