request for a Sprite set

for use in a plug in

In this plug-in I'm going to have a launcher that shoots out ninja stars (or shurkins, I"m not picky) and these ninja stars will technically be ships. They will have a weapon that uses the own ship's graphic as a projectile and the weapon will destroy the ship and will basically just kamakazi into another ship.

I need to ninja-star/ shurkin graphic. Could someone please make it for me? I, of course would give you full credit in the plugin readme.

So you could have it spin continually, like a leviathen or an arorian cruseir, that would be nice. Oh and I want it to be about the size of a viper.

so could someone do this for me? I've been working on this plugin for a long time, and I think this would be a great addition to it.

my completed works include the Neon Glow plugin and a balanced galaxy map plugin. This plugin will also complete then first neon glow plugin.

Thank you in advance,
----shady tradesman.

PS: e-mail me at please if you DO decide to do it, or post here so we can disscuss it further. :3

This post has been edited by shady tradesman : 19 June 2005 - 06:44 PM

Sure, I'll make your graphic for ya, but I don't reccomend giving an AI ship a self-destructing weapon, as I'm pretty sure those don't work. You could make it a short range, big enough blast radius weapon, so that the ship would be destroyed. As long as you gave the fighter a short enough death delay, it should look pretty good.

Hamster, on Jun 20 2005, 12:47 PM, said:

Sure, I'll make your graphic for ya, but I don't reccomend giving an AI ship a self-destructing weapon, as I'm pretty sure those don't work.View Post

In the current versions of the game, AI ships use self-destucting weapons without any trouble. Apparently there was a problem with that in Nova version 1.0.0 (and possibly EVC/O), but it was fixed in version 1.0.1b2 of EVN.


shady tradesman, on Jun 19 2005, 04:38 PM, said:

In this plug-in I'm going to have a launcher that shoots out ninja stars (or shurkins, I"m not picky) and these ninja stars will technically be ships. They will have a weapon that uses the own ship's graphic as a projectile and the weapon will destroy the ship and will basically just kamakazi into another ship.

I need to ninja-star/ shurkin graphic. Could someone please make it for me? I, of course would give you full credit in the plugin readme.

So you could have it spin continually, like a leviathen or an arorian cruseir, that would be nice. Oh and I want it to be about the size of a viper.
so could someone do this for me? I've been working on this plugin for a long time, and I think this would be a great addition to it.

my completed works include the Neon Glow plugin and a balanced galaxy map plugin. This plugin will also complete then first neon glow plugin.

Thank you in advance,
----shady tradesman.
PS: e-mail me at please if you DO decide to do it, or post here so we can disscuss it further. :3
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gwa thank you! 😛

how will you get it to me? e-mail? I also have msn messanger.