Picture problems

Won't show up in outfiters

I've created three pict resouces for a plug I'm making. They use ID numbers 9524, 9525 and 9526. The pictures are suposed to show up at the outfiters, along with the outfits. The outfits themselfs show up, but the pictures don't. Please help if you can.

Bird of War

Here's the formula for outfit pictures:

Take the ID number of the outfit, subtract 128 and add 6000.

For example, an outfit with an ID of 461 would use a Pict resorce ID of 6333 (461-128=333. 333+6000=6333.

That's the Mac version anyway. I don't have any windows platforms, so I don't know if they're different or not.

It's the same on Windows. As is the similar trick for the various images in the shďp resource.

There's also an upper limit for the ID numbers of all resources, but I can't for the life of me recall what that number is for PICT resources.

In EVNEW it gives the number that should be used for the outfit/ship/whatever at the bottom middle, along with the desc numbers and whatever else the item, can have.

Belthazar, on May 26 2005, 07:41 PM, said:

There's also an upper limit for the ID numbers of all resources, but I can't for the life of me recall what that number is for PICT resources.

32767, I'd imagine.

Yeah, I don't think there's a limit on PICT IDs other than imposed by the Resource Manager file format and types/API, that is, that of a 16-bit signed integer. Nova doesn't care for the number of PICT resources as it's not a Nova-specific resource (contrary to oütf and such), and they are only called when needed.