New TC

Graphics Request

Hey all. I'm just starting for a TC for EV/O (haven't decided yet), but I'm not very good with graphics. So, is someone interested to make the ship and outfit graphics? If you're interested, reply here. I'm using ResEdit, MissionComputer and EV-Edit. If someone really replies, I'll tell the details via email.

Zealot, on Jul 13 2005, 09:12 AM, said:

I'm using ResEdit, MissionComputer and EV-Edit.
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I have one piece of advice for you. Don't use EV-Edit under any circumstances. Other members may disagree with me, but I remember it totally corrupting my plug-in files on a number of occasions.

What version were you using?

Zealot, on Jul 13 2005, 09:48 AM, said:

What version were you using?
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Being that it was over 5 years ago ( I think), I don't remember.


QUOTE(Ephialtes @ Jul 13 2005, 11:49 AM)
Being that it was over 5 years ago ( I think), I don't remember.

Hmm.. I use version 3.2.2, and I think it's the NEWEST. It has only minor bugs. I know what you meant, before I had an old version like you.

And now, back to the real subject, ok?

I highly recommend using Onyx's shipyard for outfits, weapons, and ships.

I recommend starting your plugin before asking for graphics. Seriously.

Graphics people don't like putting hard work into things that aren't going to happen. I'm not saying your plug won't happen, but as it's not started yet, there is a high chance it will become vapourware. Make a start on your plug. When you've got a good basis of your plug, throw it around for the graphics guys to look at, and you'll probably get some interest. Until then, use Onyx's shipyard (as mispeled said), or stock graphics to fill the void.

Good Luck.

I have to agree with pp0u20e8, you also need to prove that you are capable of actually doing what you say you can do.

Oh blast, I starting to sound responsiple. 😉

Sylvanus, on Jul 13 2005, 01:28 PM, said:

I have to agree with pp0u20e8, you also need to prove that you are capable of actually doing what you say you can do.

Oh blast, I starting to sound responsiple. 😉
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And that's bad how?


I am currently making a total conversion for EVO. It wont be too big (only about 50-70 systems) but adds a new genre to EVO games. I doubt if I can make a TC without a certain degree of help. I will need :
People with graphic skills
People with Res-Edit or/and EV-Edit understanding
Relief mission writers
Beta testers
Encouragment (ie. people to keep me going, give suggestions ect.)
Anyone in this will have a PËRS named after them and the glory of being part of a TC. Thank you.

In fact I meant to write a post exactly like guy named Gavin once made.
Take this as the first post.
And thanks to Gavin from writing this post.

This post has been edited by Zealot : 16 July 2005 - 09:55 AM

This has nothing to do with the previous post, so I have to make a new one. Like pp0u20e8 said, I should start it. So, I'm going to use Onyx's Graphics in the first version (Thanks Onyx!) and i'll use YOUR made in the Release one.
a Deal? hehe 😄