Is this working?

This plug is disigned to be an area cloak. That is, it's suposed to cloak you and whatever escorts you may have. I tested it, and when I cloak, my escorts look like they are continously cloaking then uncloaking. Is that what they're doing or is that the computers way of telling me they're cloaked? If it's not working, can someone please tell me why?

Thanks in advance,
Bird of War

Attached File(s)

I've noticed this happening sometimes for other things. I think maybe you should set the ships to be cloakable, or cloaked, or something. Tell us a little more about the plug itself and what is in it.

@Bird of War:
That is a normal bug in the Area Cloak outfit. I do not know if your escorts are cloaked or not- I suspect that they really are constantly cloaking and un-cloaking.

Please carefully read the message you are replying to before you make a fool of yourself. Bird of War attached his plug to his post.


I created an area cloak plug some time ago, and yes, mine operates under the same principles.

Two things I've noticed:

  1. Although the escorts seem to pulsate, the other ships in-system tend to act as if they are cloaked, so I believe the "bug" is appearance only.

  2. The area cloak only works on escorts when they are in formation.

Ok, that's good to know. But I have one other question: When I tried to do this in Mission Computer, the value I was to use was 1000, wich of course didn't work. Why would they say to use 1000?

Ok, that's good to know. But I have one other question: When I tried to do this in Mission Computer, the value I was to use was 1000, wich of course didn't work. Why would they say to use 1000?

If 'they' is the bible, maybe 'they' were reffering to flags, in which case I think its 0x01000, which is a different than 1000. should be... uh... whatever 161616 is.

If this means nothing, and i believe it will, explain better what you meant. For which field and whered the idea come from?

I don't have an answer for you on that, Bird. I use Resedit to do my plug-ins. I've downloaded Mission Computer, but have never used it.

Yah, I just opened the plug in rezedit and found the correct value.

Bird of War