Graphics Questions

I just started

Hey there.
Just last night I downloaded EVNEW and I've been hooked already.
The only real question I have so far is if there is a directory somewhere where I can see all of the spob, ship, outf, etc. graphics next to their number?
Because I want to use some of the in-game graphics for planets and such, but I don't want to fly to every planet, write down the name and what it look like; land and write down the name and what the landscape looks like; and then have to open up the EV Nova data and find what numbers correlate with what graphics.
I've tried this for awhile, but I don't think it'll ever end.
A big long list with all of the graphics and corresponding graphics would be great!

Thanks for any help!

Sure, just open up the Nova data files and check out the spobs. The Type indicates the spin for the sprite it uses while CustPicID is the landscape. The sprites can found in the graphics files and the landscapes can be found in the titles files.

Guy, on Jul 12 2005, 09:32 PM, said:

Sure, just open up the Nova data files and check out the spobs. The Type indicates the spin for the sprite it uses while CustPicID is the landscape. The sprites can found in the graphics files and the landscapes can be found in the titles files.
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I think he was saying that that's what he was allready doing, and it was taking too long, so he asked us for help.

That worked great.

Now, is there such a file for landscapes?
Thanks again for the help.

Landscapes are much bigger and would be harder to manage in a linked file...