some spob, govt help.



I am trying to create a few spobs in a currently existing stellar, which would be Zel. four spobs in all, two space stations, one planet, one hypergate.
The planet and one of the space stations would have different governments, the other space station would be the same as the planet's. The problem is: that I can't find any tutorials that are in Mission computer. :and I can't find a govt tutorial. In mission computer. Help??



hm, both govts would be independent.

This post has been edited by resilient_freighter : 28 January 2008 - 09:56 AM

@resilient_freighter, on Jan 28 2008, 06:54 AM, said in some spob, govt help.:


I am trying to create a few spobs in a currently existing stellar, which would be Zel. four spobs in all, two space stations, one planet, one hypergate.
The planet and one of the space stations would have different governments, the other space station would be the same as the planet's. The problem is: that I can't find any tutorials that are in Mission computer. :and I can't find a govt tutorial. In mission computer. Help??

It's kind of hard to understand what you are asking... but I'll try my best.

Click on a spob and select 'Edit Selection'. Where it says government, type in the ID of that government, and do the same to one of your other spobs. So if you want your space station and your planet to be independent, type in the independent government's ID.

'The other space station would be the same as the planet's'? So you're saying that this other space station belongs to the same government as the planet? If I got that correct, you will have to type in the number of the independent government again.

Hope this helps!

This post has been edited by king_of_manticores : 28 January 2008 - 11:23 AM

Another point to consider is that, although you can set different spobs in the same syst to different governments, the system itself must also be put into a govt (or leave the govt. field unused, which defaults it to independent) This is important when looking at the map, since if the system belongs to a government where you have a good legal standing, it will appear blue on your map...but if the other spobs' govts hate you, you won't be able to land on those spobs (unless you have to for a mission) and you won't know that until you get to there and try to land.

I'm not sure what the relative status of these governments is supposed to be, but if they both fall into category A (say, Levo Alliance), you could make a government just for that system to convey that relationship. If they're enemies, you could perhaps make a government called "Contested," with starting record of way negative to give it the red "hostile" mark to reflect the volatility of the system.

I've been using the word "volatile" a lot lately. Maybe I'm projecting something I don't know about yet.

Sorry, I'm the sole member of my immediate family who's not some sort of psychiatrist/psychologist/social worker.


It is helpful, I am just sort of slow this time at night and this particular day.

So how do I create some spobs in a spobless stellar?

Both govts are friendly towards each other, btw. if it helps.


Create a new spöb resource for each planet. Enter their ID numbers in the corresponding fields in the s˙st resource. It can help if you open up copies of the Nova Data files and have a look at how they do things. For the record, we generally use the word "system" rather than "stellar". "Stellar" means something different in EV.

okay. thanks, belthazar.

So I tried to do that, and did a plug in and stuff, but when I tried to find it, it didn't work. then mission computer erased the thing.

so i'm just gonna redo it again, for the third frikin time. oh yeah, what are cargo scan masks and how do they work??

@resilient_freighter, on Feb 3 2008, 05:34 AM, said in some spob, govt help.:

oh yeah, what are cargo scan masks and how do they work??

It might be a good idea to read the Nova Bible, as it has the answers to a lot of your questions - you'll find the Nova Bible in the Documentation folder within your Nova folder. For example, the Nova Bible describes the scan mask (in the jünk resource) as:

Nova Bible said:

If this is an "illegal" cargo type, this is used in conjunction with the ScanMask field in the gövt resource. If any of the 1 bits in a ship's government's ScanMask field match any of the 1 bits in a jünk type's ScanMask field, that government will consider that junk cargo type illegal. Set to zero if unused.

To give a simple example with four bits, suppose gövt A has ScanMask 0001, while gövt B has ScanMask 0010. Then we have a jünk (or mďsn) with ScanMask 0001. Since the 1 in the forth bit matches the 1 in gövt A's ScanMask but not gövt B, then A will find it illegal, but not B. A jünk with a scan mask of 0011 would be illegal to both gövts, while one with a ScanMask of 0100 would be illegal to neither, since the 1 in the second bit doesn't match either gövt's scan masks. Note that a jünk with a ScanMask of 0000 will never be found illegal, while a gövt with a ScanMask of 0000 won't find anything else illegal. (If you're good with Boolean logic, the technical way to think of it is that the game performs a bitwise AND between the two ScanMasks, and finds the jünk illegal if the result is non-zero.)

If that's just plain confusing, here's a more concrete way of thinking about it. Suppose you have two pieces of paper, one representing the gövt's ScanMask, and the other representing the jünk's ScanMask. The two pieces of paper have holes punched in them in specific locations representing the 1 bits in the ScanMasks. Then place the two pieces of paper together face-to-face - if any of the holes line up on both pieces of paper, you'll be able to see through both sheets, meaning the gövt will find the jünk illegal. If you can't see through, then none of the holes line up, and so the jünk is fine. The piece-of-paper analogy helps demonstrate why it's called a mask - it's like wearing two masks over your face, but you can only see through if at least one of the eye holes lines up on both masks.

Hope that helps, and I didn't just ramble incoherently about nothing. 🙂

Ok! That was a really good explanation for me, Belthazar! Thanks!

another question to add to this list: how do i get items such as the ion dissipator, v2 cloaking device, multi-jump organ, etc. and other storyline specific items to be unlocked in my storyline? (after certain missions)

Thank you !!!!


The availability of special outfits is governed by mission bits - generally, it's set so that the outfit is only availble when a certain mission bit is set. For the Ion Disspator it's b429, for the Cloaking Organ v1.1 it's b1302, and for the Multi-Jump Organ it's b326. That said, if you just set those bits after a mission in your plugin, it could cause strange things to happen to the game, since those bits most likely have other uses.

A better way to do it would be to copy those outfits to your plugin, and change the Availability field (to use the Ion Dissipator as an example) to (b429 | bxxx) - including the brackets - where bxxx is a bit set by your mission. Basically this will make the outfit available when either b429 OR bxxx are set, which means you can make the outfit available without playing with mission bits from other strings. On a side note, the thing that governs which planets an outfit appears on is the Tech Level - you can read about the Tech Level in the Nova Bible. 🙂

Oh, hey! Thanks once again Belthazar!! Sorry for not letting you know sooner!

Thank you!