Qaanol's First Developer Challenge

I'm too happy to feel confused! :laugh:

Prizes! We got prizes!

Posted Image

Methinks Qaanol is quite familiar with Google Image.

So what does this "Qewie" look like, then? This one is rather over the top:

Posted Image

Qoogle, now that would be a succesful search engine!

Stealing from babies Qaanol, how could you ๐Ÿ˜„

Alright, I played it and it works.

Well, technically my computer's so slow that I don't get to see all the frames, but the gist is there. And I can watch them in QuickTime anyway.

To test it I made a plugin that makes Drop Bears attack on every spรถb, all year round, 100% of the time, with no way to stop them. I'm thinking about playing a real game that way.

Kudos, again, to the winners ๐Ÿ†’ .