New TC Project

Animal Farm.

Calvin & Hobbes! Not what I was thinking of, but still....... Try Shakespear's many horrible books, which reminds me- try the Series of Unfortunate Events.

Thanks for all the ideas. I've compiled a list of all the books I'm going to use so far. Just to let everyone know what to expect, the systems, characters, and storylines I put into the TC will not be the exact same as the books they are based off of. I will try to retain the personality of all the books I use and keep the basic storyline and character traits the same, but I will also be adding my own little modifications and twists in order to make the books more congruent with the EV Nova universe (for an example, download the Quixote plug, which I will be expanding upon in this TC). As before, any comments, suggestions, insults, book ideas, and offers for help are greatly appreciated. Without further ado, here's the list:

1. Don Quixote (take my current plug and add more)
2. Catch-22
3. Ringworld
4. Silverlock
5. Lord of the Rings
6. 1984
7. Animal Farm
8. Icarus Hunt
9. The Shannara series (maybe just part of it)
10. Moby Dick
11. Chronicles of Narnia
12. Tom Clancy books (a random one or some)
13. Julius Caesar
14. Dune (probably only 1,2, and 3)
15. Ender’s Game
16. Les Miserables
17. Count of Monte Cristo
18. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
19. Where’s Waldo?
20. Robinson Crusoe
21. Treasure Island
22. Pendragon
23. The Wheel of Time (part of the series)
24. Harry Potter
25. Artemis Fowl (possibly not)
26. Inkheart
27. Watership down
28. Descent: The Heroic Discovery of the Abyss
29. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
30. Clockwork Orange
31. Dragonriders of Pern (some of the series)
32. Brian Jacques’ books
33. Zorro
34. The 3 Musketeers
35. Oliver Twist
36. Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrel: A Novel
37. Harry Turtledove’s alternate histories (one or some)
38. the Myst series
39. the HAB Theory
40. When Worlds Collide
41. The City and the Stars
42. Melanie Rawn’s series (the Sunrunner series, Dragon Prince series)
43. The Mists of Avalon
44. Mercedes Lackey’s books (random one or some, I’m thinking the Dragon Jouster Series)
45. Pandora’s Star
46. The Ear, the Eye, and the Arm
47. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass
48. The Hedge Knight
49. Philip Pullman’s books (the golden compass, subtle knife, amber spyglass)
50. The Honor Harrington series (probably only some of it)
51. A Series of Unfortunate Events

No Bible? oh well.

Oh, and I can do graphics. If you havent found someone yet, this idea might be neat.

52. bible- the revelations chapter.

this one is going to be work. I was thinking of making it so that with each "act" or "miracle" (i.e. the waters turning to blood and the darkness, etc.) I would destroy the spob and do a new one in it's place, or something along those lines.

Nebuchadnezzar, I would be eternally grateful if you did graphics.

hehe... i just had a coolish idea. Depending on how you implement stuff, there should either be 7 spobs in the system (since 7 is way totally used in revelations) or maybe even 7 systems... some of those visions have some really neat stuff. Like the vial the angel pours into the sun, or the... well, byteme's quote (that i actually handed to her) in the bible quotes thread in bnb. I can find tons of cool stuff to put.

As for an idea for the name, I have one (albeit (SP?) a tad corny) here goes: Off the Shelf, and into Space. 🙂

Thanks for hearing me out,
Bird of War

Here's some more. I will start getting to work now. If anyone has any more books to add to the list, just post them. Also, any ideas for what should go into the systems based on the books are appreciated. If you want to join in the making of this TC, just PM me.

53. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
54. Puss n' Boots
55. The Jungle Book
56. Beowulf
57. A Christmas Carol
58. Cleopatra
59. The Wizard of Oz
60. Macbeth
61. The Odyssey
62. The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
63. Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde
64. The Lost World
65. Sherlock Holmes
66. Pinocchio
67. The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood
68. Romeo and Juliet
69. The Scarlet Letter
70. The Sky Pilot
71. The Tom Swift series (Maybe parts of it)

Bird of War said:

As for an idea for the name, I have one (albeit (SP?) a tad corny) here goes: Off the Shelf, and into Space.

Thanks Bird of War, I'll keep that one in mind. Anyone else have suggestions for the name of this new TC?


From the latin biblio- book, and spect- to look at, behold.

So now I have a choice between "Off the shelves and into space"(a little long), "Bibliospect" (a little latin), and "Nova: A Novel" (just thought of).
So, everyone on the team (purple1, Nebuchadnezzar, and me) get to vote. Everyone else does too. Also, other TC Project name suggestions are appreciated.

"The Gutenberg Project" is the name of a long-standing drive to put classic books online, but also makes a cool name for something SF-y like this.... If you don't want to use the name as-is, you could go with "Gutenberg EV," "The Gutenberg Endeavor," or somesuch.

You could be esoteric about it.... "EV: M1436," for instance. M is for the town of Mainz; 1436 is one estimate of the year the printing press was invented there. If you link missions together into multi-source strings, the code could be mentioned at the beginning as the name of some mysterious thing/phenomenon in need of explanation; the meaning of the code would then be revealed at the end of the adventure.

OK, I just found a ready-made name: Gutenberg Galaxy. Check the link. It's spot-on. 🙂

Dr. Trowel Posted Yesterday, on 08:32 PM, said:

OK, I just found a ready-made name: Gutenberg Galaxy. Check the link. It's spot-on.

I salute you for your hard work and effort. So now it's "Off the shelves and into space", "Bibliospect", "Nova: A Novel", and "Nova: The Gutenberg Galaxy" (or something similar). I vote fo Nova: TGG myself. I'm making a site for the TC as of now. Will post link.

TGG works for me. And sorry that I haven't gotten back to you about testing. I've been kicked off of my computer for a couple of weeks, but I will be free in the middle of June. I really liked what I saw of the custom Don Quixote plug.

I made a site regarding Nova: The Gutenberg Galaxy. It's here. Feel free to sign up. All the new info regarding this TC project will be posted there instead of here now.

This post has been edited by Don_Quixote : 24 May 2005 - 06:19 PM