Dudes that leave and don't come back

In the original Escape Velocity, about five years before Nova, it was fuel. That's why it's still called that.

NCB's used to be Mission Bits.

Bounty Hunters used to be a Kestrel that showed up in every other system to harass you because you'd dominated Pirate bases.

Argosies were a medium-large freighter that could be upgraded into something decent, but usually a stepping stone before getting a Corvette.

The Rebellion was Red.

It's sort of like legacy code, but for a video game.

This post has been edited by Eugene Chin : 21 October 2007 - 03:48 PM

Go, red team!

Sorry, couldn't resist. I always was a rebel at heart.

EV and EVO were the games that always held more appeal to me than EVN. They were simple, spartan, retro, and had realistic stories. You never became a demigod in EV.

This post has been edited by Shlimazel : 21 October 2007 - 03:55 PM

@shlimazel, on Oct 21 2007, 04:52 PM, said in Dudes that leave and don't come back:

You never became a demigod in EV.

Which is one of the things I'm doing to make Nebula a better storyline than stock EVN.

@shlimazel, on Oct 21 2007, 01:52 PM, said in Dudes that leave and don't come back:

EV and EVO were the games that always held more appeal to me than EVN. They were simple, spartan, retro, and had realistic stories. You never became a demigod in EV.

Yes you did... "They'll try to kill with a forkliiiiiifft!" 😛 But I do agree with you on their appeal.