Prequel Survey

Alternate Universe or Not?

If somebody were to make a prequel to EV Nova, would you want it to follow the storyline exactly, or allow for a few alternate universes?

Hey daniel, what ever happened to New Era? Me and Septcanmat have been waiting ever since you disappeared.


If someone were to make a prequel, I would rather it have a storyline thats loosely based on the preambles but still diffrent enough to be exciting.

Hey! It's you! It's been a long time . . . well, New Era was scrapped by me, anyway, (as are a LOT of plug-ins) I don't know about you guys. I no longer have a Mac, so plug-in development is that much harder for me using EVNEW.

So, for you: doesn't have to fit the preambles precisely.

Alternate endings would definitely be excellent, especially if the player's choices could vastly change the way things come out (e.g. preventing the destruction of the hypergates).

This post has been edited by Mispeled : 22 December 2005 - 02:10 PM

DANIEL!!!!!!! What ever happened to you?!?!?!?! You just like, disappeared!!!

Not to get off-topic or anything, but my Mac quit, so I was using Windows and I completely forgot about EV Nova for about a year. I completely forgot about New Era until now, and I never logged on to AIM, so I kind of forgot to talk to you guys. You didn't lose any sleep (or time) because of me, did you?

Ther was already a post/topic about this in the main EVN WebBoard, by Merrik. As far as I know, there is a development team of 2 -- him and me, as he recruited me before I could say no (although that isn't a bad thing at all, all I'm saying is that he only got 2 people). You could join our crew, or probably the other way around, as I have no doubt that you are more competent :p. However, there were several pages of ideas tossed around at that topic, here. You could check that out. I am not about to claim copyright infringment, there was a 99% chance that ours would take years to get off the ground anyway. The fact that this is on the actual DC is a good thing!

This post has been edited by FedKiller : 26 December 2005 - 09:45 PM

Mispeled, on Dec 22 2005, 11:09 AM, said:

Alternate endings would definitely be excellent, especially if the player's choices could vastly change the way things come out (e.g. preventing the destruction of the hypergates).
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Mhmm. Then someone could add multiple char resorces to the regular version to make the present different for how you did the end of the TC.

I'm afraid there's already a team working on a huge similar project entitled Beforemath. It should be out by the end of the century.

FluffyWithTeeth, on Dec 27 2005, 12:06 PM, said:

I'm afraid there's already a team working on a huge similar project entitled Beforemath. It should be out by the end of the century.
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Heh, nice one Fluffy...

I'm not saying I'm working on anything, and this isn't a thread to throw around ideas. I just wanted to find out that, if there were a prequel, would people want the possibility of an alternate universe.

Alternate endings would definitely be excellent, especially if the player's choices could vastly change the way things come out (e.g. preventing the destruction of the hypergates).

That's about how I'd like it. 🙂