Making new ships...

I can't!

OK, since I can't find this out on my own, I'll ask the public... What are good resorce #'s to use
when making a NEW ship. I seem to have problems with high #'s, and glitches with low #'s (well acutually, it just interferes with another ship <_<) Lil help would be greatly appretiated.
BTW: This is my first on this form. If it comes out 3 year old style, mybad 🙂

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This post has been edited by Snaily : 12 February 2006 - 12:22 PM

bah, I'm otta here. :mad:

Patience, my fickle friend.....

I would assume you are talking about making ships in Nova, right?

Patience. This is a message board, not a chat room. It often takes hours or days before someone who knows the answer to your question gets online and sees it.

Anway, the available RIDs for ships are 415-894 (inclusive). You can find this sort of information fairly simply for yourself, by first finding the highest legal RID for that resource (limits for most resources are found at the beginning of the Nova Bible, and the highest RID can be found by adding 127 to that number), and then checking to see what the highest used RID for that resource is in the data files. If it looks like there are no available RIDs, scan through the list of resources and look for numerical gaps.
The ship resource is slightly odd, as the highest available RID (895) is reserved for the Escape Pod, so simply using an RID higher than that will result in the game ignoring your new resource. Most of the other resources do not do anything like this.
