TC Help?

Using windows

Hi all! I have a few questions to ask the veterans here, or who know something about it.
Recently, I saw something for TC's. I have a general idea what they are, but I need to know
2 things.

1- What is a TC?
2- How to I make one using EVNEW or a program compatable with windows.



TC stands for Total Conversion, and it is where you replace EVERYTHING in Nova (except the code and such) with your own stuff. It's basically a completely new game that uses Nova's source code (correct me if I'm wrong, guys). In response to the question of how you make them, you don't. I'm assuming that you're a beginning developer here, so I'm going to say that you have no chance of coming anywhere close. I've been working with plugins for years (starting with Res-Edit, now using MC), and even I won't start on something so big as a TC (No mentions of Nebula here, guys. The writing sucked, not the programming. :p). There is currently only one in existence, as well as a few that have been in development for YEARS and still aren't complete (snap, I just remembered I have to do stuff for JTH!). In summary, work with plugins for a few years before even trying.

@cosmic_nusiance, on Dec 14 2007, 04:46 PM, said in TC Help?:

a completely new game that uses Nova's source code (correct me if I'm wrong, guys).

Nova’s engine, rather — you’re replacing the entire scenario, but leaving the engine intact.

To be a little more insightful, perhaps, a TC doesn't use plugins to modify the existing Nova scenario. (edit: sniped by D.A.!) Instead they provide a completely new universe to explore, new ships and outfits, and new missions to take on. It's akin to making an entirely new game from scratch. It's certainly entirely possible for one person to make a TC, but you have to be dedicated to it thoroughly or you'll eventually lose interest and will have invested a lot of time for (probably) no reward.

When broken into component parts, there's not much that is actually really difficult. Graphics can be a pain if you're not skilled at them, and writing the countless descriptions, missions, and whatnot is going to be extremely tedious, especially if you have a large universe. The biggest threat to all TC's is the time involved, in my opinion. A great many people start off with a grand plan and then end up getting bogged down by a lot of little details, eventually losing interest and just not wanting to spend any more of their time on a fairly thankless task.

As far as EVNEW goes, it's an excellent program (and really your only choice on the Windows side of things). I would suggest starting with reading some of stickied topics in this forum, following the links where necessary, as well as familiarizing yourself with the Nova Bible (included in the Documents folder with your EV:N install). Then, if you're still unsure of what to do, download a few plugs from the add-ons page and open them up with EVNEW, look at what those authors did and just to go from there. Plug-in making always ends up more complicated than you think it should...this is only multiplied for TCs.

Still though, welcome to the Dev boards. New ideas are always welcome, and most of us will be glad to answer any specific questions you may have, as well give you the occasional helping hand.

This post has been edited by GutlessWonder : 14 December 2007 - 05:16 PM

EG: Polycon... download it for a good answer.

I've been working on my TC for years... I'd strongly suggest that you make small plugs on your own before you try a TC. Play nova, and find something you'd change. quit, go to EVNew, and change some things around and see what happens.
Read the Nova bible all the way through at least once, preferably twice before you start anything that modifies more than a few things... trust me.
Also, read around on here

heres an especially good one if your lazy-
"What are players looking for in a plug-in?"

Thanks for saving me from pain and suffering (ha ha)
But seriously, thanks for filling me in (yes I am relatively new) and thanks for deterring me from trying it.

Although most of you agreed that I shouldn't even think about it, I have tried to make sort of a "seperate universe", connected only to itself, no connections to the standard ev nova universe. But, it is giving me trouble. I have a plug in started (attached below), but nova won't load it.
Any help?


P.S. I'm sure that it will probably be a rookie mistake, overlooked by my ambition to change nova to have some of my ideas in it.

