Deciding to do 2-d graphics for one tc

Need graphics feedback

Decided that for one of my many TCs in developement, I would use Adobe Illustrator to create some simple 2-d rough graphics. I couldn't seem to get any pics other than this under 100kbs... So I'm gonna try again.

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Got another. Still have to do "extensive" photo cropping for most.

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Might be able to get more than one in at a time, but don't think so.

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Not bad, SJ. Reminiscent of ships from the Raiden arcade shooter series.

Grr. Finally got two in.
EDIT: Whoops. And thank you.

These are by far my favorite. Picture barely fits though.

Almost done.

Almost done.


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This post has been edited by Spartan Jai : 31 January 2011 - 11:17 PM

Very nice, Jai. Do you plan to have visible turrets in-game, too, or just in these images?

Hmm. Good question. At the moment, they're there for looks, like the ones on the fed carrier. I guess I could try the visibly rotating turrets hack, but that might use more time.

@spartan-jai, on 01 February 2011 - 09:46 AM, said in Deciding to do 2-d graphics for one tc:

Hmm. Good question. At the moment, they're there for looks, like the ones on the fed carrier. I guess I could try the visibly rotating turrets hack, but that might use more time.

Based on the discussion in the Delphi thread (it was suggested that he do it with the Chrenari), the VRT trick isn't as good as it sounds anyway. If I remember correctly, he couldn't get the turret to stay visible for more than a split second or so.

Those are really pretty good, you must be pretty skilled with illustrator to whip so many out so quickly. I was discussing 2d graphics on another thread, and I think they could look really good and are really under-done.

Much appreciated, Meaker. Only reason I can do it so fast is because it is such an easy program to work with. Got one more.

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Got one more. Inspired by the two hour blackout that we just had. I used my "electrical engineering" skills to create a small LED flashlight. Red and yellow things at the top are (on the ship) engines, and (in real life) the LED bulbs. Black is the battery pack or the hull, and everything else is added on.
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@spartan-jai, on 01 February 2011 - 10:59 PM, said in Deciding to do 2-d graphics for one tc:

Got one more. Inspired by the two hour blackout that we just had. I used my "electrical engineering" skills to create a small LED flashlight.

I have figured out who Jai is. He's MacGuyver's son. Who else could hobble together an LED flashlight in the dark?

Nice vessel, Jai, reminds me of EVC's Defender. The lack of a visible cockpit tells me it's much larger than a Defender, however.

@darthkev, on 01 February 2011 - 11:53 PM, said in Deciding to do 2-d graphics for one tc:

I have figured out who Jai is. He's MacGuyver's son. Who else could hobble together an LED flashlight in the dark?

Nice vessel, Jai, reminds me of EVC's Defender. The lack of a visible cockpit tells me it's much larger than a Defender, however.

Am I that good?

Yeah... Maybe not. It wasn't in complete darkness. I had a 99 cent tea light. Anyway, it's a little bigger than Defender. The black trapezoid actually juts out of the ship in the shipyard picture, and the cockpit is right there. And no, I haven't done the shipyard picture yet. Besides, every time that I tried to test the light, it would turn on. Well, I guess that didn't help at all.

EDIT: This thread kinda makes me wish I could gravedig the Delphi ship creations thread.

This post has been edited by Spartan Jai : 02 February 2011 - 12:53 AM

Decided to use Sketchup for my personal pers resource, and made a quad turret while I was at it.
Pers resource:
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My escorts:
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And the turret:
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All outfit pictures will be rendered in 3-d using sketchup. Ships will all be 2-d with the exception of three or four pers resources.

Still using my chaingun, I see. Makes me proud. 🙂

It's the prettiest thing around, so it's worth it.

Nice job on that turret, but the other two images are too dark to make out the details.

There's barely any detail to begin with.I'll adjust the contrast and repost.
EDIT: I updated the photo.

This post has been edited by Spartan Jai : 02 February 2011 - 08:19 PM

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Second of three 3d pers resources. Will be posting more 2-d images tomorrow.

Incredible detail on the console, Jai. Impressive!