Sephil Saga

Does anyone know what happened to it? I was supposed to be beta testing it last June, but I havn't heard anything from Masamune

Any info?

Maybe they decided to fire you?

The skyhooks and beanstalk towers intrigued me when I read the story, but I realized that without a fastly rotating planet, skyhooks are all but impossible. How can you keep a tower thousands of miles in length erect without centrifugal force and orbital velocity? It's not like the Venusian poles are going to keep them up. Mars and Earth are the only planets in the solar system capable of handling skyhooks, and Earth's gravity has me doubting on the structural integrity of such a space-elevator. It'd have to be a cable of diamonds, buckyballs, or carbon nanotubes, with a (super-)conducting core.

I emailed Masamune about this, but he hasn't responded.

I seriously want this plug-in to be made. I haven't seen a solar-system TC since Galaxy's Edge, and I drove myself mad trying to get from Station A to Planet B without running out of fuel and/or daylight. Getting from Earth to Ganymede took upwards of half an hour without a 50-tonne tokamak. Grr, that slow recharge rate!


Centrifugal force? Boy, don't get caught saying that in my physics class.

Guy, on Apr 28 2005, 03:36 AM, said:

Centrifugal force? Boy, don't get caught saying that in my physics class.
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Why not?

If he acctually knows what that is, he might use it.
Whether or not he does, is a different matter.

modesty_blaise_us, on Apr 28 2005, 07:47 AM, said:

Why not?

If he acctually knows what that is, he might use it.
Whether or not he does, is a different matter.
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It is a non-existant force. The physics teacher I had in college would always give the class a huge lecture about how there's no such thing whenever anyone so much as whispered the word.

What in gravy's tarnation is 'centrifugal force'?

Official response: SS is unconscious at the moment. This does not mean it is going to die. The team - especially Neon, Gage, Psyg (now no longer with us), and, of course Masamune. I had promised a new website, and I worked on one, but as many noticed, I got an inexplicable error. I was going to start a new one, but realized that SS was no longer alive and kicking. Add to that the fact that 80% of the community seems to be drooling over Aftermath too much to do so anyways, and, well, yeah...I just don't really see a point.

Guy, on Apr 28 2005, 10:02 AM, said:

It is a non-existant force. The physics teacher I had in college would always give the class a huge lecture about how there's no such thing whenever anyone so much as whispered the word.
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Centrigugal force is not used in calculations(sentripetal acceleration is used) most of the time, but it can be calculated.

And it's often used wrong.

But it is still a force, or a description of a force.

I hate teachers doing that. Because it's not entirely true.

This post has been edited by modesty_blaise_us : 28 April 2005 - 07:55 AM

orcaloverbri9, on Apr 28 2005, 07:22 AM, said:

Official response: SS is unconscious at the moment. This does not mean it is going to die. The team - especially Neon, Gage, Psyg (now no longer with us), and, of course Masamune. I had promised a new website, and I worked on one, but as many noticed, I got an inexplicable error. I was going to start a new one, but realized that SS was no longer alive and kicking. Add to that the fact that 80% of the community seems to be drooling over Aftermath too much to do so anyways, and, well, yeah...I just don't really see a point.
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Meh, I would hate to see one of the major names in the Nova TC arena die because you think another plugin is too big to go up against. I'm sure the same community that drools over Aftermath or SFA wants to play SS just as much. If people cared enough to ask what happened to SS then they care enough to want to see it finished, please don't let them down.

You're forcing me into doing this ( 😉 ), but I have to say I'm "drooling" as much over Sephil Saga as I am over Aftermath (sorry, Raga, Nick, )
There's one reason why I'm so anxious to see SS come out: you are modifying so much more, creating something completely different. That simply makes me more fascinated.

Of course, I'm "drooling" over Aftermath too, because of its scale and because of the story behind it. But the two plugs are different, and complimentary from that point of view.

Aftermath will be great, if it comes out, but Sephil Saga will be as great, if it comes out, because Aftermath is "but" an expansion of EVN with a large story, whereas Sephil Saga is a new EV scenario with a large story. That's the way I see it.

(I know, I know, Arpia 2 is "but" an expansion of EVN, and smaller than Aftermath, but that doesn't come into account 😉 )

Guy, on Apr 27 2005, 10:36 PM, said:

Centrifugal force? Boy, don't get caught saying that in my physics class.
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Gravity is considered the curvature of esty, but I doubt it'll lose its status of, "Force, the Weak".

If it perturbs you, just substitute "centrifugal force" for "circular acceleration" just in case I type it again. 😛

My main point was that skyhooks on slowly rotating worlds, namely Venus, are impossible. It'd be great to have a new TC for a chance, but I don't want it being scientifically inaccurate. (Like me, at times)


Lord Flasheart, on Apr 28 2005, 07:29 PM, said:

Gravity is considered the curvature of esty, but I doubt it'll lose its status of, "Force, the Weak".

