Weapon Firing in Order?


A friend and I have been working on an EV Classic plug based off of an Internet Game. In said plug, a ship seems to be firing it's weapons in a specific order.

The New Confed Frigate is armed with one Proton Turret, One Missile Rack, Eight Missiles, Six Salvo Missile Racks, and Six Salvo Missiles. Salvo Missiles have a short range(a count of 60 ticks), a high speed(1000), and a Smart Homing Weapon guidence. For some reason it will never fire it's Salvo Missiles until it's standard ones have run dry. I considered giving the Salvo Missiles the Dumb Homing Weapon guidence rather than Smart, but most ships in this plug have a (comparably)high turning rate(120° per second or better), meaning that the AI will not fire Dumb Homing Weapons at them(Hey, maybe that was delt with in the EV AI Upgrade?).

Does anyone know a way I might make this Frigate mix up it's firing pattern a little more? Most of the time they die before getting a chance to fire any Salvo Missiles.

Thanks in advance.

(Edit)I'm using ResEdit and OS9 to make this plug. The 60 Ticks translate into two seconds, and the speed, well, I don't know what that translates into. I just know it's fast.(/Edit)

This post has been edited by U.E. Admiral : 19 May 2006 - 08:46 PM

The life of salvo missiles, combined with the speed means you need to be within about 1000 pixels (can see them on the screen) of the enemy ship for them to hit. This removes the advantage of using a long range system, which allows you to be out of range of short range weapons. It will not mix its firing pattern up, its not randomized, but the engine decides based on missile life and damage. I have made custom escorts with four different missile types, 200 ammo each, ranging from powerful to weak missiles, and they always fire from strongest to weakest.

@lnsu, on May 20 2006, 08:21 AM, said in Weapon Firing in Order?:

...(can see them on the screen)...

Unless your screen is in the 2000x2000 pixels range, no. On a 1024x768 sceen, 1000 pixels is between two and three times the distance to the edge of the screen, depending on the direction. Remember, your ship is in the center of the screen.

Now, for allowing your ships to use their Salvo Missiles, try tweaking them so that they have the same range as whatever the ships are firing first. You can calculate range with the formula "Range = Speed * Count / 100".


The idea was that they be short range missiles. They deal more damage than standard missiles, so that shouldn't be a problem. Someone has suggested that maybe things are fired in order of ID when the AI considers them the same thing? (explaining why a ship will fire a single laser turret instead of four proton turrets)

Anyway, that formula will come in handy for other things. Thank you.

This post has been edited by U.E. Admiral : 21 May 2006 - 03:02 PM