Total Conversion in Development

I only wanted to tell you that we (me and my friends) are currently working on a total conversion plug-in for EV Nova. It will feature more than 30 different ships, over 10 different Goverments and many new Outfits, Missions and so on. Here is some artwork of a ship, the "Hijacker"

Please tell me what you think about it. EDIT: (the Plug-In, not the picture)


Posted Image

This post has been edited by Bink : 24 July 2005 - 09:20 AM

Very nice. But it would be better if you posted this in the gallery section.

That looks interesting.

One question: how much of that picture did you do yourself, and how much of it is just copy/pasted together?

Looks interesting indeed, but I must comment on the background and the ship. The ship looks great, but the engine glow could be brighter. The planet doesn't look right, it needs more detail, depth and better clouds, thicker clouding really. The lighting also isn't right, you have some larger stars in the background, the stars in your background should be your main light source in this case, a nice crescent shadow on the planet would do good. The atmosphere of the planet could be less, solid, looking, it looks as if it's a glass ball. The composition of the whole picture is off in my opinion, I would like to see a slightly smaller planet that fits into the whole picture better. The background isn't bad but I rather see you make your own nebula and starry background, then use what looks like a picture off the internet. The concept is good though. I hope you realize I'm telling you this so you can display your work better, I'm not trying to insult at all. If you have any questions about what I'm saying please ask away.

EDIT: I just noticed the lighting of the ship(s) is off also, I would light the ships according to the position of your main light source.

This post has been edited by Matthew Walk : 23 July 2005 - 03:03 PM

I absolutely love the ship, great design, really well executed.

I second all of Matthew Walk's advice on the background and lighting etc.

And pop over to http://www.ambrosias...hp?showforum=98 You'll get more comments on the image, and advice from some of the best Artist's on the boards.

That looks somewhat like an asteroid miner attatched to some kind of power pack or something. And that kind of planet could probably not be lurking deep in the heart of the horsehead nebula...

OK... first: This is NOT supposed to be art, but a modell for a plug-in. I didnt do the ship, and the background has nothing to do with the picture, ist all about the ship. This ship will be one of 40-50 new ships in our (me, my brother and a friend of mine) Plug-In. I did not post it here to show you a nice picture, but to let you see what our Plug-In is going to be like. This modell is for a 200 x 200 px big ship, not for Artwork. I will load up another picture of the ship, without background and Nova logo, only the ship.

EDIT: I DID NOT DO THE SHIP!!! It's the work of a friend, so dont tell me what to do better please...

Attached File(s)

This post has been edited by Bink : 24 July 2005 - 08:14 AM

Hola, and welcome. I just think it's worth noting that the reason you're getting comments on the artwork you attached to your initial post, is because you kind of asked for it.

Bink, on Jul 23 2005, 07:06 PM, said:

Please tell me what you think about it.
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I'm guessing you meant that to refer to the paragraph that preceded it. But, to be honest, there's not really enough detail in that para for people to properly comment on. So they assumed that you wanted to know what we think about the only point of detail in your post; the image.

As for the ship its self, not that you're looking for comments, apparently, it looks great. Nice shape and construction. just enough detailing... I'd like to see so 'daylight renders if you have any floating about. The same goes for the swarm of fighters around the big fella. What do they look like close up?

Can you give us any details about the project its self, some of the themes maybe? A preamble or two?

OK, with that larger view and Hudson's extrapolation/answer, I can say that I do like the ship- nice texturing. But the lack of information about the plug doesn't help much... More please?

I will give you some information later, for now the only things I can say are some features:

A whole new story plot with 4 different main story lines.
Thousands of missions to get money.
A universe more than 6 times as big as the one in Nova.
Over 10 new goverments.
More than 40 new Human/Alien ships.
Over 200 Outfits, weapons etc.
More than 5000 Systems with over 6000 Planets and Stations.
New Graphics for everything including Interface, Planets, Weapons and of course ships.

Thats all I can say for now but I will post more graphics today.


