Nebula: D.O.A.

Well, if a mission came up, couldn't you have one mission disable the BBS and immediately be forwarded to the next orders (mission), then reactivating the BBS during the mission?

Basically, I'm gonna be blunt, you need to spell check your descs. I see many errors (little stuff like spacing, capitalization, etc.). Also, you get offered the Patrol Boat twice in a row. If you take off and land you get it again. I'm guessing that's not what you want? Other than that, very good. I like.

You could copy paste into an MS Word document and have a grammar/spell-check done on it very quickly. Then copy paste the newly revised desc back into the resource.

Get offered the patrol boat?

s###, this is looking more and more like my next plugin project every day 😞

Ah well! Sounds great so far! Keep up the innovation!

Say, there's an idea that I was thinking of implementing for my plugin eventually, but you might find it useful.

Basically the idea is that you are a fighter pilot. Buuuut, the game doesn't allow you to dock with carriers. Here's where missions come in handy. Basically, under certain circumstances you will be called upon to dock with carriers to recieve new orders, and things like that. You might have a use for it now; I don't know.

As for specifics, you could have a mission to dock with X carrier. On completion, you could have it start mission Y via Sxxx and just explain the next mission in the completion text for the 'dock with carrier' mission.

This post has been edited by Shlimazel : 21 August 2007 - 11:08 AM

@zapp, on Aug 20 2007, 10:02 PM, said in Nebula: D.O.A.:

Basically, I'm gonna be blunt, you need to spell check your descs. I see many errors (little stuff like spacing, capitalization, etc.). Also, you get offered the Patrol Boat twice in a row. If you take off and land you get it again. I'm guessing that's not what you want? Other than that, very good. I like.

Ok. Being blunt is more productive than sugar coating it. I think I know why the patrol boat gets offered twice. I'll have to check on that. I'll spell check the text. I was actually planning to do that today, but now I guess I have no excuse for procrastinating. I'm aware of a few errors (missing space in boarding text, etc.) and I'll make fixing them a priority.

OK, just finished the entire things, I'm gonna change a few things, if you'd like to see what I do I can email it to you. Or do you want me to just leave it be?

@zapp, on Aug 21 2007, 05:58 PM, said in Nebula: D.O.A.:

OK, just finished the entire things, I'm gonna change a few things, if you'd like to see what I do I can email it to you. Or do you want me to just leave it be?

I'd be happy to have you tweak it. What things were you planning on changing?

I'm gonna do a little work on the descs, just nose around a change a few things. I don't know, I'm not really in the mood yet. Mood is very important in plug-in work. But I think the direction you should take the plug is to expand it to the Polaris, Rebels, maybe even Pirates and Wild Geese (though those last would have to be covert-ops, because we're their friends). And dueling Roughnecks. Don't forget that. And why is Viking the home base? I woulda picked the Spacedock in orbit.

This post has been edited by zapp : 21 August 2007 - 08:36 PM

@zapp, on Aug 21 2007, 09:28 PM, said in Nebula: D.O.A.:

And why is Viking the home base? I woulda picked the Spacedock in orbit.

I wanted to make it a more non-standard military thing, and the spacedock might draw attention and get smeared in a raid easier. Also, later on you will be busting drug runners (Viking is a pirate-type planet, after all) and need to go undercover. I don't have any real reason other than the fact that it's not the Navy who (i presume) owns the station. Also, the SF is a very new unproven detachment and you are one of the first recruits. The Navy may look down on them and not let them have a base in their station. Those are my excuses anyway. 😉

Well, I added a few missions (generic type, kinda like Transport Troops to <DST> w/ 10001 as the destination). A way to make money, basically.

@zapp, on Aug 21 2007, 10:06 PM, said in Nebula: D.O.A.:

Well, I added a few missions (generic type, kinda like Transport Troops to <DST> w/ 10001 as the destination). A way to make money, basically.

Wow. Thanks. I was planning to do that myself, so that's a big weight off my shoulders. If you didn't notice, I'd only made two. The blockade runner little money reward and the very rare BIG money reward.

It isn't that hard. Just copy/paste the "Ferry Passengers to <DST>" missions, and edit them 'til you got what you want. I did a rarer one "Transport a General", triple the money.

Wow... I don't know what to say...

Redid the title screen and added some outfits.

Title screen old: Attached File Loading_Screen.gif (48.16K)
Number of downloads: 44

And new: Attached File IntroScreen.gif (47.54K)
Number of downloads: 48

I've added several new outfits, including Reactive Armor (it's on the RAGE Gunboat, but you could never buy it-- it's really heavy and has a slow recharge), Compound Steel (light, strong EXPENSIVE armor that is hard to ionize but can't be sold), Welder Droids (basically like repair droids except they will repair armor even when you're not disabled), and a Shield Tweak (self explanatory. Expensive, but ups your shields slightly and improves your recharge rate). And to all you wannabe cheaters out there, they are balanced. No lightning-fast recharges or anything like that.

EDIT: All of the pictures for the outfits mentioned are Novaesque with views of them on a ship with everything else desaturated. For example, Reactive Armor is the RAGE Gunboat with all but a few panels of armor desaturated and darkened. I got all of them from the big shipyard "info" images.

This post has been edited by Cosmic_Nusiance : 24 August 2007 - 11:36 AM

This looks really cool. I'm looking forward to your release.

I've run into a slight problem. I've copied the systems Tichel and Vemap and copied them so that it will give the illusion of Tichel becoming Auroran and Vemap becoming Federation when bit 1111 is set. It works, but the governments don't change. Yes, I changed the system's governments too. The planets all have the proper new descriptions and stuff, but they are still Federation and Auroran. Has anybody had this problem before?

Does the bit make it so the old versions of Tichel and Vemap dissapear?

@coral, on Aug 25 2007, 04:43 PM, said in Nebula: D.O.A.:

Does the bit make it so the old versions of Tichel and Vemap dissapear?

Yes. At least it should. They would be behind the new ones so I guess I'll never know for sure. :blink: