Making A Ship

i am making a stronger terrapin and i have it in game and it works fine but the problem is in the shipstore doesnt show its cost and stuff just a black area below the picture. i am wondering how to make it show up.

Welcome to the boards. 🙂

Did you actually ENTER a "cost and stuff"? Do you have any other plugins loaded at the same time that might be conflicting? Is your ship's ID number within the maximum limit?

I am using EVNEW, its ID is 700 and cost 250000.It works completely in game no problems its just the shipyard that the cost and tradein and such that doesnt show up.

Are you flying that type of ship yourself right now?

? I dont know if i understand what you are saying but i am using it in game..... ???

Here is what i have...
it has a custom discription that shows up.
rle8 ship and thrusters are copyed from normal one
rleD ship and thrusters are copyed from normal one
shan is copyed
ship is copyed with some minor changes
only ship is new the weapons and outfits are standard ones

Are you using any other plugins at the same time?

If it's small enough, can you compress your plugin in a .zip archive and attach it to a post? Only it's a little difficult to tell from here what the problem is (though admittedly someone else might have a better idea. 🙂 )

This is the only plugin i am running at the moment because i just got this game back yesterday, played awhile ago but computer got wiped.

Attached File(s)

This post has been edited by Yabun : 17 March 2008 - 05:01 AM

Does this attached plugin have all the graphics intact? Only it's missing the two associated PICT resources - a target image that should be at PICT ID 3572 and the shipyard image that should be at PICT ID 5572. It's also missing the escort dësc, but that's not quite so big an issue - that should be at dësc ID 14572 if you want to add one in.

Edit: You'll find the default images in Nova Ships 7, at PICT IDs 3008 and 5008 respectively.

This post has been edited by Belthazar : 17 March 2008 - 07:04 AM

@qaanol, on Mar 16 2008, 05:53 PM, said in Making A Ship:

Are you flying that type of ship yourself right now?

@yabun, on Mar 16 2008, 05:57 PM, said in Making A Ship:

? I dont know if i understand what you are saying but i am using it in game..... ???

That's your problem, then.

The Nova Engine assumes that a player will not buy the exact same ship they're currently using.

If the pilot your testing this with is using the exact same ship you're looking at, then that ship's price/trade-in data won't appear in the shipyard.

You can put this to the test by creating a completely new pilot, and visiting a shipyard. Your Terrapin's price should appear, while the regular Shuttle's will not.

This post has been edited by Eugene Chin : 17 March 2008 - 07:17 AM

Works fine now thanks, the main problem was my fault not knowing that if you own the vessel it doesnt show up sry for the confusion.

... I SO misread the initial post.