Anathema Chapter 2 Beta Thread

Who wants to help test?

All right, the early beta for the second installment of Anathema is ready to ship. Now I just need some testers. :rolleyes:

So far, Jalisurr and egroeg have volunteered, and Cosmic offered his help in the past but with Nebula on his plate I'm sure he's got his hands full at the moment. I'd say upwards of 6-8 people would be preferable, especially because the branching options in this chapter yield a substantial number of different ways to progress through the story.

Just reply here, or send me a private message, or an email at if you're interested.

Oh, and remember this guy?

Posted Image

All the beta-testers get to test-fly one once they finish the chapter. All you other schmucks need to wait until the end of chapter 3. Muhahahahaha!

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

This post has been edited by Archon : 15 September 2007 - 11:43 PM

Just to confirm I'm still up for beta.

Don't all jump at once now. 😉

I sent you a PM. I would love to spend my free time on this if I can help.

waves hand in air while jumping

Pick me! Pick MEEEEEE!

I would, but I'm busy. I know you understand :rolleyes:

OK, I'm sending out a link to all you suck errrr, so kind people as we speak!

If anybody else wants to help, you know where to find me! Well, not really, at least I hope not really. But you know what I mean.

All right I lied: I have a class I've gotta get to, but first thing when I get back!

(edit) OK, now they're sent.

This post has been edited by Archon : 17 September 2007 - 03:39 PM

Sorry for double-posting but Mumbling Psycho brought something to my attention:

Looks like Windows players can't use Mac pilots. So I threw together a quick plugin that only contains a chär resource to start you off right at the beginning of the original Anathema Teaser storyline. Here's the link:

edit: old one was broken. Here's the new link:

Attached File(s)

This post has been edited by Archon : 17 September 2007 - 07:46 PM

Warning! Warning! StuffIt File.

EDIT: For some reason, stuffit won't install. With what can I open that :ninja:

This post has been edited by Mumbling Psycho : 17 September 2007 - 07:30 PM

Strange. All I did was run it through the plugin archiver, which should just make it a .zip I thought.

I changed the only variable I could isolate, which was that I converted a file instead of a folder. Ran it again and it seems to work fine. Here's the new file:

Attached File (1.05K)
Number of downloads: 1

Plug-in archivers make files, which are the easiest filetype to extract and use on both platforms. Use The Unarchiver.

Oh wait, are you on a PC? Windows should be able to extract zip files without extra software, and bin files go into your Plug-in Convertor.

This post has been edited by Nil'kimas : 18 September 2007 - 06:08 PM

Whatever, it's fixed. And oops about the .bin going into the converter. Been a while since I had to convert.