Ship Creating Help



I have created my first ship for EVN and can get the first of the 36 pictures but can not figure out how to get the other pictures and i also don't know what to do next. If someone could tell me how to post my file on the board i would really like some help with finishing the pictures.


It may be helpful to know what program you used to create the first image. Areyou creating a 3d image using a modeler? Or 2d and a graphics editor?

At any rate, a single image should be easy to attach to a post.Down by the button that says "add reply" when you post, there are buttons that say "browse" and "add attachment". Click the browse button, find the graphic, open it, and add attachment. There are a few formats that you can't attach here though, so if you're having trouble, that could be the reason.

I used Blender 3D to create my image and i will now try to attach it in a .zip folder.


This post has been edited by Eragon : 29 May 2005 - 11:03 AM

Use p2s/m2s and EnRLE, available from WootWare- incidentally also where you will get your NovaTools.

First of all i can't seem to attach my file because it is too big so someone please help with that. And also i have no idea what you are talking about rmx256 please try to explain it to me.


Eragon, on May 29 2005, 10:30 AM, said:

First of all i can't seem to attach my file because it is too big so someone please help with that. And also i have no idea what you are talking about rmx256 please try to explain it to me.

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He is talking about tools for use on the Mac (I believe)...from your other posts you seem to be developing plugs on Windows, in which case those programs won't really help you at all.

Also, what do you mean by "other pictures"? Are you trying to make an animated ship, or one that banks when turning? Engine glows? etc.?

As for what to do next, I would suggest reading this topic:

All the Important Links You'll Ever Need, But Were Afraid to Ask For

And especially this one:

(Tutorial) Extremely Basic Sprites

While the second one deals with simplified ship images, it still provides the basic framework for everything you need to do. Larger and more complex graphics are simply the next step. Other resources you should check include the Nova Bible, which will tell you about the ship resource.

From a basic checklist point of view, you'll need:

*rleD's for the ship, including the extra frames if that's what you're going for, don't forget to import masks as well, using the appropriate radio button when importing.

*rleD's for anything else, such as engine glows.

*a shan for your ship, that references your rleD's

*a ship, so you can set your ship's characteristics (this will also tell you what id the shan needs to be).

**the related picts and descs (whose id's EVNEW will tell you if you're using it, simply make picts and descs with those id #'s and fill in as appropriate). Note, these aren't necessary for Nova to run properly, but without them it severely detracts from your plug as far as playability is concerned.

Edited for readability issues.

This post has been edited by GutlessWonder : 29 May 2005 - 03:13 PM


By the way i have made my ship with Blender 3D, i am talking about the 36 10degree pictures, i dont want it to bank, and i have no idea how to make an engine glow so unless you can explain how i wont make one. Also sorry but i dont really understand what the people in your links are saying so if you could simplify it that would be great
