Heavy use of energy draining weapons

Has this been done before?

Has there been a system put in place before in Nova where

A ) All ships have high energy recharge rates,

B ) All ships have high energy-consuming primary weapons, and

C ) Cloaks have a drain that stabilize most ships at 0 or slow recharge?

So the net effect is firing weapons for a long time makes you unable to leave, unless you buy time with secondary weapons?

This could also put a nice limit on fighters with light weapons and less than a single jump (100) of energy.

This post has been edited by Kalvin Trismegustos : 12 December 2005 - 11:09 PM

I'm doing something like this in KFL and I'm pretty sure this is something in Sephil...

Anything that adds a new gameplay element is excellent in my book. We should see more variety in how weapons are utilized by the player.

There was a plug-in for EV that did this - nearly all primaries sucked energy. And it was REALLY annoying, hahaha - but if you execute it well it does add a nice new aspect.

The whole galaxy was (i think) representing the solar system... anyone remember what plug I'm talking about?

Was an EVO plug, 'Galaxy's Edge' or something like that. I also recall that power cells were 2 tons and only gave 50 energy units, solar panals were 2 tons, and reactors were 50 tons each. The most cost-effective energy-producer, however, was the pedal-powered 'kinetic generator' 😄

Yes, the plug was Galaxy's edge, and it was actually one of my favorites, though it was extremely hard to start out, and the solar system was just massive and mostly completely empty: not a huge problem, except it was very hard to navigate. I loved the plug though: the Quesar (spelling?) was one awesome ship, and the entire thing was very realistic.

~vIsitor~, on Dec 16 2005, 03:53 PM, said:

The most cost-effective energy-producer, however, was the pedal-powered 'kinetic generator' 😄
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Hahaha, now I have to try this out.

Note that I said cost-effective , not effiecient or reliable 😛

rmx256, on Dec 13 2005, 06:22 AM, said:

I'm doing something like this in KFL and I'm pretty sure this is something in Sephil...

Nah, our energy/fuel/whatever-you-want-to-call-it system is much crueler than this. 🙂