If it perturbs you, just substitute "centrifugal force" for "circular acceleration" just in case I type it again. 😛

My main point was that skyhooks on slowly rotating worlds, namely Venus, are impossible. It'd be great to have a new TC for a chance, but I don't want it being scientifically inaccurate. (Like me, at times)

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Acctually i don't care whether or not you use it correctly.

It's more teachers presenting half truths that bother me a lot.

orcaloverbri9, on Apr 28 2005, 12:22 PM, said:

Official response: SS is unconscious at the moment. This does not mean it is going to die. The team - especially Neon, Gage, Psyg (now no longer with us), and, of course Masamune. I had promised a new website, and I worked on one, but as many noticed, I got an inexplicable error. I was going to start a new one, but realized that SS was no longer alive and kicking. Add to that the fact that 80% of the community seems to be drooling over Aftermath too much to do so anyways, and, well, yeah...I just don't really see a point.
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As Pace said, just because you think that more people will like Aftermath doesn't mean you should stop with SS. This has the potential to be an absolutely groundbreaking and incredible plug, and one that I am looking forward to FAR more than Aftermath.

I'd offer whatever help I could, but I'm using Windows and I'm pretty rusty with EVNEW. If you have a job I could do for the team, though, I could certainly give it my best.

Please don't give up. This is a great plugin and doesn't deserve the title of vaporware.

orcaloverbri9, on Apr 28 2005, 06:22 AM, said:

Official response: SS is unconscious at the moment. This does not mean it is going to die. The team - especially Neon, Gage, Psyg (now no longer with us), and, of course Masamune. I had promised a new website, and I worked on one, but as many noticed, I got an inexplicable error. I was going to start a new one, but realized that SS was no longer alive and kicking. Add to that the fact that 80% of the community seems to be drooling over Aftermath too much to do so anyways, and, well, yeah...I just don't really see a point.
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That's about one of the lamest excuses I've heard in a while.. I think, if anything, a new website could only reinvigorate interest in Sephill.

Venus could have a skyhook, it would just have to be longer and made of stronger materials. I could post the math and physics behind it if anybody is interested.

If Aftermath is holding the EV communities attention we do not mean to do so. We are only acting to better the EVDC community, which means supporting plugins outside of our own.

Members of my team are contributing to the EVDC community outside of Aftermath. They have public tutorials linked in their signatures and landing pictures for plugin use. Many even have work in other plugins that are currently being developed. I am proud to have a team that is as involved as it is in the EVDC and ASW community.

We aren't developing Aftermath for glory or fame, but simply because we enjoy what we are doing. The best part of is the product of our work will be enjoyed by everyone who plays it and it should not be the only plugin the public eye is watching.

Finally, on a more individual note, I keep in touch with multiple plugin developers outside of my own team. For example, I talk with UER&D on a regular basis who is a part of both the Retribution and Sephil Saga Development teams. I know I'm not the only person on my team or on other teams who has ties to Dev. teams other than their own.

For this to be a healthy development community should we not support each others work? Should any competition that exists be health and open, not sudden and accusing?

We all have conflicts that we must face. Everyone here is working to accomplish something and there is a great amount of support that waits to back you. Find it.

Members of my team and myself included cannot wait to play SS, if we haven't said so yet, then I am doing so now.

modesty_blaise_us, on Apr 28 2005, 08:16 PM, said:

Acctually i don't care whether or not you use it correctly.

It's more teachers presenting half truths that bother me a lot.
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Heh. We would get that all the time in chemistry. Sometimes the teacher would be nice enough to tell you that what they're teaching you isn't true but that the truth is more complicated. :rolleyes:

And though I believe it's a ficticous force I don't care how you use it either. I was just saying that certain teachers would jump down your throat if they heard you. 😛

Keldor Sarn, on Apr 28 2005, 05:37 PM, said:

Venus could have a skyhook, it would just have to be longer and made of stronger materials. I could post the math and physics behind it if anybody is interested.
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The actual construction of a Venusian skyhook is impractical. Yes, you could make a longer cable, but it'd be so long and take too much effort to build, ride, and maintain one. Besides, the skyhooks are at the poles. By "stronger", do you mean more heat-resistant, or just integrally strong?

My suggestion is that maglev-assisted rockets be used. You can place those anywhere, provided you have a track of land over a hundred kilometers long. Cheap electricity and a little propellant are all you need. And there's plenty of sunlight near Venus.


I'm really not satisfied with the official response. Sephil Saga could be a ######ing incredible plugin. I'll do whatever I can for the advancement of the plug (acual work or simply helping the team reorganize itself. I've been excited about this for a loong time).