A spďn a day...

Hey! That shuriken might be useful for The TC That Shall Not Be Named (Here)!

Hamster (and now orca) are providing a nice stream of hilarious sprites, but if you’re feeling a bit more ambitious you might consider that sometimes these sorts of things look better if they don’t rotate, or if just part of the image moves to indicate the direction of travel. For an example, take a look at this plug, which replaces the sprite for a certain ship (guess which one). Somebody might also find that plug useful as an illustration of how to go about getting these new spins into Nova.

Another thing: Just about any looping animation can be used in place of a planet or station.

Now, I’ll tell you what I’ve wanted to do each of the last few years around this time, but have never found time to do: a plug called “North Polaris” that replaces everything in Polaris space -- ships and spobs -- with Christmas-themed objects along the lines of what you’re doing here. I’m getting too much flak here for interacting with the computer instead of the seasonal guests, so once again I won’t be doing it, but now the idea is out there for you all....

Awsome sprite set hamster! 😄

I'd do it (the north polaris thing) but I'm currently working on a TC/overhaul of nova's graphics that makes it look like it's all drawn on paper.

shady tradesman, on Dec 24 2005, 07:04 PM, said:

I'd do it (the north polaris thing) but I'm currently working on a TC/overhaul of nova's graphics that makes it look like it's all drawn on paper.
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You do know about SketchFighter, right?

Hamster, on Dec 24 2005, 01:36 PM, said:

You do know about SketchFighter, right?
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I didn't until I looked it up. It's really cool, much better than my plug-in so far. My plug-in isn't really going to change nova's gameplay at all, it's just going to change the graphics for the ships to pen illistrations, explosions to colored pencil lines and crinkles in the paper, space to a while paper background, and a few other things. Basicly it will replace every graphic in nova. For the moment, however, I'm having trouble adding a texture to the space without it consisting of several layers like the starfield. =p

Sketchfighter looks pretty cool though. I'll check it out. 😛

You can just color space white. Its a field in the syst resource.

Did that. It screwed up all the masks, luckely I'm re-doing them all anyways so it'll all work out. 🙂

But I was looking for maybe a little noise or something... something that would make it so you could see when you were moving. =p

You can edit the stars to be whatever you want. Just if the user has Parrallax starfield on, it will look strange. You could even use asteroids as, say, erasers.

Well I'm having trouble with the masks now. On a white system background, the masks are all f*cked up for any cicn recorces. Actually, it doesn't even work with the rleD resorces in nova graphics two. :mad:

This post has been edited by shady tradesman : 26 December 2005 - 02:30 PM

Ok, here's the idea. I wanted to make a sort of Planet or Asteroid ship. A movable station if you will. Hamster, if you could get this picture so i could use it as a ship, or even make one of an asteroid, i would be eternally grateful. I'm not sure this picture is the best thing for what i want, so maybe a slightly shaped asteroid would do better. I'm thinking of a small plug with a couple of missions to help some scientists beta-test a new weapon/ship/movable station.

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This post has been edited by Razzle Storm : 28 December 2005 - 02:18 PM

Razzle Storm, I suppose you could use a rotating sprite of the sort Hamster has been cranking out, but I think you also could just write a "shan" resource that references the RLEd for that planet (which is in the Nova Files). The planet wouldn't turn as it flew, but I think it would otherwise behave like other ships


Razzle Storm, I suppose you could use a rotating sprite of the sort Hamster has been cranking out, but I think you also could just write a "shan" resource that references the RLEd for that planet (which is in the Nova Files). The planet wouldn't turn as it flew, but I think it would otherwise behave like other ships

I actually tried that exact same thing, but i've no clue what to put under the "frames". I put 1, because it does only use one. I did everything else right, i'm almost positive of that, but uh... i can't seem to find my ship in any of the shipyards.

Here, i'll post what i have so far. I haven't done anything major (just filled the tech lvl and made sure it availability was 100) with the "ship" resource yet, buts its there.

It's been a long while since i've made a plug, and i'm sure that i've just made a simple mistake. If anyone could be so kind as to look it over and point out what i did wrong i would be much obliged.

Attached File(s)

Your problem is very simple- Nova ignores all ship RIDs above 895, while your ship uses 896. It's a common problem- even I ran into it when I was starting out. If you change your ship to use any RID in the range 415-894, it should work perfectly well.


D'OH. I never had that problem before, curious i've never used those numbers. alright, thanks.

This post has been edited by Razzle Storm : 29 December 2005 - 03:08 AM

Planet Ship pic.

If you could spin that so that it has 36 frames, i would be extremely grateful. Also, it's resource number 2057 in NovaGraphics2.rez, if that is a better picture to spin.

Pretty please with sugar on top? thanks.

This post has been edited by Razzle Storm : 01 January 2006 - 03:37 AM

Pretty PRETTY please?

Oop, sorry! Next time it takes me this long to respond, just PM me.

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alright thanks!

Hamster: can you make me a wildebeest spďn please? I don't have an image for you, but anything you can scrounge up should work fine. It just has to look like a wildebeest and be able to face different directions. If it were rendered at an angle like Nova ships are that would be even cooler, but unnecessary if it takes more work (and I can't imagine it wouldn't.)

Mmm, a worthy challenge. This will take more than a simple image search.

I'm on it. 🙂

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Or just spďn the head: Posted Image