Spob Strength

And Outfit Buying

I need some information regarding the strength of spobs. I've been designing a new TC for a while now and want to make destroyable planets, but every time I try to set the Strength field in EVNEW, the value always ends up as 0, which is invincible. Is this a bug with EVNEW, or is there a range of values that is acceptable? Are there some fields that must be set first?

And another question completely unrelated to the first. When I create an outfit, whether it be weapons/maps/marines/etc, the pictures, descs, and prices all show up perfectly, but for some reason the "buy" button in the Outfitters window doesn't appear. I can still buy the outfit by clicking on the area where the button is supposed to be, but there has to be a fix for this. Stock Nova doesn't have this problem, but I've noticed that when I work off of Absolute Minimum, I still get this problem. Given that the rest of the plug works fine, I'm lost as to where to fix the problem.

Any help would be appreciated.

- Star Admiral

For your second question check your ships' and outfits' contribute and require fields.

Meh, he said he could buy the outfits. That means that those fields should be set right?
Check the STR# resource and check Button Labels make sure they are all there... You can probably just copy it from Nova data somewhere.
Also maybe check the PICT and see if you have the right buttons... You said nothing else was the matter though so I don't really know if that helps at all.

Oh, I guess I misread that...

Hum, that sounded somewhat catty. I apologize for that.

Is the buy button the only issue? Is the sell button there? Check all the dialogs, are any of them missing anything, arranged differently or otherwise appear different to stock Nova?

That is precisely the issue; the Buy button is the only button that has issues. I've spent hours checking, but everything else looks exactly like stock Nova. Even though I haven't changed the resources for buttons, I've double-checked the pics and STR resources anyways and compared them to the resources for stock Nova, and they are the same. Perhaps I should wrap up what I have created so far so that I can post it online for others more knowledgeable than me to check.

With regards to my first question; never mind about it. I'll just work around it, or better yet, chuck it altogether. I think I have a better idea about implementing what I have in mind.

Never thought my 100th post would be on interesting technicalites about Nova plugins. :huh:

Thanks for everyone's help.

- Star Admiral