

If I take the picture of a hypegate and rotate it 90° clockwize, is it possible for me to make the ships coming out of it come out at the same angle or is this just not possible?
Does this also work/ not work with wormholes?

Yes, exit angle can be specified (in the CustSndID field, actually). However, note that the perspective and lighting will look very weird if you just take the images and rotate them. For example, a horizontal reflection would keep the perspective, but would still mess up the lights.

Wormhole exit angles work the same way.

Thank you, thats perfect.

I have another question. I have made a junk that diminishes in my cargo hold.
Is there anyway for me to make an outfit that will change the junk so that it can
grow in my cargo hold.

Im not sure if you can make an outfit that will make it grow, but i know that you can set the junk itself to grow.

Yeh I know I can do that. Thats where I got this idea. However I want to be able to do it in game by getting an outfit for example.
Right my idea was that say I buy a junk called food, in everyday life food goes bad over time so it will diminish, now if I buy a farm(for lack of a better word) in the outfitting section this will reverse because I now have a means to grow more food so it can multiply. So somehow I would like to make it so that this farm will switch the diminish to multiply.

Another question. Is it possible to make the diminishing/multiplying go faster or slower?

You're going to put a farm on a spaceship?

I love you.

Pyranah, on Dec 16 2005, 03:42 PM, said:

So somehow I would like to make it so that this farm will switch the diminish to multiply. View Post

I don't think you can make already-purchased cargo switch between increasing and decreasing, but you might be able to get close to the right effect by using Oxxx in the availability NCB field of the junk, and making two types, one for purchase without the farm, and one for purchase once you've bought the farm.
However, I seem to recall some bug in the junk resource that prevented you from changing from one available junk to another in a single trade center (I may be wrong on this). This could be counteracted by doing full systems replacement with Oxxx, but that's getting a bit rediculous. Your mileage may vary, so test all this before you decide whether or not use use it.


Heh thanks, I'll try the replace system thingy. Was hoping I wouldnt have to but oh well. I'm not so good with the whole programming thing I always seem to have to do things about 10 times before it goes right. I guess that just goes with the show. I only have 35 systems anyways so it doesnt matter all that much.

Anyways I have a new question... again... Is it possible to make a weapon that uses cargo as ammunition? If so would it only be a specific cargo or all cargo?
Well I doubt its possible but worth a question anyways...
right? :huh:

Pyranah, on Dec 17 2005, 04:51 PM, said:

Is it possible to make a weapon that uses cargo as ammunition? If so would it only be a specific cargo or all cargo? View Post

Nope. Sorry. It's possible to use cargo space as a weapon, but that won't affect your current cargo.



Right my idea was that say I buy a junk called food, in everyday life food goes bad over time so it will diminish, now if I buy a farm(for lack of a better word) in the outfitting section this will reverse because I now have a means to grow more food so it can multiply. So somehow I would like to make it so that this farm will switch the diminish to multiply.

I'm a little fuzzy on my plug in skills, but i seem to remember a field that lets you specify how fast something diminishes. IF this is so, couldnt you just change that value to a negative to make it grow?

Razzle, you have it backwards. A negitive number there would make it diminsh.

Maybe you could make a mission that gives you the shrinking junk on purchase of it, then gives you access to the 'farm' and that mission aborts the first then starts another that gives you the growing junk.

@Razzle: Sorry, that field doesn't exist. There's just a pair of flags, one that makes the cargo grow, one that makes it shrink. I do not know what happens if you set both of them.

@Eegras: Sorry, missions cannot grant sellable cargo, and mission cargo cannot grow or shrink (mission cargo is just a string resource, not a junk resource).
