Resource ID Guide

@guy, on May 5 2006, 01:35 AM, said in Resource ID Guide:

Okay, what about the little Nova icon in the new pilot dialog? Is that the same in both?

Yes. As far as I can tell, the only major changes in the Windows version are the extra preferences PICT, and a new STR#, 139, which contains the strings for the Brightness preference (this STR# is contained in EVNova.ini, and as far as I can tell, it cannot be modified via plug-in). I've attached a zip file to this post containing Nova.rez, EVNova.ini, and a list of changes I've noticed, so you can look at this yourself.

In the PICT section, you have the wrong range for large shipyard PICTs. In Nova, they start at 20128 for the Shuttle.
Have you considered adding an rlë8/D section? It would only contain conventions, but those are useful conventions.


Attached File(s)

Updated 🙂

@edwards, on May 6 2006, 05:16 AM, said in Resource ID Guide:

Yes. As far as I can tell, the only major changes in the Windows version are the extra preferences PICT, and a new STR#, 139, which contains the strings for the Brightness preference (this STR# is contained in EVNova.ini, and as far as I can tell, it cannot be modified via plug-in). I've attached a zip file to this post containing Nova.rez, EVNova.ini, and a list of changes I've noticed, so you can look at this yourself.

Added this stuff. Thanks for the file.

@edwards, on May 6 2006, 05:16 AM, said in Resource ID Guide:

In the PICT section, you have the wrong range for large shipyard PICTs. In Nova, they start at 20128 for the Shuttle.


@edwards, on May 6 2006, 05:16 AM, said in Resource ID Guide:

Have you considered adding an rlë8/D section? It would only contain conventions, but those are useful conventions.

Added. I've set the shield glows to 12000-12199 as this is what all the shield plug-ins on the addons pages use (I couldn't seem to find AAC's one though - anyone know where that is? (EDIT) Found it. They just use some unused IDs in the range of the base sprites). I've also set some additional mission text "conventions" from 15000-17999 - is this okay?

This post has been edited by Guy : 05 June 2006 - 08:45 PM

@guy, on Jun 5 2006, 05:52 PM, said in Resource ID Guide:

I've also set some additional mission text "conventions" from 15000-17999 - is this okay?

That's fine, except that Nova appears to use those IDs for the following:

15000: Brief Texts (mission accept)
16000: Quick Briefs (mission info box)
17000: Load Cargo Texts
18000: Drop Cargo Texts
19000: Completion Texts

All of these also have other ranges, but that's what the dozen or so descs in each of those ranges is in Nova.


Ugh. Um, I'll leave that for the moment.
I've just added STR s too, including 3 groups the EVN bible doesn't mention (they're in the EVO bible but still work in EVN). For some reason the comm quotes actually start at 15001.

I have a couple of suggestions, if you are open to them. Change the defalt(sp?) font to something more easily readable, like "Times New Roman". Also, at the top Could you make kinda like a Table of Contence(sp?) thing? Maybe even add which resourses are used by the default Nova scenario. Or was that what the bold was I don't remember if that was what it was for or things that are required for it to not crash/freeze on startup.

This post has been edited by WonderBoy : 06 June 2006 - 02:44 PM

Its a txt document. There are no fonts. A table of contents is all but useless unless there are links or it is 10+ pages long.

@lnsu, on Jun 6 2006, 03:46 PM, said in Resource ID Guide:

Its a txt document. There are no fonts. A table of contents is all but useless unless there are links or it is 10+ pages long.

Actually its not just a .TXT file its a .RTF. So notepad can't open it properly. Here is a excerpt from the file when it is opened in notepad:

notepad said:

{\fonttbl\f0\fmodern\fcharset77 Courier;\f1\fmodern\fcharset77 Courier-Bold;\f2\fmodern\fcharset77 Courier-Oblique;
\f3\fnil\fcharset77 LucidaGrande;}

\f0\fs48 \cf0 EV Nova Resource ID Guide
\fs24 \
Items in
\f1\b bold
\f0\b0 are required for the game to load cleanly\
Items in
\f2\i italics
\f0\i0 are by convention only\
\cf0 \
\cf0 \


Also it is only seven pages but still. At least have the resources in order so that when you are scanning through it is easier to locate by seeing things that were around it. I don't know. If you do actually get it in .TXT format the font thing will be gone. If you don't believe me on the format thing just hold your mouse over the link for the download and read the link information. It says that its a .RTF.

I chose Courier because it is a monospace font (I would never use Times New Roman anyway though. Serif fonts are always harder to read than sans). I would add a contents page but I don't think you can have anchors in RTF (indeed you shouldn't really use web links either because the format and readability varies between platform and program). It's in RTF rather than HTML because the idea was that you download it and keep it rather than just viewing it online. You think I should put them alphabetical order? Okay, I may do that.

Resources used by the Nova scenario will not be included. The guide is supposed to be entirely independent of the Nova scenario. If you want such a guide there's already at least one on the addons pages, though I don't know how up-to-date it is.

This post has been edited by Guy : 06 June 2006 - 07:23 PM