deadly spobs.

a question, once and for all.

all right. here's my problem. in they making of Apophis, I want the story to involve more planet-side action. However, this would mean astronomically long text boxes. In the pondering of this dilemma, I came upon an idea. create a system where the background is a floor, several spobs that are walls, and your spaceship is a top view of a person walking. (inertialis). this will all add up to a system where, when you land on a planet, you are transported to a special system where you can walk around.), and possibly interact with other people.

I have thought of all of this and I know it will work (I have tested it) but my one problem is the walls. I don't have any way of making them more wall like. besides making them deadly. is there any way of making spobs not deadly, but making you just stop? I am willing to try anything. (Coding?) even changing the engine subtly.

my other problem is my computers hard drive is not capable of doing this. it just does not have enough memory to include the large spob that would be the floor, and the many systems that would be necissary. (1 for the hall, and one for each individual room. the door is another spob that transports you to another room system when you land on it.

thats it. Thanking you in advance:


A very short ranged repulsor type weapon (given to the wall spöb, which would automatically be hostile) would work. Depending on how hard you made it push the player back, it might also be a good way to simulate how you would be knocked backwards upon running into a wall at top speed. 😛

As one of the Apophis developers, I would rather have long dëscs that could be shortened... Just my two cents

@geek, on Oct 9 2007, 06:55 PM, said in deadly spobs.:

As one of the Apophis developers, I would rather have long dëscs that could be shortened... Just my two cents

I know. If i do do this, it will probably be as a seperate file that you can download if you want, but don't have too.

I would seriously recommend not going this way. Various ideas of non-space gameplay have been talked about in-depth before, including fighter planes, ships, cars or people. There was even a plug made with a fighter plane that flew around dropping bombs on things but the only thing released was a movie showing it in action. One or two ship-based TCs were also in serious development at some point but both failed to materialise. The problem is simply that Nova isn't designed for this kind of stuff and it just doesn't work very well, if at all.

If you do manage to get something cool and playable then that would be great. I'm not saying it's impossible but just warning that you may end up putting a lot of work into something only to discard it because it really doesn't work.

This post has been edited by Guy : 09 October 2007 - 06:34 PM

@guy, on Oct 9 2007, 07:32 PM, said in deadly spobs.:

I would seriously recommend not going this way. Various ideas of non-space gameplay have been talked about in-depth before, including fighter planes, ships, cars or people. There was even a plug made with a fighter plane that flew around dropping bombs on things but the only thing released was a movie showing it in action. One or two ship-based TCs were also in serious development at some point but both failed to materialise. The problem is simply that Nova isn't designed for this kind of stuff and it just doesn't work very well, if at all.

If you do manage to get something cool and playable then that would be great. I'm not saying it's impossible but just warning that you may end up putting a lot of work into something only to discard it because it really doesn't work.

Wise words 😛

I agree totally. if I can get it to work, I may release a short mini game of it. (Crawl around a spaceship and shoot things.) but beyond that, I have no high expectations.

Oh, and geek, I have no request for you to help. this is my folly, and you don't have to participate in it. :laugh: The only way i will include it in Apophis is if I can figure out how to get it to work flawlessly. (and that is very unlikely)

negative gravity for walls?

Make a Harry the Handsome Executive plug that people can play instead of reading the descs.

Hey, that's not a bad idea. I'd play it 🙂

@joshtigerheart, on Oct 10 2007, 02:30 PM, said in deadly spobs.:

Make a Harry the Handsome Executive plug that people can play instead of reading the descs.

This idea is full of neat and cool.

hmm. We'd have to make the engines have low speed for forward-kick mode, and use a weapon with lots of kickback for backwards-kick mode (CTC testers, look at the flamethrower) (after all, you only have your trusty staplegun as a weapon in harry, I believe). We could use KeyCarried animation to make his legs kick up when kicking backwards. All ships would be inertialess, and only have armor with a slow recharge (humans do heal).

This post has been edited by LNSU : 10 October 2007 - 06:48 PM

Put this on the list of reasons why an open-source alterna-EV engine would be a good thing to work on at some point.......

How about you summarize the main points of the on-ground events in-game, and if you feel bad about not putting the full story in there, write it novel-style in word documents in a separate plug-in. Just a suggestion.

This post has been edited by Starbridge21 : 10 October 2007 - 10:09 PM

@lnsu, on Oct 10 2007, 04:47 PM, said in deadly spobs.:

hmm. We'd have to make the engines have low speed for forward-kick mode, and use a weapon with lots of kickback for backwards-kick mode (CTC testers, look at the flamethrower) (after all, you only have your trusty staplegun as a weapon in harry, I believe). We could use KeyCarried animation to make his legs kick up when kicking backwards. All ships would be inertialess, and only have armor with a slow recharge (humans do heal).

No, no, no. A plug for the game Harry the Handsome Executive.

I don't know if harry supports plugins.

Harry supports custom maps with custom physics and custom graphics.

Well, if you could get it to work, I'd be delighted to use it if you'd let me. I think something that would be cool is to land on a world, that telaports you to another system where there are more spobs, one of which has a shipyard, then there is a seperate bar, an outfitter, that sort of thing. I just think that it would be kind of neat to make it interactive like that. You'd need a ship hanger though. Is that availible for download and use anywhere?

GSN is talking about using a diffferent game altogether.

You could use EVN descs to tell people to go play harry with your plug for planetside stuff.

@lnsu, on Oct 12 2007, 03:07 PM, said in deadly spobs.:

GSN is talking about using a diffferent game altogether.

You could use EVN descs to tell people to go play harry with your plug for planetside stuff.

Actually, I was talking about how the topic started. Planet side action in EVN. If it worked, then it would be sort of cool to have you being a pizza delivery boy or something, taking pizza from the bar to somebodies house. You would have each place be an indevidual spob, like Bob's house (generic spob), the car store (spob with shipyard), the drug store (spob with outfitter), the bar (spob with bar), etc. (spobs with all sorts of random things.

@0101181920, on Oct 13 2007, 03:41 PM, said in deadly spobs.:

Actually, I was talking about how the topic started. Planet side action in EVN. If it worked, then it would be sort of cool to have you being a pizza delivery boy or something, taking pizza from the bar to somebodies house. You would have each place be an indevidual spob, like Bob's house (generic spob), the car store (spob with shipyard), the drug store (spob with outfitter), the bar (spob with bar), etc. (spobs with all sorts of random things.

at these spob stores, the planet picture would be a picture of the store clerk, and in the background you would be able to see some of his store. this would be exceptionally cool for shipyards.

you could even but your own room. at a store would be an outfit that when bought, allows you to enter through a door that was locked before.

Anyway, there would be quite a lot of opportunities to expand on.