help importing RLEDs w/ EVNEW

I tried all the file formats- can anyone help?
if not, can someone give me a completely gray rleD in an empty plug that I can use? Thanks. Sorry for the short post...

anyone? hello? (hears own echo and sighs..)

I'm trying to understand what you're asking, but I'm not getting it. You should be able to import using a few different file-types...two that I know work include .jpg and .bmp (I highly suggest using .bmp's)

Along with the image, you'll also have to import a mask (you can switch between images and masks using a drop-down menu. I think that EVNEW may even try to make a mask for you if there isn't one, but I'm probably thinking of something else entirely. I know that I always imported masks with my images.

The process is probably easiest to understand if you do it backwards first: Take any plug or resource file that contains an rleD resource and use EVNEW to export it. Importing works in pretty much the opposite fashion, so once you see how EVNEW outputs everything, you can take your own images, set them up the same way, and be able to import them yourself. (An easy trial is outputting a file from a good plug, then trying to reimport the same file into a new resource, so that you end up with a copy of the original. Once you can do this you should be set)

This post has been edited by GutlessWonder : 15 December 2007 - 04:15 PM

@gutlesswonder, on Dec 15 2007, 03:14 PM, said in help importing RLEDs w/ EVNEW:

I'm trying to understand what you're asking, but I'm not getting it.

I exported the mask file as a .bmp file, and opened it in mspaint. I made it the solid gray color. Then I saved it as a .bmp, but when EVNew imported it, it showed the original mask, not the all-gray one. I tried importing the file in all kinds of formats, but to no avail.

I may need to try a different program.... there's an online image editor i might try...