Please sign a petition to make Coldstone compatible with Panther

Well, Coldstone and all games made with Coldstone (such as Pillars of Garendall) are not Panther compatible. So, Cl-la0s was kind enough to make (url="http://"")this petition(/url) to Beenox requesting an update. We have very few signatures right now, so that is why this topic is on this board.

Please sign, even if you don't own or use Coldstone. Coldstone is an Ambrosia product and sales from it help Ambrosia pay it's expenses.

Motion is impossible:
If an archer fired an arrow at a target, it would have to travel halfway before reaching the target. To reach that distance, the arrow would first need to travel halfway. To reach that distance, the arrow would first need to travel halfway. To reach that distance, the arrow would first need to travel halfway. To reach that distance, the arrow would first need to travel halfway. To reach that distance, the arrow would first need to travel halfway...