How can I make an outfit appear where I want it to?

Item Involved: Death Ray (call it a light blaster, it doesn't matter) Outf 128
Planets Involved: Blue Base and Red Base, Spobs 128 and 129.

I want the Death Ray to be available at Blue Base with b1 is set, and at Red Base when b2 is set.

Is there a way to do this without using the special techs in the spobs?

Make two outfits?

Give the outfits special tech values that correspond to the planets? Make separate outfits? Put b1 in the first outfit's availbit field and b2 in the second outfit's?

Hmm... I don't think you can do this, short of having two outfits or using VisBits to change the systems containing the planets themselves. When an outfit can appear by NCB expression, it appears everywhere it can do so.

You could of course have two different outfits, or even 1 outfit, and then 1 outfit that adds the first outfit. Or 2 different outfits that add a third so it works the same in both places. I'm not sure how exactly one might going about getting the max outfits to work properly, though.