Attached File(s)

This post has been edited by Star Captain Saber : 15 December 2007 - 10:07 PM

don't get too discouraged. I don't have quite as much experience as I would like, and I'm making TC. the reason I say this is, I have noticed there are 2 types of TC's. TC's that are true to the name, and change EVERYTHING, (Mine is that sort) and TC's that use a lot of data from stock Nova. (The universe, the ships, the planets, etc.) Now, if I'm not mistaken, the 2nd sort cuts out a lot of the necessary work load. Now, obviously you can't just dive in and start making a TC with no experience at all, but if you have a working knowledge of how Nova works, and a buddy to help with from the beginning, (Cheers to you, Geek and Cosmic Nuisance!) you might just have what it takes. Of course, you need a plan first. ( I spent nearly a year THINKING about my TC before I even started on it. Brainstorming is a wonderful thing.) Good planning is the key to a successful plug-in.

Live life as it comes at you,


@star-captain-saber, on Dec 16 2007, 04:06 PM, said in TC Help?:

Although most of you agreed that I shouldn't even think about it, I have tried to make sort of a "seperate universe", connected only to itself, no connections to the standard ev nova universe. But, it is giving me trouble. I have a plug in started (attached below), but nova won't load it.
Any help?


P.S. I'm sure that it will probably be a rookie mistake, overlooked by my ambition to change nova to have some of my ideas in it.

Yup, it is a rookie mistake so don't worry - you've simply set a lot of your resources way outside the valid ID ranges. See the start of the bible or the Resource ID Guide from the link in my sig for info about IDs.

This post has been edited by Guy : 20 October 2009 - 04:29 AM

Okay. I've lowered the ID numbers so that they are in the range and (hopefully) don't overwrite some already existing items. But, it still doesn't work. Can anyone help me?

Thanks to all who help me out...

Attached File(s)

What exactly doesn't work?

@guy, on Dec 16 2007, 04:46 PM, said in TC Help?:

What exactly doesn't work?

I have no clue because Nova won't even load my plug!

Two quick questions:

You're using a registered copy of Nova?

Can you post the debuglog? (make a debuglog.txt file in the same folder as the application, then launch nova. Once it crashes open up the file and see what it says; you can post it here and we can help you figure it out as well)

@gutlesswonder, on Dec 16 2007, 05:19 PM, said in TC Help?:

Two quick questions:

You're using a registered copy of Nova?

Can you post the debuglog? (make a debuglog.txt file in the same folder as the application, then launch nova. Once it crashes open up the file and see what it says; you can post it here and we can help you figure it out as well)

Yes, I my Nova copy is registered.

And in response to the debuglog, nova hasn't crashed (yet at least)! It just doesn't load my planets and systems. It just displays normal nova.

@star-captain-saber, on Dec 16 2007, 05:30 PM, said in TC Help?:

It just doesn't load my planets and systems. It just displays normal nova.

From the plug-in you’ve posted, your new systems don’t appear to be linked to any of the existing ones; for them to appear, you have to fill the ID number of at least one existing system into one of the ‘Link’ fields.

Ahh, I understand now, sorry. As an alternative to DA's suggestion, if all of your systems are linked to each other, you could use a mission to move your ship to one of the new systems, then just play around in Nova exploring the new section that you added. If you have a planet that you can land on then you can save a pilot over in your section and test it further from that pilot every time you make changes.

Okay! Now its working!

Now I have another question...

Is there a way to change the "Cannot land on this planet..." warning. I want it to say something to the likes of..."You can't land on this planet. Global conflict puts any traveller in danger" or something.

Yes, but it will change it for all unlandable planets. It wouldn't make sense for an uninhabited planet to be too dangerous due to warfare.

Message buoy. it's in the system editor. you can have a different one for each system. when you jump into the system, it will say whatever you right at the bottom of the screen.

@joshtigerheart, on Dec 16 2007, 10:01 PM, said in TC Help?:

Yes, but it will change it for all unlandable planets. It wouldn't make sense for an uninhabited planet to be too dangerous due to warfare.

Yeah, I was hoping that wouldn't be the case. Oh well.

@yamfries, on Dec 17 2007, 06:01 AM, said in TC Help?:

Message buoy. it's in the system editor. you can have a different one for each system. when you jump into the system, it will say whatever you right at the bottom of the screen.

I'll try that. Thanks a lot