One Day SFA Download

Wow, thats quite awesome. I am looking forward to it, I only hope i can remember.

You sure I cant... like PM you early or something?

mrxak said:

I'd suggest simply releasing the plug when it is finished, and not before. If you want to show something off, release a few screenshots.

Many of us still want to have something to play around with (in game of course, not editing) rather than something to merely look at. If you think it'll ruin the final version, don't download it. Which brings me to the point of: It's inevidable that someone , somewhere is not going to follow the rules, weather it is intentional or not. The point of the rules set fourth is to remind or inform people that didn't know about the Alpha incident that UT values his work and doesn't want people spreading it all over so anyone is free to screw around with it. In essence the rules are to prevent or dramatically reduce tha ammount of piracy taking place.

Guy said:

May I ask what did happen with the public alpha?
I think that should explain it.

This post has been edited by Cmdr. Quigly : 09 November 2005 - 12:57 AM

I just think it's more sensible, rather than spending time producing a crippled version, or risking that somebody will "force" you to cancel it altogether, just spend a few minutes in-game snapping some screens, and then get back to work. Every minute you spend producing what amounts to advertising means a minute more your project is delayed from release. There's a lot of people excited about this plug, I doubt it needs the additional advertisement. Play it safe, stay focused, and get your project done a little sooner.

In my opinion the final point will be what UT wants to do with this. If he wants to release a preview then by all means he should. It's his to do with as he pleases. Personally I'd love to play it in any configuration that he chooses to release.

I know you don't need any more tension over this, but personally, I really would love an unfinished version of the game to play with. I'm also quite experienced enough, and have enough free time, that I could really be a hard core beta tester. I just lost my job, so, you know, Time to waste that school doesn't take (which leaves most of it free. Only taking 13 credits at a community college, quite relaxing).

So don't take mrxak seriously, even though he is speaking in your interest. Release a megateaser, and I will love you forever.

You know, I think I'm going to go back to my original plan -- release the present build over the weekend (minus a few storyline-specific resources).

No restrictions on it. No arcane "PM me for the download link" bullcrap, no threats of cancellation, or any of that nonsense. I'm just going to do it like I did two years ago -- I'll upload it in the morning, then post a link, and you guys can download it for as long as I keep the link active. Which will probably be through the weekend, so there'll be plenty of time and opportunity for people who want to try it out to do so.



Because I never meant to insult anyone.

Because, as diligent as they are and I am, the testing team and I miss things and I could stand to have a large number of people beta testing to find the stuff that we're missing.

Because my plan is to have the full release done within the next six months anyway, so what the hell am I worried about people stealing from it for?

Because the time I would take putting out a crippled, TOS-span-only version is time spent away from finishing the final project.

Because despite the fact that I'd be unleashing a pretty complete version of this, there's still lots of tweaks and polishes left, so it's not like the surprises will be ruined.

Because I want to show my appreciation for all the support and interest in the past four years I've been working on this that the EVN community (particularly the crowd) has given me.

So that's the plan. Don't worry about PMing me for a link. I'll just post in on the SFA forum on the board.

See you Friday. Back to work.

Awesome. I look forward to playing and helping SFA be the best it can be. On that note where would you like bug reports, ect, to go? I'd think your section of the boards?

I'll have a sticky thread on the boards for bug reports. When I post the link, I'll link to it there. If I remember to, the same link will also be in the Read Me file.

All right. Thanks for going to so much effort for us, UT. I really appreciate it.

I think that's for the best :).

scattered applause

roar sweeps through the crowd

a few people get on their feet

standing ovation

whistling and cheering

objects thrown on stage

a stampede

riot police try to preserve order

I look forward to it, UncleTwitchy. 🆒

That's hot.

I'll test it 'till I find a bug. If there are no bugs, you may not hear from me ever again. 😄

I join the rest in giving you sincere thanks.

Also, since I'm the first to post on Friday- HAPPY BIRTHDAY UncleTwitchy!!!

edit: oops. forgot about the one-hour time difference. Still........

This post has been edited by Flyboy : 11 November 2005 - 03:32 AM


This is sooooooo cool!

/me runs around in little circles like a small child.

Yay for Uncle Twitchy!

(rik has just finished decompressing SFA).

Great! goes to link

unstuffing as I write this

Kudos and Karma to you and your team sir.

Just a note, UT- your system requirements seem a bit high. SFA is running great for me in 150 meg.

Thanks for the heads up -- I thought it would be better to err on the side of too much than too little!

This deserves the firing up of my cable modem/ account.

(Edit): Uncle Twitchy, SFA is looking terrific. And for someone who didn't download the original alpha due to an evil monster known as the 56k modem (which still plagues many people), it makes SFA very fresh to me. I used to drool over pictures of Star Trek ships, and now I drool over sprite animations of Star Trek ships, as well as a fresh approach to space combat!

This post has been edited by Anaxagoras : 11 November 2005 - 06:14 PM