Nearly ready for beta!

@--kaoz--, on May 25 2007, 10:31 PM, said in Nearly ready for beta!:

New weapon added today: Slayer Laser Cannon/Turret: fires very fast, short range laser shots that split into smaller and smaller lasers until there is a huge spread of tiny lasers that deal 1 point of damage to shields and armor.


oops... caps lock...

Ok, that would probably be the sweetest weapon out there if you could have four or something, because then you would have a massive army of mini-kamikazis. sweet... :laugh:

Alright, people. Here's my status report. I am hoping to put this up for beta within two weeks. Here's a list of all the current outfits:

High Explosives - shoots out a dumb fire bomb that does a lot of damage but fires slowly
Anti-Fighter Laser - point defense beam
Piranha Missile - shoots one missile that splits into a ton of small missiles
Telsa Coil - shoots a straight beam that does high damage and ionizes but takes a lot of energy
Defense Bay - bay that holds droids equipped with anti fighter lasers and light missiles
Etheric Laser - laser that does light damage and drains fuel but can fire while cloaked
400/600/800mm Coilgun - huge damae, but fires slowly. Looks like a railgun, only red
Ion Missile - small version of the EMP Torpedo
Nanites - now you can buy them
Light/Medium/Heavy lasers - just a regular beam here
Assault Bay - bay that holds assault droids. These are equipped with light lasers and ion missiles. They also add %chance to capture
Antimatter Missile - massive missile that pretty much blows up half the the system. Launcher weighs 60 toms, missles 20 each. Max is 3.
Fusion Blast Dispersion Device - fires a ton of FPC shots in a wide spread. Emulates a flamethrower
Stealth Missile - missile that can be fired while cloaked and can't be targeted by point defense.
Drop Missile - Drops a missile out of your ship that then flies off at your target and does a large amount of damage
Reaper Missile - missile that goes through shields
Hypercore - lets you multijump (x4), tunneling organ ability, and can be used as a weapon that does no damage but ionizes the entire area (this needs a full fuel bar to fire)
Hammer of Dusk - fires a HUGE laser looking projectile that does a ton of damage, but slow
Tractor Beam - nothing unique here =(
Electric Hull - makes the area around your ship do damage
Flak Cannon - fires like the chainguns, but is explosive
Recoil Cannon - fires shots with a huge impact that pushes things away
Particle Cannon - Acts like a rapidfire shotgun, covering a large area with tons of low damage shots
Hunter-Killer Missile - Missile that tracks cloaked targets
Antimatter Cannon/Turret - Boom. Fires large rounds that use an antimatter reaction to explode on hit.

---Still In the Works---
Gauss Rifle
Heavy Bays
600/800mm Coilguns
Shock Cannon - Bug gun that detonates a charge inside its barrel and shoots out the shockwave
Slayer Laser Blaster/Turrets
I may have my secret antimatter device ready by beta time, and I may not. If you are interested in testing this, email me at Put Weapons Testing in the subject or I will ignore it. I am currently working to make sure there are no actual bugs in the weapons by beta time. My plan is to finish the first 30 weapons this weekend, and spend the following week working on graphics.

Kaoz, I've stated this on many topics, but I would suggest that you remove your e-mail address and modify it so you say "at sign" and the like: the last thing you want is spambots flooding your inbox (and believe me, this is exactly how they get a hold of your address).

EDIT: Oh, and great work on your progress. Can't wait for the finished product. 😉

This post has been edited by Warlord Mike : 30 May 2007 - 09:37 PM

Awesome work KaoZ!
Looking forward to final version.

How big and long is that insanely huge explosion of yours btw?
Must have taken some time to make?
It looks great!

This post has been edited by Modesty Blaise : 31 May 2007 - 06:40 AM