Are the graphics rEV level, or lower?

Bink, on Jul 24 2005, 08:16 AM, said:

More than 5000 Systems with over 6000 Planets and Stations.View Post

Quick question. Does this imply that you'll be using multiple sets of data files per pilotfile?

The max number of systs and stellars are each 2048, but if one set it up right you could use multiple sets of data files to produce a similar effect. (though you could never have more than 2048 systs on the map at one given time...)

Remember, sir, that is the easy part 🙂

Bink, on Jul 24 2005, 08:16 AM, said:

Thats all I can say for now but I will post more graphics today.
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GutlessWonder, on Jul 24 2005, 04:30 PM, said:

Does this imply that you'll be using multiple sets of data files per pilotfile?
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Just let me do it ok? With the data files we will do it like in Nova, there will be more than one Plug-In file, much more, because we couldnt put it all into one... it will work! Thats important.


rmx256, on Jul 24 2005, 04:37 PM, said:

Remember, sir, that is the easy part 🙂
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Well, what should I tell you? The names of all the systems? Would be a long post I think... All I can say at the moment is that there will be more information in the future. There will be more graphics here soon (10 min.) so keep your eye on this thread.


Frequency 245, on Jul 24 2005, 04:21 PM, said:

Are the graphics rEV level, or lower?
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The graphics are like in EV Nova, maybe a bit better. The Pictures here are almost like the ships in the game, but bigger. I will upload a screenshot later so you can see how they will look like.


Bink, on Jul 24 2005, 05:17 PM, said:

The graphics are like in EV Nova, maybe a bit better. The Pictures here are almost like the ships in the game, but bigger. I will upload a screenshot later so you can see how they will look like.

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At the risk of sounding like a jaded, grumpy old man, member no 16,979, people on the boards are not always as welcoming to these kind of announcements as they might be because they've seen so many of them. We've seen hundreds, maybe even more than a thousand TCs announced. For EVO and EVN combined, we've seen about five actually finished.

If you're willing to take a piece of advice from an old fogey like me, I would suggest that you crack on with making the plugin but don't start advertising it until it's nearing the end of Beta. If you do pull it off, people will never stop talking about it. And if you don't, they won't have you tagged as a vapour-ware author, which is a tag all of us can do without.



Bink, on Jul 24 2005, 03:16 PM, said:

I will give you some information later, for now the only things I can say are some features-
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Okay, Bink, let me illustrate something for you...

Nova Bible said:

Max Ships In System 64
Max Stellar Objects 2048
Max Systems 2048
Max Ship Classes 768
Max Stellar Classes 256
Jump Distance 1000 pixels
Max Weapon Types 256
Max Outfit Item Types 512
Max Beams On Screen 64
Max Dude Types 512
Max Ships Per Dude 16
Max Govts 256
Max Explosions On Screen 32
Max Explosion Types 64
Max Missions 1000
Num Mission Bits 10000
Max Cargo Types 256
Max Person Types 1024
Max Shots On Screen 128
Max Asteroids 16
Max Asteroid Types 16
Max Nebulae 32
Max Images Per Nebula 7
Max Simultaneous Missions 16
Max Disasters 256
Max Fleets 256
Max Ranks 128
Max Junk Types 128 did that list tell you anything helpful about nova? Did it present you with anything worth passing comment on? Sure, it tells you that you can have a maximum of 16 ships per dude, but that in its self doesn't tell you anything about the nova engine or its scenario. And that's all you've done.

It's like trying to comment on a meal at a Michelin Star restaurant based only on the chef's shopping list.

Provide more detail, or expect more abuse.

Bink, on Jul 24 2005, 05:08 PM, said:

Just let me do it ok? With the data files we will do it like in Nova, there will be more than one Plug-In file, much more, because we couldnt put it all into one... it will work! Thats important.

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Just a friendly reminder, instead of making repeated consecutive posts, please use the 'edit' function. It's more pleasing on the eyes and makes you much easier to understand.