Display Weights

Does anyone know offhand if display weights greater than 100 work as expected?

It might work. I don't know if 100 is the limit, but it might just be an arbitrary number you can set however you like.

I think so. I haven't checked since reading this post, but I seem to remember using negative numbers the other day when I didn't want to go over all of my outfits and give them higher display weights than the outfit I wanted at the end. I'm relatively sure display weights work the same with ships and outfits, and I wouldn't expect that it should have anything wrong with >100 numbers if it doesn't mind <0 numbers.

The reason I ask is that I thought I might try to fix up my old Battle Arena plugin, since I found an old pm from Edwards about the bugs that he found while playing it. Since getting MissionComputer and a graphics program I've downloaded the old plug and have been fixing it up, but there was a bug where illegal outfits have display weights that cause them to intersperse with the battles. If I can fix it easily by just adding a "1" in front of them, then so be it. 🙂

I also ask because I don't actually have any pilots that can test this at the moment, and I'll be away from my computer for two weeks starting tomorrow.

(this probably would have been done a lot sooner, except my old computer had a hard drive crash and I lost everything I had for the plug, including test pilots, prototype graphics, and all that. I've been feeling the irresistible draw for making plugs pulling me back in, and I hate to have unfinished business, so to speak)

We'll try not to do anything interesting until you get back. 😉

I also hate unfinished buisiness. I have a large unfinished buisiness that I need to complete.

A display weight of 100+ as well as 0- is possible.

In the original scenario they also used 100+ and sometime in the past I talked to Matt because of a bug with 0- display weight and it has been fixed afterwards (at least for the Mac version - I don't know if it may still do funny things on PC).

This post has been edited by Terek E`Ban : 15 November 2007 - 12:31 PM

Thanks for the replies, I appreciate the help.