Game chokes when escort dies (fixed so far)

Viper escort problem

I'm making a plug that, when you have a high enough rank, lets you hire 6 Viper escorts for free. They are aquired via Mission BBS. To release them, you click abort on your ship computer, or wait for them to be destroyed. That's where the problem sets in. Whenever any of the escorts gets blown to peices, the game chokes and quits. Heck if I know why... Anyways, here's a pict of the mission resource. If anyone can solve this problem, it would be greatly appretiated.

Attached File Um__what_did_I_do_wrong_.jpg (71.74K)
Number of downloads: 30

This post has been edited by Snaily : 13 August 2007 - 08:51 AM

What editor is that?

The problem might lay within the ship resources if you're using new ones. Are the death explosions properly set?

This is using resedit with the templates in the 'misn' resource. As for the ship type, it's a federation viper. I don't think the problem has much to do with the ship, but it could have something to do with the 'dude' resource, which is entirely new.

@joshtigerheart, on Aug 10 2007, 03:49 PM, said in Game chokes when escort dies (fixed so far):

What editor is that?

Are you serious?

It's NovaTools, the original ResEdit editor.

The only two I've used is EVNew and Mission Computer. The idea of booting up classic to edit plug-ins was none too appealing.

Since you've set the goal to escort, the mission will fail as soon as any one of them is killed which is probably not what you want. Try changing the goal to observe. I made a little plug for EVO once which allowed you to hire or purchase additional escorts and I used the observe goal. I guess it will mean you still have to manually abort it once they're all destroyed.

Yeah, I'm with Josh. That looks nothing like the two editors I've used, EVNEW and MC. It looks almost like an alien space ship invading Nova 😮

Nope. It's resedit with novatools templates. And thank you (again) Guy, I'll try that. So, hopefully it's just that, since I have another mission where you have to escort 3 leviathans. If I have any more problems, I'll post.

I remember using that... Unfortunately I no longer have a computer running classic... All those countless hours playing Marathon... (Yes, I know about Aleph One :p)

A better method of implementing this mission is to have the Vipers protect the player, yet have the mission goal be "Destroy all Ships." This way, the only time the mission does anything is when all six vipers are dead; have A924 or whatever the RID of the mission is in the OnShipDone field to automatically clear the mission from the players list once all the escorts are dead.

This post has been edited by Eugene Chin : 11 August 2007 - 06:14 PM

@eugene-chin, on Aug 11 2007, 07:12 PM, said in Game chokes when escort dies (fixed so far):

A better method of implementing this mission is to have the Vipers protect the player, yet have the mission goal be "Destroy all Ships." This way, the only time the mission does anything is when all six vipers are dead; have A924 or whatever the RID of the mission is in the OnShipDone field to automatically clear the mission from the players list once all the escorts are dead.

We have a genius in our midst. I'm gonna have to use that in my plug.

Bad news. Trying this assortment of ideas, it still chokes. I'm guessing it must be the dude resource...

I figured out a solution to the problem, but I don't get why I have to do it. You just make it so there's no ship goal and it works. 😕