EV: Firefly update

I just recently started watching Firefly and I loved Serenity, both are great. I don't suppose you'd need Terragen landing pics?

You need help in anything except the graphics part, I'm your man. I'm a die-hard fan of Serenity, can probably quote the characters off the back of my hand if I tried, and I got great ideas. Please let me help! Please! Oh and I saw the movie it rocked 'cept that last part.... you know what I mean. Not to spoil it for those of you who didn't see the movie.

You need graphics artist's aye? Well I can certainly help you there, it might stretch my ingenuity a little bit, but I should be able to copt the ship designs from the shows. Just send me some pictures of the ships you want, and I'll do the rest.

Wow, interest has really picked up since I last checked this thread.

This has been an open project from the beginning----anyone who wants to help, may. I'm editing everything for a consistent voice, but the material I've got now is was mostly originally written by others.

So drop by the dev forums if you'd like to help. More graphics people are always welcome, as are more writers. But you have to be around on a fairly consistent basis----having people drop by, write a few ideas, and then disappear isn't really all that useful.

What do I need most at the moment? Mission concepts, mission descs, landing cityscapes (I've got plenty of Terragen pics, but that doesn't really help with the Core Worlds), and I don't yet have a model for the Alliance Cruiser.

(double post deleted)

This post has been edited by Lindley : 22 October 2005 - 02:06 AM

I demand an update!

Don't worry, Ephrin – we're working on it. It's just taking a while.