3 stage rocket malfunction

plug I'm trying to make...

Ok so heres the deal on what im trying to make it do

1st stage drifts from ship (the desired is out of its sides but that will be a finalising detail)

2nd stage is a stand still(or all but) and 'homes in' on the target ship/faces it sence its not really moving

3rd stage fires a 'rocket' of sorts straight tward the direction the 2nd stages is facing

but what happens is this

1st stages drifts out the front of my ship

2nd stage stops (Edit): and turns now

3rd stage fires in the direction the 1st 2nd stage was facing when it was fired

why is that? How do I make the initial shot come out of the side of my ship?

(Edit): The homing stage had a insainly huge turn rate so nvm on that part

This post has been edited by WonderBoy : 26 April 2006 - 02:21 PM

-90 inaccuracy, I believe.

Yeah, that'll make the shot some out of the sides, but it'll still point forward, not sideways. Although I'm sure that's what you intended.

Not sure if it can be done... you could try making it an unguided projectile with a a 180 inaccuracy and check both blind spot to the front and to the rear flags. Maybe that would work. Not sure about the -90 inaccuracy.

You could also try something else which may work. If you check the flag making multiples of the same weapon fire simultaneously, and have the outfit come in pairs (by granting a 2nd one which you can't sell and goes away when you sell the original). Then again, with the inaccuracy thing. The game just about always try to send simultaneous blast at different possible angles. So you'd be sure both shots are not going fire straight ahead, never ever.

Anyway, I'm sure you can use a bit of imaination and try things out, but it might just not be possible...

Oh and you could have the shot come out from the side of your ship by making the first stage a turret and making sure your target is neither in front or to the read of your ship :rolleyes:

This post has been edited by Mumbling Psycho : 26 April 2006 - 06:53 PM

Ok, Crimpy is correct at my intentions, but, the -90 acuracy isn't doing anything.
But then it is a unguided progectile and I don't know if it needs to be that or something else.
Here is the plug so far so you can see what I have done and what is possible wrong for the desired scenerio.
And what the psycho said might work just not as neatly as desired...except that might look cooler... 🆒

(Edit): Won't let me attach the file. It's a .rez (windows plug). If any of you have a idea for distrubution I'm all ears...err...eyes...yeah...

(Edit 2): Crimpy I did read your thread(or was it Desprez's?) about cloaking missles I beleive and it talked about that stuff. Oh, and Crimpy, do you mind if I call you that? And, can I use the pic of the Thunderhead for my Avatar(the one on your webpage)?

This post has been edited by WonderBoy : 26 April 2006 - 06:54 PM

I think you need to compress it in order to attach it to a post. Zipping should do.

Or upload it to some third party site and link it. Such as yousendit.com or filelodge.com and the likes.

Ok trying again with the attaching of the plug-in. Again it is a windows plug.


I just downloaded it and took a look. As far as shooting to the sides goes, try our ideas. But I've found something else. You might want to make sure your missile's damage is set appropriately OR fixing its proximity delay. Unless it is what you intended that the missiles scoring a hit before it reached its final stage would do only 1 damage.

Yes, when you run into it with your ship before it shoots the 3rd stage it's warhead is unarmed, so it's just like running into some space debris. That and I'm trying to make the weapon fire correctly before I work on damage and such stuff. but as for the -90 inaccuracy that doesent seem to work. Will try some of the other suggestions now and post them if they work or are requested.

This post has been edited by WonderBoy : 26 April 2006 - 07:29 PM

Since you're making a .rez file, I'm assuming that you are using WinEV so thus you must be using EVNEW. I'm pretty sure that an older version of EVNEW corrected negitive values in the inaccuracy field. Try redownloading it to get a newer version.

It does not correct negative values. I opened his plug, looked at the weapon, and there it was, -90 inaccruracy.

Yes its is -90 and it is a recent dl of EVNew, had it on a diff win machine and got a new one. Well Psycho did you test the plug?

I just took a look at it with EVNEW. I was wondering if the fact that it could hit before reaching last stage was fine.. I'm wondering why you've checked the 1st frame animation flag, too, though I didn't really check if the graphics it was using actually had an animation.

Was I supposed to test it to see if it actually fired sideways? If so then dang because I already deleted it. I also didn't check if you made an outfit for your weapon... anyways, I suppose you're doing the testing yourself, you should be able to see for yourself wether or not it works.

As for ideas, I've already given you the ones I thought of. Unless you're having trouble making them into the plug I don't think I'd have to actually mess around with the plug any more than I did.

Might think of other things though... But for now, that's pretty much all I could think of. It's also plausible that it isn't possible to achieve without having look really sad... since I'm sure I can't know more than yourself what you're trying to do with that weapon and how it's intended to look and work I think it would be best to let you work into making the plug yourself and just giving ideas.

Well I thought that you might be using macNova and that things might operate slightly differently like the -90 would work as some have said. but i will just experiment with different negative numbers for now.

Well, I am not. But both mac and windows should act the same. Especially since right now, both are up to date with the same 1.0.9 version. Worse, for some really dark and obscure reasons, I haven't upgraded from 1.0.6, so, at best, I'd be giving erroneous feedback. The editor, however, can't lie as to what is supposed to be coded.

Well so far all negative numbers fire straight forward. I'm forced to say that as far as I can tell it can't be done, unless of course some more experienced plug makers see this and say otherwise. No offense Psycho.

The decline of members is growing ever more apparent...I expected someone to have brought this up after so many posts.

Negative inaccuracy does work. I have tested it myself. However, if the exit point for the weapon (0,0)? If so, it will fire forward. If it's at (0,0), try setting it to (0,1) or something. See if it works.

@orcaloverbri9, on Apr 26 2006, 07:49 PM, said in 3 stage rocket malfunction:

Negative inaccuracy does work. I have tested it myself. However, if the exit point for the weapon (0,0)?

Yes, that is likely the problem. A weapon firing from an exit point with an x-value of 0 will not be affected by negative inaccuracy. Weapons firing from either side will have their negative inaccuracy measured towards that side (i.e. -90 would only fire to the right if the only exit point was on the right, and -270 would only fire to the left- this would be reversed if the exit point was on the left. With exit points on both sides of the ship, -90 will fire in both directions).

Sorry about not stepping in earlier, but this thread seems to have appeared and mushroomed between the two times I was online today.


Another part of the problem is that guided weapons ignore negative innacuracies. If you use "Turreted unguided" as the guidance for the first stage, your idea should work.

Because the turret requires the player to be targeting a ship to fire, the second stage will inherit the target.

This post has been edited by Eugene Chin : 27 April 2006 - 10:00 AM