Assist me



Okay, you'll need EnRLE/DeRLE found in the utilities section of the addons pages. This will allow you to export RLE sprites to picts so you can hue them and then import them back as RLEs again.

Can you explain it a little better plz?

Edit: By the way how to make a certain rank activate a certain type of tech?

This post has been edited by Rebel Klaudyo : 29 July 2005 - 03:46 AM

You're very good at not giving much information. You need to provide as much as possible otherwise we can't help you. How far have you got? Do you have EnRLE/DeRLE? Do you have an image editing program such as Graphic Convertor? Precisely what do you want to know?

I guess I'll start at the beginning:
Drag Nova Graphics 2 onto DeRLE. In the Range enter 3000-3000 (that's the ID of the light blaster spin). You probably don't want to bother with the 8-bit render so uncheck that. Click okay and you should end up with a file on your desktop called "Light Blaster.res16". Open this and you'll find a pict of the light blaster sprite which you can then copy into an image editing program.

(EDIT): You can use the Contribute bits in a rank to make certain things available. Read the bible to find out how these work.

This post has been edited by Guy : 29 July 2005 - 03:52 AM

I've dowloaded EnRLE/DeRLE from utilities, thats all i've done for now.


For your tech level question, the player doesn't really access those things directly. All tech levels do is set a limit for individual spobs as to what outfits and ships can appear there.

To be able to purchase them, as Guy suggested, you'll need to match the require bits in the Outfit and Ship Require Bits field. You'll also need to match the availability bits (which you can see in your pilotlog)

For example:

The Capacitor Pulse Laser (outf 153) has bit 1 of the Require Bits field activated. This bit is contributed by nearly every ship in Nova, and is the bit they use to prevent you from purchasing a lot of things in the Vell-Os string (since the Vell-Os ships don't set it).

The CPL also has its Availbits as b298 & P30. b298 is set in the middle of the Polaris string (at the point where you're supposed to get access to it. P30 is set if you're either registered or have been unregistered for less than 30 days. If both of these conditions are met, then you'll be able to see and purchase the weapon (as long as you have a ship that lets you buy it for whatever reason).

All outfits are like this. The techlevel is only used to determine which spobs are >able< to show the outfit, if the availability conditions are met.

I made what you said but "Light Blaster.res16" doesn't appear it only appears Light Blaster.rleD and Light Blastr.rle8.

By the way, I have painted all light blaster images into blue

Attached File(s)

  • Attached File 5.jpg (17.99K)
    Number of downloads: 1

Wrong program. RLE is the sprite format that Nova uses. You need to De RLE it into a pict, make the changes, and then En RLE the pict back again.

Difficult to make anything out in that little image but if I look closely I can see it's kinda blue and red. How did you make that if you haven't DeRLE'd it yet?

Used photoshop

This doesn't seem to be getting anywhere so I'll post this for you and get it over with. Just give the resources unique IDs.

Thanks so much but my problem is that i want to learn how to make it. I have 36 images changed on photoshop and i dont know how to import them to the plug-in. You helped a lot guy but know i wan'na learn. So i need DeRLE to change the picture and then EnRLE to post it back again, right?

Edit: HI! can you tell me the pictures format after painting in photoshop

This post has been edited by Rebel Klaudyo : 31 July 2005 - 06:47 AM

You need to import it into the file outputted by DeRle. The method by which you do this varies by editor. In ResEdit, just open the old PICT resource and paste in the new sprite. In MC, I believe you can paste it, or you can save it as an image (PICT format would be best), open the resource, and use the import command.

After RLE'ing it, give the rleD resource a unique ID, and change the spin resource to reflect it. Give the spin resource the ID corresponding to the weap you're making, and there you go.

The plug-in im making is in another galaxy and it doesn't nothing to do with humans so i want to change the holovid news but i dont know how. I changed the commercials but i cant change the news. It keeps allways appearing "todays top news" or something like that and other time appears the news i made. The holovid is independente so how can i make to appear only my news?

And how to make a music for the introduction?

Hm, there was a topic about news strings once before though I can't remember the details. You can control news with crons and I think oops might also appear in the news.
For the music just stick an mp3 file called "Nova Music" (no extension) in the plug-ins folder. Actually it probably doesn't have to be an mp3 - any QT supported format should work (on a mac at least).

Thx a lot. You the man!

What will your plug all add Klaudyo? I know:
1 gövt
smallest 1 weap

My plug will add much more, amigo

This post has been edited by Rebel Klaudyo : 06 August 2005 - 08:04 AM

Rebel Klaudyo, on Aug 6 2005, 02:46 PM, said:

Get a life
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