I need some help please

Përs resources use custom names and other features. The most common methods are düdes and flëts, depending the desired effect.

düdes are individual ships, used for single unit government patrols or traders. They pop in system and then act according to their AI.

flëts are fleet düdes.

Well 0101181920, it seems your clever system works mostly. I am having a little trouble with the weapon outfits though. Although they grant an ammo increase, it seems that they refuse to be remain purchased when you snatch them up. You still pay for them, and reap the ammo increase, but they do will not stay purchased. 😞 Its almost as if they have "remove all items like this after purchased" checked (though they do not, I checked).

The item that grants the weapon, or the ammo pod? If it's the ammo pod, maybe the problem is that it's not doing anything. Make an armor adjustment or something of +0. If it's the weapon, no idea. Or I could just go look myself. But I'm lazy.

No the ammo pod works just fine actually, although I found I needed to designate IT as a max outfit as well for it to work just right. Oddly. But no, its the weapon itself that is sold off immediately upon purchase without getting rid of the invisible ammo extension (which I found out by making it visible just to see if it was working just right)

You need to put dxxx in the onSell field of the weapon, where xxx is the ID of the ammo outfit. Make sure that no other outfit is dxxx-ing the weapon's outf ID.

You think its possible I get this effect because theres four (railgun) weapon outfits that use gxxx/dxxx to acquire and sell the expansions? I know other problems have surfaced because of intersection errors among the four using similar bits of information...

Also, does anyone here have a copy of rEV that isn't corrupted? All the ones I get to seem to be somehow damaged files. It keeps saying "unexpected end to archive". No sweat if you don't, but it'd be nice to play it and maybe get some new ideas.

By using a gxxx/dxxx method, you'll still be able to keep the ammo, since the set expression dxxx operator is not the same as selling. If instead you make each one have a modmax for the ammo, that might work (unless this is one of those surviving bugs... I know there's something funny with ModMax). I have no idea why the weapons would disappear, though.

Maybe if you make each thing individually a ModMax... I think I'll leave this to the experts.

Yes, you could just make each weapon's oütf resource also grant a ModMax, but that would be too easy. Although it would work.

What's wrong with the easy way?
Hey, if you did multiple ModMax's you actually could let each weapon grant a different amount of ammo - but only in ratios formed from 1, 2, or 3.

Or four. There are four spots for effects on the outfits.

@0101181920, on Jun 19 2008, 08:38 PM, said in I need some help please:

Or four. There are four spots for effects on the outfits.

True, but the first is taken by the weapon.

You have a point.

Hmmm lets take a short break from coding for a moment, I'd like to ask about something else. I have some new sound effects courtesy of microprose '96 but they happen to be a little quiet and tend to get dominated by inherently louder sounds. So, I'm no sound guru, what would be the best way to enhance the inherent playback sound of the file (be it with code or by using a program to enhance the actual file and reimport)?

I have a new red alert sound for when someone decides they'd like to start shooting at you, but its not nearly loud enough to be as effectively startling as the old one... I have to listen hard to hear it.

There's a utility that comes with windows called sndrec32 that does basic volume changes, among other things.

How was I supposed to even know that was there microsoft???

Wow, usefulness of windows just increased 125% in my mind. I used to have to increase the volume in iTunes, burn them to a disk and reimport them. But of course if they have a skip I have to retry so... Useful tool, thanks!

On Macs, you can just use GarageBand. Free app, simple to use. Click and drag the little bar, save. Done.

Hmmm okay so I have a missile that submunitions from a "freefall bomb" of sorts with a large proximity detonator...it seems they trigger by any ship in the area when I want only enemies to trip it, how do I do this?

Make sure the checkbox "Proximity Detonator Triggered by other ships" is unchecked (near the bottom of the first column of flags).
Also, there might be some sort of issue with guided vs unguided weapons and submunitioning - I can't elaborate on that one.

ah okay, its fine..

would if instead of freefall bomb I had it be a guided missile with a speed of zero to submunition on proxy?

EDIT: tpyos 😛

This post has been edited by Match : 21 June 2008 - 01:55 PM