Importing Ship Into Nova Probems



i have recently created a plug on evnew with a win that has a ship in it. everything else worked fine but when i added the ship and tried to start nova i get an error message and nova quits. Il post the plug here and if anyone could look at it and tell me what i did wrong that would be great.

Thanks, Eragon

P.S. (noone take my plug for their own please)

Whats the error message? Did you point the shan to the right RLEd/Pic resources? Did you put the right frames in? are each frame the right size? Theres a lot of questions that can make an error. So, whats the error message?

I'm betting he's missing some of the resources he needs for the ship. Could be anything from shans tothe actual sprite, but that's the most likely cause.

EDIT: Nevermind, not thinking straight.

This post has been edited by PBoat101 : 15 June 2005 - 01:03 PM

the error message says that basically it has an error findind the sprite resource from th CICN. Il post the plug and u can see for yourself

Attached File(s)

This post has been edited by Eragon : 15 June 2005 - 03:58 PM

Eragon, on Jun 15 2005, 02:26 PM, said:

the error message says that basically it has an error findind the sprite resource from th CICN. Il post the plug and u can see for yourself
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I recently had this problem while trying to add a new ship. I would recommend going through the plug-in and making sure that your ship has all of its graphics. The shän and rlëd/rlë8 resources are necessary and the shän should have the same index number as the ship and should point to the proper rlëd/rlë8. Shipyard and targeting pics are nice, but not necessary for testing purposes, though they are good if you are planning on releasing the plug.

Klepsacovic, on Jun 15 2005, 02:50 PM, said:

I recently had this problem while trying to add a new ship. I would recommend going through the plug-in and making sure that your ship has all of its graphics. The shän and rlëd/rlë8 resources are necessary and the shän should have the same index number as the ship and should point to the proper rlëd/rlë8. Shipyard and targeting pics are nice, but not necessary for testing purposes, though they are good if you are planning on releasing the plug.
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I think that i did all of that. Why dont u download my plug and see if u can find a problem cause i sure as heck cant.

Works fine for me. Check the debug log - create a file called debuglog.txt in your Nova folder and it'll dump data in there when it loads. Or maybe it's a problem with your pilot - try deleting the Last Pilot shortcut.

The plug, with no modifications, loads fine for me as well. The debuglog.txt outputs the following:

loading object data
warning: Yethelip (777) lacks landing description
warning: Yethelip (777) has a bar but no bar description
warning: Xylep Sensor Beam (444) lacks outfit picture
warning: Xylep Sensor Package (445) lacks outfit picture
warning: Xylep Jammer (446) lacks outfit picture
warning: Xylep Cloaking Device (447) lacks outfit picture
warning: Xylep Cloaking Device (447) lacks description
warning: Xylep Plasma Torpedo Launcher (448) lacks outfit picture
warning: Xylep Plasma Torpedo Launcher (448) lacks description
warning: Xylep Plasma Beam (449) lacks outfit picture
warning: Xylep Plasma Beam (449) lacks description
warning: Xylep Disabling Beam Mark II (456) lacks outfit picture
warning: Xylep Disabling Beam Mark II (456) lacks description
warning: Xylep Interceptor (406) lacks purchase description

loading mission data
propagating mission bit effects
showing splash screen
loading sprites
checking memory
loading ship sprites
warning: Xylep Interceptor (406) lacks target picture
warning: Xylep Interceptor (406) lacks shipyard picture

configuring sprites

The bold sections are the warnings. These are non-critical items that, while they shouldn't be causing Nova to crash, should probably be fixed if you plan to release your plug.

As always, when testing a new plug, make sure that you don't use any other plug-ins, as well as any pilots that have outfits/ships/etc. that are modified by your plug-in. This will help to prevent errors.

Thanks. I dont have any other plugs in or any weired characters or anything. Maybe you could just upload the plug and i could try downloading it after it worked on yours. Then maybe it would work for me. Cause im going crazy over here.

Wait just a sec. I tried removin ghte plug from my file and the same error message came up. Maybe somethings wrong with my files! What do I do?!

NM i figured out the problem Though i have one more question il list it in my next post i g2g to school



I got hte ship thing to work so i created another ship. My other ships Pict grids and masks look great but the rled and rle8's look really crappy and so does the ship when it flies around. Il post the plug and maybe someone can help figure it out.

P.S. the file is 2 big i cant attach it maybe someone else has just had a similar problem.

This post has been edited by Eragon : 16 June 2005 - 02:28 PM

Eragon, on Jun 16 2005, 01:28 PM, said:

I got hte ship thing to work so i created another ship. My other ships Pict grids and masks look great but the rled and rle8's look really crappy and so does the ship when it flies around. Il post the plug and maybe someone can help figure it out.
P.S. the file is 2 big i cant attach it maybe someone else has just had a similar problem.
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What, specifically, looks bad about it? Can you give us some kind of an example, please?

GutlessWonder, on Jun 16 2005, 12:17 PM, said:

What, specifically, looks bad about it? Can you give us some kind of an example, please?
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Well the ship seems squashed in the rled and rle8. It also seems to have som holes in it.

Eragon, on Jun 16 2005, 09:03 PM, said:

Well the ship seems squashed in the rled and rle8. It also seems to have som holes in it.
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Maybe you did something wrong when importing it to EVNEW? Try doing it again.