Graphics not showing up

I can't seem to get my graphics to show up for my weapons. I have a spďn for my rlëD and my wëap resource has the right spďn filled in. When I am in game everything about the weapon works fine except the graphic for the weapon won't show up. I can't seem to remember if I need to do anything else.

Do you have the graphic assign correctly in the weapon resource? It starts at spin 3000, which in the weapon resource is equal to 0. So 3001 would be 1, 3002 would be 2, etc. This only goes up to 63, however, so only 64 weapon sprites total.

rlëD ID is 254. spďn ID is 3027 using rlëD 254 and 255 for Sprite and Mask. wëap is using graphic 27. And I have checked that nothing coincides with original resources.

Set the weapon resource to use graphic 26. An easy way to figure out which graphic to use in the weap is to subtract 3001 from the spin I.D.

But you just said that the graphic number in the wëap source should be the last digit or two that are in the spin. Oh well let me try that.

EDIT: Ok I tried that and 26 doesn't show when firing that weapon either. I have another weapon using 26 already and the graphics do work when I fire for that one. I can't see the difference.

This post has been edited by Sp3cies : 05 November 2007 - 12:14 PM

He was right the first time, 27 is the value to use.
Try copying an existing weapon and changing the graphic to use yours, just to see if it works.
Btw, you can just set the mask value to -1 if you like - the field is completely ignored when using rles.

This post has been edited by Guy : 05 November 2007 - 03:32 PM

Arg, my mistake. I was thinking of a different resource for putting 1 less than the number actually is. Ignore my second response.

I just unchecked the "Shots are Translucent" box and it's showing up... That shouldn't have been the problem though should it?

Maybe your screen is really dark, making translucent shots too difficult to see?

Oh! Is the falloff set to -1? If it is, change it to 0. I remember having that issue before, making my shots difficult to see.

Oh yeah, there's a bit of an omission in the bible regarding falloff behaviour for projectile weapons. See this topic.

Genius! Thank you! Yay! Thank you!